procexp里Context Switch和CSwitches Delta

Interrupts and DPCs

On Windows NT-based systems Process Explorer shows two artificial processes: Interrupts and DPCs. These processes reflect the amount of time the system spends servicing hardware interrupts and Deferred Procedure Calls (DPCs), respectively. High CPU consumption by these activities can indicate a hardware problem or device driver bug. To see the total number of interrupts and DPCs executed since the system booted add the Context Switch column. Another sometimes useful metric is the number of interrupts and DPCs generated per refresh interval, which you see when you add the CSwitches Delta column.

procexp里Context Switch是一个total number,是一个累加值,所以参考意义不是太大。

而CSwitches Delta是generated per refresh interval,是一个间隔计数值,比较有意义.

个人理解,CSwitches Delta的值可能更接近于windows性能计数器里的system\context switch.

本文出自 “BLANK SPACE” 博客,谢绝转载!
