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<title>WEB2.0 圆形边框 div 使用 css 做法</title>
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				<p>测试The MSDN Library What's New page contains a comprehensive list of all new and 
	revised content for the July 2001 release. Continue reading this page for 
	highlights of new content in the Library.<br>
	Microsoft Office XP Developer Documentation<br>
	VBA Language Reference<br>
	For developers who are building solutions with Microsoft Office XP, the VBA 
	Language Reference is a valuable tool. See Microsoft Access Visual Basic 
	Reference, the first in the list of these important language elements. <br>
	New Embedded Documentation<br>
	Also found in the July 2001 release of the MSDN Library is Embedded Developer 
	documentation for SQL Server 2000 Windows CE Edition, Windows CE for Automotive, 
	Target Designer Help and Component Designer Help for Windows NT Embedded 4.0.
	New SDK Documentation<br>

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