Android Intent.action大全



Broadcast Action: The user has switched the phone into or out of Airplane Mode.

String ACTION_ALL_APPS Activity Action: List all available applications

Input: Nothing.

String ACTION_ANSWER Activity Action: Handle an incoming phone call.
String ACTION_APP_ERROR Activity Action: The user pressed the "Report" button in the crash/ANR dialog.
String ACTION_ATTACH_DATA Used to indicate that some piece of data should be attached to some other place.
String ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED Broadcast Action: This is a sticky broadcast containing the charging state, level, and other information about the battery.
String ACTION_BATTERY_LOW Broadcast Action: Indicates low battery condition on the device.
String ACTION_BATTERY_OKAY Broadcast Action: Indicates the battery is now okay after being low.
String ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED Broadcast Action: This is broadcast once, after the system has finished booting.
String ACTION_BUG_REPORT Activity Action: Show activity for reporting a bug.
String ACTION_CALL Activity Action: Perform a call to someone specified by the data.
String ACTION_CALL_BUTTON Activity Action: The user pressed the "call" button to go to the dialer or other appropriate UI for placing a call.
String ACTION_CAMERA_BUTTON Broadcast Action: The "Camera Button" was pressed.
String ACTION_CHOOSER Activity Action: Display an activity chooser, allowing the user to pick what they want to before proceeding.
String ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS Broadcast Action: This is broadcast when a user action should request a temporary system dialog to dismiss.
String ACTION_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED Broadcast Action: The current device Configuration (orientation, locale, etc) has changed.
String ACTION_CREATE_SHORTCUT Activity Action: Creates a shortcut.
String ACTION_DATE_CHANGED Broadcast Action: The date has changed.
String ACTION_DEFAULT A synonym for ACTION_VIEW, the "standard" action that is performed on a piece of data.
String ACTION_DELETE Activity Action: Delete the given data from its container.
String ACTION_DEVICE_STORAGE_LOW Broadcast Action: A sticky broadcast that indicates low memory condition on the device

This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.

String ACTION_DEVICE_STORAGE_OK Broadcast Action: Indicates low memory condition on the device no longer exists

This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.

String ACTION_DIAL Activity Action: Dial a number as specified by the data.
String ACTION_DOCK_EVENT Broadcast Action: A sticky broadcast for changes in the physical docking state of the device.
String ACTION_EDIT Activity Action: Provide explicit editable access to the given data.
String ACTION_EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_AVAILABLE Broadcast Action: Resources for a set of packages (which were previously unavailable) are currently available since the media on which they exist is available.
String ACTION_EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_UNAVAILABLE Broadcast Action: Resources for a set of packages are currently unavailable since the media on which they exist is unavailable.
String ACTION_FACTORY_TEST Activity Action: Main entry point for factory tests.
String ACTION_GET_CONTENT Activity Action: Allow the user to select a particular kind of data and return it.
String ACTION_GTALK_SERVICE_CONNECTED Broadcast Action: An GTalk connection has been established.
String ACTION_GTALK_SERVICE_DISCONNECTED Broadcast Action: An GTalk connection has been disconnected.
String ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG Broadcast Action: Wired Headset plugged in or unplugged.
String ACTION_INPUT_METHOD_CHANGED Broadcast Action: An input method has been changed.
String ACTION_INSERT Activity Action: Insert an empty item into the given container.
String ACTION_INSERT_OR_EDIT Activity Action: Pick an existing item, or insert a new item, and then edit it.
String ACTION_INSTALL_PACKAGE Activity Action: Launch application installer.
String ACTION_LOCALE_CHANGED Broadcast Action: The current device's locale has changed.
String ACTION_MAIN Activity Action: Start as a main entry point, does not expect to receive data.
String ACTION_MANAGE_NETWORK_USAGE Activity Action: Show settings for managing network data usage of a specific application.
String ACTION_MANAGE_PACKAGE_STORAGE Broadcast Action: Indicates low memory condition notification acknowledged by user and package management should be started.
String ACTION_MEDIA_BAD_REMOVAL Broadcast Action: External media was removed from SD card slot, but mount point was not unmounted.
String ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON Broadcast Action: The "Media Button" was pressed.
String ACTION_MEDIA_CHECKING Broadcast Action: External media is present, and being disk-checked The path to the mount point for the checking media is contained in the Intent.mData field.
String ACTION_MEDIA_EJECT Broadcast Action: User has expressed the desire to remove the external storage media.
String ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED Broadcast Action: External media is present and mounted at its mount point.
String ACTION_MEDIA_NOFS Broadcast Action: External media is present, but is using an incompatible fs (or is blank) The path to the mount point for the checking media is contained in the Intent.mData field.
String ACTION_MEDIA_REMOVED Broadcast Action: External media has been removed.
String ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_FINISHED Broadcast Action: The media scanner has finished scanning a directory.
String ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE Broadcast Action: Request the media scanner to scan a file and add it to the media database.
String ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_STARTED Broadcast Action: The media scanner has started scanning a directory.
String ACTION_MEDIA_SHARED Broadcast Action: External media is unmounted because it is being shared via USB mass storage.
String ACTION_MEDIA_UNMOUNTABLE Broadcast Action: External media is present but cannot be mounted.
String ACTION_MEDIA_UNMOUNTED Broadcast Action: External media is present, but not mounted at its mount point.
String ACTION_MY_PACKAGE_REPLACED Broadcast Action: A new version of your application has been installed over an existing one.
String ACTION_NEW_OUTGOING_CALL Broadcast Action: An outgoing call is about to be placed.
String ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED Broadcast Action: A new application package has been installed on the device.
String ACTION_PACKAGE_CHANGED Broadcast Action: An existing application package has been changed (e.g.
String ACTION_PACKAGE_DATA_CLEARED Broadcast Action: The user has cleared the data of a package.
String ACTION_PACKAGE_FIRST_LAUNCH Broadcast Action: Sent to the installer package of an application when that application is first launched (that is the first time it is moved out of the stopped state).
String ACTION_PACKAGE_FULLY_REMOVED Broadcast Action: An existing application package has been completely removed from the device.
String ACTION_PACKAGE_INSTALL This constant is deprecated. This constant has never been used.
String ACTION_PACKAGE_NEEDS_VERIFICATION Broadcast Action: Sent to the system package verifier when a package needs to be verified.
String ACTION_PACKAGE_REMOVED Broadcast Action: An existing application package has been removed from the device.
String ACTION_PACKAGE_REPLACED Broadcast Action: A new version of an application package has been installed, replacing an existing version that was previously installed.
String ACTION_PACKAGE_RESTARTED Broadcast Action: The user has restarted a package, and all of its processes have been killed.
String ACTION_PASTE Activity Action: Create a new item in the given container, initializing it from the current contents of the clipboard.
String ACTION_PICK Activity Action: Pick an item from the data, returning what was selected.
String ACTION_PICK_ACTIVITY Activity Action: Pick an activity given an intent, returning the class selected.
String ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED Broadcast Action: External power has been connected to the device.
String ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED Broadcast Action: External power has been removed from the device.
String ACTION_POWER_USAGE_SUMMARY Activity Action: Show power usage information to the user.
String ACTION_PROVIDER_CHANGED Broadcast Action: Some content providers have parts of their namespace where they publish new events or items that the user may be especially interested in.
String ACTION_REBOOT Broadcast Action: Have the device reboot.
String ACTION_RUN Activity Action: Run the data, whatever that means.
String ACTION_SCREEN_OFF Broadcast Action: Sent after the screen turns off.
String ACTION_SCREEN_ON Broadcast Action: Sent after the screen turns on.
String ACTION_SEARCH Activity Action: Perform a search.
String ACTION_SEARCH_LONG_PRESS Activity Action: Start action associated with long pressing on the search key.
String ACTION_SEND Activity Action: Deliver some data to someone else.
String ACTION_SENDTO Activity Action: Send a message to someone specified by the data.
String ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE Activity Action: Deliver multiple data to someone else.
String ACTION_SET_WALLPAPER Activity Action: Show settings for choosing wallpaper

Input: Nothing.

String ACTION_SHUTDOWN Broadcast Action: Device is shutting down.
String ACTION_SYNC Activity Action: Perform a data synchronization.
String ACTION_SYSTEM_TUTORIAL Activity Action: Start the platform-defined tutorial

Input: getStringExtra(SearchManager.QUERY) is the text to search for.

String ACTION_TIMEZONE_CHANGED Broadcast Action: The timezone has changed.
String ACTION_TIME_CHANGED Broadcast Action: The time was set.
String ACTION_TIME_TICK Broadcast Action: The current time has changed.
String ACTION_UID_REMOVED Broadcast Action: A user ID has been removed from the system.
String ACTION_UMS_CONNECTED This constant is deprecated. replaced by
String ACTION_UMS_DISCONNECTED This constant is deprecated. replaced by
String ACTION_UNINSTALL_PACKAGE Activity Action: Launch application uninstaller.
String ACTION_USER_PRESENT Broadcast Action: Sent when the user is present after device wakes up (e.g when the keyguard is gone).
String ACTION_VIEW Activity Action: Display the data to the user.
String ACTION_VOICE_COMMAND Activity Action: Start Voice Command.
String ACTION_WALLPAPER_CHANGED Broadcast Action: The current system wallpaper has changed.
String ACTION_WEB_SEARCH Activity Action: Perform a web search.
String CATEGORY_ALTERNATIVE Set if the activity should be considered as an alternative action to the data the user is currently viewing.
String CATEGORY_APP_BROWSER Used with ACTION_MAIN to launch the browser application.
String CATEGORY_APP_CALCULATOR Used with ACTION_MAIN to launch the calculator application.
String CATEGORY_APP_CALENDAR Used with ACTION_MAIN to launch the calendar application.
String CATEGORY_APP_CONTACTS Used with ACTION_MAIN to launch the contacts application.
String CATEGORY_APP_EMAIL Used with ACTION_MAIN to launch the email application.
String CATEGORY_APP_GALLERY Used with ACTION_MAIN to launch the gallery application.
String CATEGORY_APP_MAPS Used with ACTION_MAIN to launch the maps application.
String CATEGORY_APP_MARKET This activity allows the user to browse and download new applications.
String CATEGORY_APP_MESSAGING Used with ACTION_MAIN to launch the messaging application.
String CATEGORY_APP_MUSIC Used with ACTION_MAIN to launch the music application.
String CATEGORY_BROWSABLE Activities that can be safely invoked from a browser must support this category.
String CATEGORY_CAR_DOCK An activity to run when device is inserted into a car dock.
String CATEGORY_CAR_MODE Used to indicate that the activity can be used in a car environment.
String CATEGORY_DEFAULT Set if the activity should be an option for the default action (center press) to perform on a piece of data.
String CATEGORY_DESK_DOCK An activity to run when device is inserted into a car dock.
String CATEGORY_DEVELOPMENT_PREFERENCE This activity is a development preference panel.
String CATEGORY_EMBED Capable of running inside a parent activity container.
String CATEGORY_FRAMEWORK_INSTRUMENTATION_TEST To be used as code under test for framework instrumentation tests.
String CATEGORY_HE_DESK_DOCK An activity to run when device is inserted into a digital (high end) dock.
String CATEGORY_HOME This is the home activity, that is the first activity that is displayed when the device boots.
String CATEGORY_INFO Provides information about the package it is in; typically used if a package does not contain a CATEGORY_LAUNCHER to provide a front-door to the user without having to be shown in the all apps list.
String CATEGORY_LAUNCHER Should be displayed in the top-level launcher.
String CATEGORY_LE_DESK_DOCK An activity to run when device is inserted into a analog (low end) dock.
String CATEGORY_MONKEY This activity may be exercised by the monkey or other automated test tools.
String CATEGORY_OPENABLE Used to indicate that a GET_CONTENT intent only wants URIs that can be opened with ContentResolver.openInputStream.
String CATEGORY_PREFERENCE This activity is a preference panel.
String CATEGORY_SAMPLE_CODE To be used as an sample code example (not part of the normal user experience).
String CATEGORY_SELECTED_ALTERNATIVE Set if the activity should be considered as an alternative selection action to the data the user has currently selected.
String CATEGORY_TAB Intended to be used as a tab inside of an containing TabActivity.
String CATEGORY_TEST To be used as a test (not part of the normal user experience).
String CATEGORY_UNIT_TEST To be used as a unit test (run through the Test Harness).
String EXTRA_ALARM_COUNT Used as an int extra field in AlarmManager intents to tell the application being invoked how many pending alarms are being delievered with the intent.
String EXTRA_ALLOW_REPLACE Used as a boolean extra field with ACTION_INSTALL_PACKAGE to install a package.
String EXTRA_BCC A String[] holding e-mail addresses that should be blind carbon copied.
String EXTRA_BUG_REPORT Used as a parcelable extra field in ACTION_APP_ERROR, containing the bug report.
String EXTRA_CC A String[] holding e-mail addresses that should be carbon copied.
String EXTRA_CHANGED_COMPONENT_NAME This constant is deprecated. See EXTRA_CHANGED_COMPONENT_NAME_LIST; this field will contain only the first name in the list.
String EXTRA_CHANGED_COMPONENT_NAME_LIST This field is part of ACTION_PACKAGE_CHANGED, and contains a string array of all of the components that have changed.
String EXTRA_CHANGED_PACKAGE_LIST This field is part of ACTION_EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_AVAILABLEACTION_EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_UNAVAILABLE and contains a string array of all of the components that have changed.
String EXTRA_CHANGED_UID_LIST This field is part of ACTION_EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_AVAILABLEACTION_EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_UNAVAILABLE and contains an integer array of uids of all of the components that have changed.
String EXTRA_DATA_REMOVED Used as a boolean extra field in ACTION_PACKAGE_REMOVED intents to indicate whether this represents a full uninstall (removing both the code and its data) or a partial uninstall (leaving its data, implying that this is an update).
String EXTRA_DOCK_STATE Used as an int extra field in ACTION_DOCK_EVENT intents to request the dock state.
int EXTRA_DOCK_STATE_CAR Used as an int value for EXTRA_DOCK_STATE to represent that the phone is in a car dock.
int EXTRA_DOCK_STATE_DESK Used as an int value for EXTRA_DOCK_STATE to represent that the phone is in a desk dock.
int EXTRA_DOCK_STATE_HE_DESK Used as an int value for EXTRA_DOCK_STATE to represent that the phone is in a digital (high end) dock.
int EXTRA_DOCK_STATE_LE_DESK Used as an int value for EXTRA_DOCK_STATE to represent that the phone is in a analog (low end) dock.
int EXTRA_DOCK_STATE_UNDOCKED Used as an int value for EXTRA_DOCK_STATE to represent that the phone is not in any dock.
String EXTRA_DONT_KILL_APP Used as an boolean extra field in ACTION_PACKAGE_REMOVED or ACTION_PACKAGE_CHANGED intents to override the default action of restarting the application.
String EXTRA_EMAIL A String[] holding e-mail addresses that should be delivered to.
String EXTRA_INITIAL_INTENTS A Parcelable[] of Intent or LabeledIntent objects as set with putExtra(String, Parcelable[]) of additional activities to place a the front of the list of choices, when shown to the user with a ACTION_CHOOSER.
String EXTRA_INSTALLER_PACKAGE_NAME Used as a string extra field with ACTION_INSTALL_PACKAGE to install a package.
String EXTRA_INTENT An Intent describing the choices you would like shown with ACTION_PICK_ACTIVITY.
String EXTRA_KEY_EVENT KeyEvent object containing the event that triggered the creation of the Intent it is in.
String EXTRA_LOCAL_ONLY Used to indicate that a ACTION_GET_CONTENT intent should only return data that is on the local device.
String EXTRA_NOT_UNKNOWN_SOURCE Used as a boolean extra field with ACTION_INSTALL_PACKAGE to install a package.
String EXTRA_PHONE_NUMBER A String holding the phone number originally entered in ACTION_NEW_OUTGOING_CALL, or the actual number to call in a ACTION_CALL.
String EXTRA_REMOTE_INTENT_TOKEN Used in the extra field in the remote intent.
String EXTRA_REPLACING Used as a boolean extra field in ACTION_PACKAGE_REMOVED intents to indicate that this is a replacement of the package, so this broadcast will immediately be followed by an add broadcast for a different version of the same package.
String EXTRA_SHORTCUT_ICON The name of the extra used to define the icon, as a Bitmap, of a shortcut.
String EXTRA_SHORTCUT_ICON_RESOURCE The name of the extra used to define the icon, as a ShortcutIconResource, of a shortcut.
String EXTRA_SHORTCUT_INTENT The name of the extra used to define the Intent of a shortcut.
String EXTRA_SHORTCUT_NAME The name of the extra used to define the name of a shortcut.
String EXTRA_STREAM A content: URI holding a stream of data associated with the Intent, used with ACTION_SEND to supply the data being sent.
String EXTRA_SUBJECT A constant string holding the desired subject line of a message.
String EXTRA_TEMPLATE The initial data to place in a newly created record.
String EXTRA_TEXT A constant CharSequence that is associated with the Intent, used with ACTION_SEND to supply the literal data to be sent.
String EXTRA_TITLE A CharSequence dialog title to provide to the user when used with a ACTION_CHOOSER.
String EXTRA_UID Used as an int extra field in ACTION_UID_REMOVED intents to supply the uid the package had been assigned.
int FILL_IN_ACTION Use with fillIn(Intent, int) to allow the current action value to be overwritten, even if it is already set.
int FILL_IN_CATEGORIES Use with fillIn(Intent, int) to allow the current categories to be overwritten, even if they are already set.
int FILL_IN_COMPONENT Use with fillIn(Intent, int) to allow the current component value to be overwritten, even if it is already set.
int FILL_IN_DATA Use with fillIn(Intent, int) to allow the current data or type value overwritten, even if it is already set.
int FILL_IN_PACKAGE Use with fillIn(Intent, int) to allow the current package value to be overwritten, even if it is already set.
int FILL_IN_SELECTOR Use with fillIn(Intent, int) to allow the current selector to be overwritten, even if it is already set.
int FILL_IN_SOURCE_BOUNDS Use with fillIn(Intent, int) to allow the current bounds rectangle to be overwritten, even if it is already set.
int FLAG_ACTIVITY_BROUGHT_TO_FRONT This flag is not normally set by application code, but set for you by the system as described in the launchMode documentation for the singleTask mode.
int FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK If set in an Intent passed to Context.startActivity(), this flag will cause any existing task that would be associated with the activity to be cleared before the activity is started.
int FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP If set, and the activity being launched is already running in the current task, then instead of launching a new instance of that activity, all of the other activities on top of it will be closed and this Intent will be delivered to the (now on top) old activity as a new Intent.
int FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET If set, this marks a point in the task's activity stack that should be cleared when the task is reset.
int FLAG_ACTIVITY_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS If set, the new activity is not kept in the list of recently launched activities.
int FLAG_ACTIVITY_FORWARD_RESULT If set and this intent is being used to launch a new activity from an existing one, then the reply target of the existing activity will be transfered to the new activity.
int FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCHED_FROM_HISTORY This flag is not normally set by application code, but set for you by the system if this activity is being launched from history (longpress home key).
int FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK Do not use this flag unless you are implementing your own top-level application launcher.
int FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK If set, this activity will become the start of a new task on this history stack.
int FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION If set in an Intent passed to Context.startActivity(), this flag will prevent the system from applying an activity transition animation to go to the next activity state.
int FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY If set, the new activity is not kept in the history stack.
int FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_USER_ACTION If set, this flag will prevent the normal onUserLeaveHint() callback from occurring on the current frontmost activity before it is paused as the newly-started activity is brought to the front.
int FLAG_ACTIVITY_PREVIOUS_IS_TOP If set and this intent is being used to launch a new activity from an existing one, the current activity will not be counted as the top activity for deciding whether the new intent should be delivered to the top instead of starting a new one.
int FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT If set in an Intent passed to Context.startActivity(), this flag will cause the launched activity to be brought to the front of its task's history stack if it is already running.
int FLAG_ACTIVITY_RESET_TASK_IF_NEEDED If set, and this activity is either being started in a new task or bringing to the top an existing task, then it will be launched as the front door of the task.
int FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP If set, the activity will not be launched if it is already running at the top of the history stack.
int FLAG_ACTIVITY_TASK_ON_HOME If set in an Intent passed to Context.startActivity(), this flag will cause a newly launching task to be placed on top of the current home activity task (if there is one).
int FLAG_DEBUG_LOG_RESOLUTION A flag you can enable for debugging: when set, log messages will be printed during the resolution of this intent to show you what has been found to create the final resolved list.
int FLAG_EXCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES If set, this intent will not match any components in packages that are currently stopped.
int FLAG_FROM_BACKGROUND Can be set by the caller to indicate that this Intent is coming from a background operation, not from direct user interaction.
int FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION If set, the recipient of this Intent will be granted permission to perform read operations on the Uri in the Intent's data.
int FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION If set, the recipient of this Intent will be granted permission to perform write operations on the Uri in the Intent's data.
int FLAG_INCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES If set, this intent will always match any components in packages that are currently stopped.
int FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY If set, when sending a broadcast only registered receivers will be called -- no BroadcastReceiver components will be launched.
int FLAG_RECEIVER_REPLACE_PENDING If set, when sending a broadcast the new broadcast will replace any existing pending broadcast that matches it.
String METADATA_DOCK_HOME Boolean that can be supplied as meta-data with a dock activity, to indicate that the dock should take over the home key when it is active.
int URI_INTENT_SCHEME Flag for use with toUri(int) and parseUri(String, int): the URI string always has the "intent:" scheme.

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