Hibernate Log

Hibernate cannot log the SQL and its parameters in the same line like you want . The logging provided by the Hibernate (by setting log4j.logger.org.hibernate.SQL=debug and log4j.logger.org.hibernate.type=trace in the log4j configuration) can only log the SQL and the parameters in the different lines likes this :

insert intoAddress(address1, address2, city, province) values (?,?,?,?) binding parameter [1]as[VARCHAR]- xxxxxx binding parameter [2]as[VARCHAR]- xxxxxx binding parameter [3]as[VARCHAR]- xxxx

You have to use JDBC proxy driver if you want to log the SQL with the parameters in the same line. I have tried log4jdbc and it can do it ,and it also can log the time spent by every SQL statement and log the lines in the code that cause the SQL statements .
