


ldconfig / usr / local / mysql / lib / mysql
/ usr / local / mysql / include / mysql
/ configure -- prefix =/ usr / local / sphinx -- with - mysql =/ usr / local / mysql
&& make install



cd / usr / local / sphinx / etc
cp sphinx.conf.dist sphinx.conf
vim sphinx.conf


- rw - r -- r -- 1 root root   905 11 - 04 13 : 32 example.sql
- rw - r -- r -- 1 root root 19003 11 - 04 13 : 32 sphinx.conf.dist
- rw - r -- r -- 1 root root   948 11 - 04 13 : 32 sphinx - min.conf.dist



mysql - u mysql < / usr / local / sphinx / etc / example.sql


mysql   # 进入mysql
show databases; # 查看到有下面这些库
mysql > show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| mysql               |
| test               |
3 rows in set ( 0.00 sec)

> use test
Database changed
> show tables;
| Tables_in_test |
| documents       |
| eht_articles   |
| tags           |
3 rows in set ( 0.01 sec)

> SELECT * FROM documents;
| id | group_id | group_id2 | date_added           | title           | content                                                                   |
| 1 | 1 | 5 | 2010 - 11 - 04 19 : 22 : 13 | test one         | this is my test document number one. also checking search within phrases. |
| 2 | 1 | 6 | 2010 - 11 - 04 19 : 22 : 13 | test two         | this is my test document number two                                       |
| 3 | 2 | 7 | 2010 - 11 - 04 19 : 22 : 13 | another doc     | this is another group                                                     |
| 4 | 2 | 8 | 2010 - 11 - 04 19 : 22 : 13 | doc number four | this is to test groups                                                     |
4 rows in set ( 0.00 sec)



/ usr / local / sphinx / bin / indexer

     创建索引是报了一个这样的错误:/usr/local/sphinx/bin/indexer: error while loading shared libraries: libmysqlclient.so.16: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory,主要原因是在上一篇中安装完mysql后没有设置环境变量,可以用下面方法解决:

locate libmysqlclient     # 运行该命令找到关于libmysqlclient.so.16的文件
cp / usr / local / mysql / lib / mysql / libmysqlclient.so. 16 / usr / lib / libmysqlclient.so. 16    #然后把该文件的一个连接复制到在环境变量的文件夹 / usr / lib /



/ usr / local / sphinx / bin / search test

     但此时报了一个search error: failed to open /usr/local/sphinx/var/data/test1.sph: No such file or directory.这样的错误,网上找了一下解决方法是在创建索引是加上--all参数,也就是:

/ usr / local / sphinx / bin / indexer -- all


--all tells indexer to update every index listed in sphinx.conf, instead of listing individual indexes. This would be useful in small configurations, or cron-type or maintenance jobs where the entire index set will get rebuilt each day, or week, or whatever period is best. Example usage

     重新创建索引后再次运行测试 /usr/local/sphinx/bin/search test 就会出现下列结果:

Sphinx 0.9 . 9 - release (r2117)
Copyright (c)
2001 - 2009 , Andrew Aksyonoff

using config file
' /usr/local/sphinx/etc/sphinx.conf ' ...
' test1 ' : query ' test ' : returned 3 matches of 3 total in 0.001 sec

displaying matches:
1 . document = 1 , weight = 2 , group_id = 1 , date_added = Thu Nov   4 19 : 22 : 13 2010
= 1
= 1
= 5
= 2010 - 11 - 04 19 : 22 : 13
= test one
= this is my test document number one. also checking search within phrases.
2 . document = 2 , weight = 2 , group_id = 1 , date_added = Thu Nov   4 19 : 22 : 13 2010
= 2
= 1
= 6
= 2010 - 11 - 04 19 : 22 : 13
= test two
= this is my test document number two
3 . document = 4 , weight = 1 , group_id = 2 , date_added = Thu Nov   4 19 : 22 : 13 2010
= 4
= 2
= 8
= 2010 - 11 - 04 19 : 22 : 13
= doc number four
= this is to test groups

1 . ' test ' : 3 documents, 5 hits

' test1stemmed ' : query ' test ' : returned 3 matches of 3 total in 0.000 sec

displaying matches:
1 . document = 1 , weight = 2 , group_id = 1 , date_added = Thu Nov   4 19 : 22 : 13 2010
= 1
= 1
= 5
= 2010 - 11 - 04 19 : 22 : 13
= test one
= this is my test document number one. also checking search within phrases.
2 . document = 2 , weight = 2 , group_id = 1 , date_added = Thu Nov   4 19 : 22 : 13 2010
= 2
= 1
= 6
= 2010 - 11 - 04 19 : 22 : 13
= test two
= this is my test document number two
3 . document = 4 , weight = 1 , group_id = 2 , date_added = Thu Nov   4 19 : 22 : 13 2010
= 4
= 2
= 8
= 2010 - 11 - 04 19 : 22 : 13
= doc number four
= this is to test groups

1 . ' test ' : 3 documents, 5 hits

