
  今天遇到问题就是Plugin.properties放在plugin.xml的相同目录下, Eclipse里面看国际化也是非常正确, 但是运行以后就是只显示"%XXXX"这样的字符串, 如同没有国际化一样. 一直没有搞明白原因, 到网上查了一下, 终于找到答案.


Localization in RCP plugins is usually done by including translations in a property file and using their id in plugin.xml.

I spend some time lately trying to understand why some translations were not used in my application althoughthey were correctly displayed in PDE.

Answer : when using plugin.properties, you MUST include the following line in the plugin manifest :

Bundle-Localization: plugin

Otherwise, PDE will show the translated text, but your app won’t.

Strangely, I had to edit the manifest manually because I couldn’t find a way to enable plugin localization in PDE. Some other plugins of my application already had this line, but I don’t remember adding it. Maybe Eclipse templates have changed since I created my first plugins (using Eclipse 3.1).

试了一下, 如果好了, 这难道是一个bug? 看上面的网页上有个BUG ID, 不过我没有进去仔细看.
