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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: HI!
You: HI
You: where are you from?
You: i chinese
You: do you have msn?
You: qq?
Stranger: msn
Stranger: i can speak some chinese words
You: [email protected]    is me
You: 好吧
Stranger: sorry, dont have that on my keyboard
You: 你是中国人啦 你是那里的啊? 上面的是我的man的账号
Stranger: only speak, really
You: what is mean? i can not understand
Stranger: mean is when somebody is angry at you, and he isnt nice to you
You: you donot like me ? why?
Stranger: why, i didnt write that
You: ok  i konw
Stranger: sory, but i can not add you
You: i think you can speak some chinese  you can know some  chinese world
You: ok  i understand
Stranger: but i dont
Stranger: i did never write that i dont like you
You: i what to know where are you from
You: sorry
Stranger: ooh
Stranger: forgot that
You: i canot do english well
Stranger: im from Germany
Stranger: and i have a chinese friend who taught me some chinese words, but i cannot write them
You: ooh  talk with you i very happy
You: ye  i can understand
You: is my blog
Stranger: i look...
You: thank you
Stranger: i could show you some photos i made
You: ok  thank
You: s
You: how can give me ?
Stranger: wait...
You: ok
Stranger: these are only a few
You: i am not the vip i cannot get the photos
Stranger: fuck
You: is me
Stranger: and i cant read your blog
You: i want to say the fuck too
You: sorry  i am the english poor
Stranger: no problem
You: ye ? you have some massage? and emall
You: in?
Stranger: ive got msn
You: ok  i have this
You: my id: [email protected]
You: I online,
Stranger: have you
You: my msn id is [email protected]
You: I use this application
You: is my emall id too
You: I am just graduated from college
You: My English is not very good
Stranger: i can not add you with my application, sorry
Stranger: but here chatting is good too
Stranger: i am going to graduate in 2 years from school
You: I put you right
You: I can't talk with you next time
You: You give me your MSN ID
You: Where do you work?
You: My hometown is in hebei tangshan, welcome you to come to China
Stranger: hardstyle-oil@hotmail.**(地址就不予分享了)
Stranger: i wilol go to china someday
Stranger: maybe when im 20
Stranger: thanks!
Stranger: but i think i will go to Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen
Stranger: for skateboarding
You: My distance very close to Beijing
You: you do the skateboarding well?
You: my msn don't you online
Stranger: yeah, im not doing it so long, so im not bad, but not super
You: How old you are
You: ?
Stranger: 16
Stranger: and you?
You: 24
Stranger: ok
You: You still at school?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: 10th grade from 12
Stranger: btw, the last one in the video is me
You: I can't open this web site
Stranger: youtube??
You: what? ]
You: In other words to express your meaning
Stranger: you cannot open
You: yes
You: The page cannot be shown
Stranger: wtf
Stranger: the worlds biggest video site!
Stranger: thats super straange
You: May I in China cannot open foreign site may
Stranger: unfortune...
You: I was in baidu search of Chinese this site
You: 网上说该网站没有对中国大陆开放只对中国香港开放了
You: This website is not the net to mainland China, Hong Kong China open only to open
You: The website of the many practices and Chinese laws to conflict
Stranger: Thats pretty shitty for you
You: I don't think so
Stranger: which time is it in china?
You: What meaning do not understand a expression
Stranger: the clock
Stranger: here it is 5:25 pm
You: Night at half past eleven
You: Immediately to sleep
Stranger: do you have some kind of festival in may?
You: Labor day
You: You know pretty in China
You: You have E-mail? I contact you later
Stranger: hardstyle-oil@hotmail.**(地址就不予分享了)
Stranger: you must go off?
You: Wait, I give you an E-mail
Stranger: ok
You: ok    Send success
Stranger: cool
You: Received?
Stranger: i look...
Stranger: yep
Stranger: everything good
You: So we are friend will often contact
You: I want to sleep time to contact us
Stranger: alright
You: I say goodnight! Tomorrow night
Stranger: ok
You: bye
Stranger: bye!
Stranger: have fun
You: fun
Stranger: yes
Stranger:  be happy
