Vmware 下安装Vmware Tools 出现的一个问题和解决

在vmware下安装Fedora13系统,安装vmware tools时出现 :
What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running

The path "" is not valid.
Would you like to change it? [yes]




After completing VMware Tools Installation, you might might/will be asked to configure it by invoking "/usr/bin/vmware-config-tools.pl". After following the instructions you might get stuck with the following:

What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running
kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include]

This refuses to pass.


#1# 1st Check if you have installed the appropriate kernel-source. If not, adding this in YAST will also install the appropriate kernel-devel package module. Also add kernel-syms. Selecting kernel-syms additional dependencies are automatically resolved by YAST. These should be accepted.
#2# If Step #1# has been completed or is not necessary because at some stage you have already done this but "/usr/bin/vmware-config-tools.pl" is still complaining about missing headers, you can try the following:

"cd /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/include/linux"
You should not get an error message "No such file or directory
". Getting this suggests that the directory is missing and something else is wrong which is beyond this articles scope.
If you don't receive an error, do the following:

ln -s ../generated/autoconf.h
ln -s ../generated/utsrelease.h

This will create the appropriate symbolic links which are refer VMWAREtools to the correct location for its installation files. The "version.h" is already located in "/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/include/linux". and should not require any extra work.

Now execute "/usr/bin/vmware-config-tools.pl" which will magically find all that is needed. You will have to press ENTER several times for the script to complete but once complete, VMWARETools should be installed.

You can run the Toolbox from the Desktop by executing "/usr/bin/vmware-toolbox" on a terminal or as part of a script etc. VMWARE should create this for you under KDE but I suspect that that this also may require fixing.

重装多次kernel-devel 和多种devel之后(kernel-PAE-devel , kernel-debug-devel ...),问题依然。顺便说一句,Fedora13的源中找不到kernel-syms。


第二天我重新考虑了这个问题,我使用的vmware tools 版本是VMwareTools-8.1.3-203739.tar.gz,之前在ubnutu9.04 中安装没有出现问题。昨天在RedHat Enterprise 5 中安装也没有问题。突然我感觉是版本不符造成的。我的Fedora13内核版本已经更新到2.6.34.7-63.fc13.i686.PAE,vmware workstation 版本为 7.0.0


