


Macros with numbers <1-9> like {MACRO1}, {MACRO2}…{MACRO9} allow to reference hosts in the order in which they appear in a trigger expression. So, {HOST.IP1} and {HOST.IP2} will expand to the IPs of the first and second host in the trigger expression.



Some low-level discovery macros come “pre-packaged” with the LLD funtion in Zabbix - {#FSNAME}, {#FSTYPE}, {#IFNAME}, {#SNMPINDEX}, {#SNMPVALUE}. However, adhering to these names is not compulsory when creating a custom low-level discovery rule. Then you may use any other LLD macro name and refer to that name.


宏的级别有多种:其优先级如下。 level macros (checked first)#主机级别的宏优先级最高
2.macros defined for first level templates of the host (i.e., templates linked directly to the host), sorted by template ID#第一级模板中的宏
3.macros defined for second level templates of the host, sorted by template ID#第二级模板中的宏
4.macros defined for third level templates of the host, sorted by template ID
5.… macros (checked last)#全局级别的宏

If a user macro is used in items or triggers in a template, it is suggested to add that macro to the template even if it is defined on a global level. That way, exporting the template to XML and importing it in another system will still allow it to work as expected.


1.taking advantage of templates with host specific attributes: passwords, port numbers, file names, regular expressions, etc macros for global one-click configuration changes and fine tuning

Use of host-level macro in the “Status of SSH daemon” item key:
This item can be assigned to multiple hosts, providing that the value of {$SSH_PORT} is defined on those hosts.
Example 2
Use of host-level macro in the “CPU load is too high” trigger:
Such a trigger would be created on the template, not edited in individual hosts.
If you want to use amount of values as the function parameter (for example, max(#3)), include hash mark in the macro definition like this: SOME_PERIOD  #3
Example 3
Use of two macros in the “CPU load is too high” trigger:
Note that a macro can be used as a parameter of trigger function, in this example function min().
User macros in a trigger expression will be expanded if referencing a parameter or a constant. They are NOT supported for referencing the host name, item key, function or operator.


本文出自 “浪淘沙” 博客,谢绝转载!
