
今天在xenserver5.6下给一Ubuntu VM添加virtual disk时提示不能添加,如下图


The current version of the XenServer product family has the following general limitations on virtual devices

for VMs. Note that specific guest operating systems may have lower limits for certain features. These

limitations are noted in the individual guest installation section.

*A maximum of 8 VCPUs are supported by XenCenter.

*except for SLES 10 SP1 and RHEL 4.x, which support 3. RHEL 5.0/5.1/5.2 support 3, but can support 7 when the kernel is patched with the Citrix Tools for Virtual Machines. The same applies for Oracle andCentOS 5.0/5.1/5.2


存储库 (SR)

虚拟磁盘映像 (VDI)

物理块设备 (PBD)

虚拟块设备 (VBD)



定义了一个名为存储库 (SR) 的容器来描述存储虚拟磁盘映像 (VDI) 的特定存储目标。SR 具有对本地连接的 IDE、SATA、SCSI 和 SAS驱动器和远程连接的 iSCSI、NFS、SAS 和光纤通道的内置支持,因而非常灵活。


[root@xs-10 ~]# xe sr-list

[root@xs-10 ~]# xe sr-list name-label=xenserver
uuid ( RO)                : 0554628e-448d-fbdf-4544-04cc4f390529
         name-label ( RW): xenserver
   name-description ( RW): iSCSI SR [ (iqn.2007-10.uit.com:techtest.xenserver)]
               host ( RO): xs-10.8
               type ( RO): lvmoiscsi
       content-type ( RO):

uuid ( RO)                : c2b41896-467e-b936-6836-754eb22d36de

         name-label ( RW): vmware vsphere

   name-description ( RW): CIFS ISO Library [\\\software\ISO\vmware vsphere]

               host ( RO): xs-10.8

               type ( RO): iso

       content-type ( RO): iso

uuid ( RO)                : 4188b1ee-76bc-10ed-dc15-6c7a236ce9aa

         name-label ( RW): Ubuntu

   name-description ( RW): CIFS ISO Library [\\\software\ISO\linux\Ubuntu]

               host ( RO): xs-10.8

               type ( RO): iso

       content-type ( RO): iso

结合图形,不难理解,所谓的SR就是一个存储仓库,里面存储了很多的ISO文件,你可以利用这些ISO文件来存储东西,如vmware vsphere、ubuntu这两个SR。又或者当做存储虚拟机文件的仓库,例如xenserver这个SR。下面接着看SR下一层的对象,叫做VDI.
