SPP中Supersession与Item Sourcing Rule的关系

产品: Oracle Service Parts Planning


1. 消耗本地该物件的On-Hand

2. 将其他地方的On-Hand通过Transfer送过来

3. 尝试将本地的缺陷物件(defective parts)维修

4. 购买


A -> B ,则A上有demand时,可以使用B满足。对于A而言,只有On-Hand可以优先于B使用。这时对于A的使用顺序是:

1. 使用本Org中A的On-Hand

2. 使用本Org中B的On-Hand

3. 在其他Org中参考以上顺序


如果对整个Supersession Chain指定一条Sourcing Rule,譬如从地点M 运送到地点N:

(A->B) M  --------->    N (A->B)


1. M中的A On-Hand

2. M中的B (按照On-Hand -> Transfer On-Hand -> Repair -> Buy 顺序)

3. N中的A On-Hand

4. N中的B (按照On-Hand-> Transfer On-Hand -> Repair -> Buy顺序)


但是,如果对于Supersession Chain中某个item规定了一条Sourcing Rule,那么这条Sourcing Rule就会在某些情况下覆盖(Override)Supersession relationship:

现有Supersession Relationship如下:

A -> B

现在A的Sourcing Rule为 Org1 <- Org2

       B的Sourcing Rule为 Org2 <- Org3


1. Org1中的A

2. Org1中的B

3. Org2中的A

4. Org3中的B

故而在这种情况下,当Org1中A、B的库存都不够时,就会首先产生Org2 ->Org1的Transfer Order,如果这个量不够,才会产生Org3->Org1的Transfer Order

但是,对于New Buy Order,只能在B上产生(即Supersession中的higher revision)



参考文档:Oracle Service Parts Planning Implementation and User Guide





Sourcing Rules and Supersession Item Attributes

With so many items, and the ability to change the item attributes for individual items, it

is important to understand which item's definition will be used in the supply chain 


The planning engine considers item-level sourcing rule values. You do not necessarily 

need to redefine the sourcing rule every time a new item is introduced into the 

supersession chain You can set up only one sourcing rule for the entire supersession 

chain. If one of the items in a chain has a different sourcing rule, then as an exception, 

set up an item-level sourcing rule. Specific sourcing rules override general sourcing 


The behavior or search pattern of the engine when the sourcing rule varies by item is 

6-30   Oracle Service Parts PlanningImplementation and User Guide

explained in the following example: 

• A -> B (item B supersedes item A)

• A can be sourced from Org 1 (primary) and Org 2 (secondary)

• B can be sourced from Org 2 (primary) and Org 3 (secondary)

In this example, the engine will search for the usable inventory in the following 


1.  A in Org 1

2.  B in Org 2

3.  A in Org 2

4.  B in Org 3

The search across the primary sources in the supersession chain occurs first. Next, 

search across the supersession chain is done for secondary sources. 

Similarly, the planning engine considers item-specific attributes. Thus, depending on 

which item in the supersession chain is being repaired, transferred, or bought, specific 

attributes of that item are be taken into account.

Note: New-buy orders can be raised only for the latest revision. Hence 

new buy-related item attributes are always applicable from the highest 

revision perspective.


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