Can the Domino server controller be started as a Windows service?

Can the Domino server controller be started as a Windows service?


Can the Lotus? Domino? server be started as a Windows? service?


Starting with release 6.5.4 and 6.0.5 (including Domino 7.x and 8.x), the server controller can be started as a Windows service.

If you wish to change the parameters of the Server controller, you can then use the SC tool (Sc.exe) included in the Resource Kit. See Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - Q251192.    
To add the -jc to a standalone server installed as a service you would do the following:    
sc config "Lotus Domino Server (lotusdominodata)" binPath= "c:\lotus\domino\nservice.exe    
=c:\lotus\domino\notes.ini -jc"    
This is of the form: sc <server> [command] [service name] <option1> <option2> . .    
Example of where to apply the -jc switch when editing the image path for the Domino service in the registry:    
The image path might look like this:    
"C:\lotus\domino\nservice.exe" "=C:\lotus\domino\notes.ini" -jc

Prior to release 6.5.4/6.0.5, it was not possible to pass any parameters to nservice and, as a result, the Server Controller could not be started as a service. Example:

run /domino/nservice -jc -c as a service => Domino does not load    

  • It is possible to start Domino as a service by specifying nservice to start at boot.      

    example: run /domino/nservice as a service => server runs in the background and you are able to log out of the account.

  • It is possible to start the Domino as an application by running nserver. Furthermore it is possible to add arguments to nserver, (ex. the server controller etc. "nserver -jc -c")

  • It is not possible to pass on any parameters to nservice and customer needs to use nserver if any parameters are needed. It is possible to start nserver as a service but when you log on you get the server controller console on the desktop and if you log out of the account the server dies.    
    example: run /domino/nserver as a service => Domino loads but stays on the desktop/foreground and you are not able to log out.
