
说明:本帖修整自阿童木网友在华枫论坛上发表的“我收集的面试常见问题(包括参考答案), 供大家参考。”(华枫论坛: [url]http://www.chinasmile.net/forums[/url])
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What are the reasons for your success in this profession?
 (Wants to know what makes tick.)
“I attribute my success to three reasons: First, I’ve always received support from coworkers, which encourages me to be cooperative and look at my specific job in terms of what we as a department are trying to achieve. That gives me great pride in my work and its contribution to the department’s efforts, which is the second factor. Finally, I find that every job has its problems, and while there’s always a costly solution, there’s usually an economical one as well, whether it’s in terms of time or money.” [Then give example from your experience that illustrates those points.]
What is your energy level like?
(Describe a typical day. Demonstrate good use of your time.)
“At the end of the day when I’m ready to go home, I make a rule always to type one more letter [make one more call, etc.] and clear my desk for the next day.”
Why do you want to work here?
(Researched the company and built a dossier. Reply with the company’s attributes as you see them. Talk about their needs. You wish to be a part of the company project and can make a definite contribution to company goals.)
“I’m not looking for just another paycheck. I enjoy my work and am proud of my profession. Your company produces a superior product/provides a superior service. I share the values that make this possible, which should enable me to fit in and complement the team.”
What kind of experience do you have for this job?
(looking for someone who can contribute quickly to the current project and problem solver.)
“My high-speed machining background and familiarity with your equipment will allow me to contribute quickly. I understand deadlines, delivery schedules, and the importance of getting the product shipped. Finally, my awareness of economy and profit has always kept reject to a bare minimum.”
What are the broad responsibilities system analysts?
(Describe how your job relates to the overall goals of your department and company)
“While the responsibilities of my job title vary somewhat from company to company, at my current/last job, my responsibilities include…”
“The quality of my work directly affects the ability of others to do their work properly. As a team member, one has to be aware of the other players.”
What aspects of your job do you consider most crucial?
Determine time management, prioritization skills, and any inclination for task avoidance.
Are you willing to go where the company sends you?
Ask, “Are you talking about business travel, or is the company relocating?” “Yes”
What did you like/dislike about your last job?
(You liked everything about your last job. Your company taught you the importance of certain keys from the business, achievement, or professional profile. Keep answer short and positive. Only one negative about past employers.)
“I really liked everything about the job. The reason I want to leave it’s to find a position where I can make a greater contribution. You see, I work for a large company that encourages specialization of skills. The smaller environment you have here will, as I said, allow me to contribute far more in different areas”. If interview with a large company, “I work for a small company and don’t get the time to specialize in one or two major areas.”
What is the least relevant job you have held?
(If your least relevant job is not on your resume, it shouldn’t be mentioned.)
“Every job I’ve held has given me new insights into my profession, and the higher one climbs, the more important the understanding of the lower-level, more menial jobs. They all play a role in making the company profitable. And anyway, it’s certainly easier to schedule and plan work when you have first-hand knowledge of what others will have to do to complete their tasks.”
What have you learned from jobs you have held?
(Tie your answer to your business and professional profile.)
“More than anything, I have learned that what is good for the company is good for me. So I listen very carefully to directions and always keep my boss informed of my actions.”
How do you feel about your progress to date?
(You see each day as an opportunity to learn and contribute.)
“Given the parameters of my job, my progress has been excellent. I know the work, and I am just reaching that point in my career when I can make significant contributions.”
Have you done the best work you are capable of doing?
“I’m proud of my professional achievements to date, especially [give an example]. But I believe the best is yet to come. I am always motivated to give my best efforts, and in this job there are always opportunities to contribute when you stay alert.”
How long would you stay with the company?
Might be offering a job. Must encourage him to sell you on the job.
“I would really like to settle down with this company. I take direction well and love to learn. As long as I am growing professionally, there is no reason for me to make a move. How long do you think I would be challenged here?”
How long would it take you to make a contribution to our company?
Answer this with a question.
“What are your greatest areas of need right now?” “Let’s say I started on Monday the seventeenth. It will take me a few weeks to settle down and learn the ropes. I’ll be earning my keep very quickly, but making a real contribution…Do you have a special project in mind you will want me to get involved with?”
What would you like to be doing five years from now?
Desire to be regarded as a true professional and team player.
“From my research and what you have told me about the growth here, it seems that operations is where the heavy emphasis is going to be. It seems that’s where you need the effort and where I could contribute toward the company’s goals. ”
What are your qualifications?
Relevant skills and achievements.
“I can give you a general answer, but I feel my answer might be more valuable if you could tell me about specific work assignments in the early months.”
What are your biggest accomplishments?
Keep answer job related.
“Although I feel my biggest achievements are still ahead of me, I am proud of my involvement with…I made my contribution as part of that team and learned a lot in the process. We did it with hard work, concentration, and an eye for the bottom line.”
How do you organize and plan for major project?
Effective planning requires both forward thing (“Who and what am I going to need to get this job done?”) and backward thinking(“If this job must be completed by the 20th, what step must be made, and at what time, to achieve it?”)
How many hours a week do you find it necessary to work to get your job done?
No absolutely correct answer here.
“I try to plan my time effectively and usually can. Our business always has its rushes, though, so I put in whatever effort it takes to get the job finished.”
Tell me how you moved up through the organization.
Long answer, include personality, goals, past, future, and some stream.
Can you work under pressure?
Don’t answer “Yes” or “no”.
“Yes, I usually find it stimulating. However, I believe in planning and proper management of my time to reduce panic deadlines within my area of responsibility.”
What is your greatest strength?
Isolate high point from background and build in a couple of the key value profiles from different categories.
“I believe in planning and proper management of my time. And yet I can still work under pressure.”
What are your outstanding qualities? M`0)QUj  
Same as above question.
What interests you most about this job?
“Before answering, could I ask you to tell me a little more about the role this job plays in the departmental goals?”
The additional information you gather with those questions provides the appropriate slant to your answer.
“I’m looking for a challenge and an opportunity to make a contribution, so if you feel the biggest challenge in the department is…, I’m the one for the job.”
What are you looking for in your next job?
You must say what you want in terms of what you can give to your employer.
“My experience at the XXX Corporation has shown me I have a talent for motivation people. That is demonstrated by my team’s absenteeism dropping 20 percent, turnover steadying at 10 percent, and production increasing 12 percent. I am looking for an opportunity to continue that kind of contribution, and a company and supervisor who will help me develop in a professional manner.”
Why should I hire you?
Short and to the point, highlight area.
“I have the qualifications you need[itemize them], I’m a team player, I take direction, and I have the desire to make a thorough success.”
What can you do for us that someone else cannot do? tzU<o r}C  
Recap the interviewer’s job description.
“I can bring to this job a determination to see project through to a proper conclusion. I listen and take direction well. I am analytical and don’t jump to conclusions. And finally, I understand we are in business to make a profit, so I keep an eye on cost and return. What else are you looking for?”
Describe a difficult problem you’ve had to deal with.
It’s the approach you take to solving problems in general. It is designed to probe your professional profile; specifically, your analytical skills.
“Well, I always follow a five-step format with a difficult problem. One, I stand back and examine the problem. Two, I recognize the problem as the symptom of other, perhaps hidden, factors. Three, I makes a list of possible solution to the problem. Four, I weight both the consequences and cost of each solution, and determine the best solution. And five, I go to my boss, outline the problem, make my recommendation, and ask for my superior’s advice and approval.”
Then give an example of a problem and your solution.
What would your references say?
Ask past employers to give a letter of recommendation.
Can we check your references?
“Yes, of course you can check my references.”
What type of decisions did you make on your last job?
Searching to define your responsibilities, show your achievement profile.
“Being in change of the mailroom, my job is to make sure people get information in a timely manner. The job is well defined, and my decisions aren’t that difficult. I noticed a year or two ago that when I took the mail around at 10 am, everything stopped for twenty minutes. I had an idea and gave it to my boss. She got it cleared by the president, and ever since, we take the mail around just before lunch. Mr. Gray, the president, told me my idea improved productivity, saved time, and that he wished everyone was as conscientious.”
What was the last book you read (or movie you saw)? How did it affect you?
You should name something less faddish.
How do you handle tension?
It asks how you handle it.
“Tension is caused when you let things pile up. It is usually caused by letting other areas of responsibility slip by for an extended period. For instance, if you have a difficult presentation coming up, you may procrastinate in your preparations for it. I’ve seen lots of people do things like that �D a task seems so overwhelming they don’t know where to begin. I find that if you break those overwhelming tasks into little pieces, they aren’t so overwhelming any more. So I suppose I don’t so much handle tension as handle the cause of it, by not letting things slip in other areas that can give rise to it.”
How long have been looking for another position?
“Well, I’ve been looking for about a year now. I’ve had a number of offers in that time, but I have determined that as I spend most of my waking hours at work, the job I take and the people I work with have got to be people with values I can identify with. I made the decision that I just wasn’t going to suffer clock-watchers and work-to-rule specialists anymore.”
Have you ever been fired?
Why were you fired?
“I’m sorry to say, but I deserved it. I was having some personal problems at the time, and I let them affect my work. I was late to work and lost my motivation. My supervisor had directions to trim the work force anyway, and as I was hired only a couple of years ago, I was one of the first to go.”
Have you ever been asked to resign?
Were you ever dismissed from your job for a reason that seemed unjustified?
In your last job, what were some of the things you spent most of your time on, and why?
Must demonstrate good time management.
“I work on the telephone like a lot of businesspeople; meetings also take up a great deal of time. What is more important to me is effective time management. I find more gets achieved in a shorter time if a meeting is scheduled, say, immediately before lunch or at the close of business. I try to block my time in the morning. At four o’clock, I review what I’ve achieved, what went right or wrong, and plan adjustments and my main thrust of business for tomorrow.”
In what ways has your job prepared you to take on greater responsibility?
Looking for example of your professional development. Tell a story.
“When I first started my last job, my boss would brief me morning and evening. I made some mistakes, learned a lot, and got the jobs in on time. As time went by I took on greater responsibilities, [list some of them]. Nowadays, I meet with her every Monday for breakfast to discuss any major directional changes, so that she can keep management informed. I think that demonstrates not only my growth but also the confidence my management has in my judgment and ability to perform consistently above standard.”
In what ways has your job changed since you originally joined the company? ;0/#:^?  
Same to above.
How does this job compare with others you have applied for?
Ask you to compare.
“No two jobs are the same, and this one is certainly unlike any other I have applied for.”
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