centos6.x+samba4+cups+hp laserjet1020共享打印机


   1  2013-04-10_01:22:27 service iptables stop
   2  2013-04-10_01:22:32 setenforce 0
   3  2013-04-10_01:22:55 yum remove `rpm -qa|grep samba`
   4  2013-04-10_01:23:41 yum install samba4*
   5  2013-04-10_01:25:20 cd /tmp
   6  2013-04-10_01:25:24 wget -O foo2zjs.tar.gz http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/foo2zjs.tar.gz
   7  2013-04-10_01:25:50 tar zxf foo2zjs.tar.gz
   8  2013-04-10_01:25:57 cd foo2zjs
   9  2013-04-10_01:26:14 make
  10  2013-04-10_01:26:36 make install
  11  2013-04-10_01:26:49 make install-hotplug
  12  2013-04-10_01:26:57 make cups
  13  2013-04-10_01:27:17 ln -s `which smbspool` /usr/lib/cups/backend/smb

第二步,使用cups添加打印机,以及从Windows XP提交驱动到samba服务器

   1  2013-04-10_01:48:38 service smb start
   2  2013-04-10_01:48:45 smbpasswd -a root
   3  2013-04-10_01:49:13 net rpc rights grant "localhost\root" SePrintOperatorPrivilege -U localhost/root   #赋权,打印机管理员
   4  2013-04-10_01:50:23 vi p.sh
   5  2013-04-10_01:50:31 sh p.sh
   6  2013-04-10_01:51:12 vi /etc/samba/smb.conf
   7  2013-04-10_01:53:35 cd /var/lib/samba/
   8  2013-04-10_01:53:41 ll -d drivers/
   9  2013-04-10_01:54:24 service smb restart
  10  2013-04-10_02:01:57 ll -d drivers/
  11  2013-04-10_02:02:07 chmod 777 drivers/ #这不是必须的,
  12  2013-04-10_02:02:34 chmod 755 drivers/  #因为上面不是必须的,若没执行上面的那条,这条也不用执行
  13  2013-04-10_02:02:37 ll -d drivers/
  14  2013-04-10_02:02:51 vi /etc/samba/smb.conf
  15  2013-04-10_02:03:09 service smb reload  #此处,reload试过,发现依然不能提交驱动
  16  2013-04-10_02:03:24 service smb restart #restart后,可以提交驱动给samba
  17  2013-04-10_02:10:32 cd /var/lib/samba/drivers/W32X86/
  18  2013-04-10_02:10:34 LS  #这是错误的命令,不用
  19  2013-04-10_02:10:36 ls  #看看这里有没有什么文件
  20  2013-04-10_02:10:39 cd 3 #进入目录
  21  2013-04-10_02:10:40 ls #查看目录内容,会发现Windows XP上传的驱动文件

for i in COLOR IA64 W32ALPHA W32MIPS W32PPC W32X86/{2,3} WIN40 x64; do
    mkdir -p $BASEDIR/$i;

[root@localhost 3]# testparm
Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
rlimit_max: increasing rlimit_max (1024) to minimum Windows limit (16384)
Processing section "[homes]"
Processing section "[printers]"
Processing section "[print$]"
Loaded services file OK.
Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions

   workgroup = MYGROUP
   server string = Samba Server Version %v
   log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
   max log size = 50
   idmap config * : backend = tdb
   cups options = raw

   comment = Home Directories
   read only = No
   browseable = No

   comment = All Printers
   path = /var/spool/samba
   printable = Yes
   print ok = Yes
   browseable = No

   comment = Printer Drivers
   path = /var/lib/samba/drivers
   write list = root
   read only = No

