[root@SERVER-Test testperl]# echo "hello world" hello world
[root@SERVER-Test ~]# echo "$HOME" /root [root@SERVER-Test ~]# echo "HOME" HOME [root@SERVER-Test ~]# echo "${HOME}" /root [root@SERVER-Test ~]# echo "${HOME} work" /root work
[root@SERVER-Test testperl]# echo "hello world !" -bash: !": event not found [root@SERVER-Test testperl]# echo "hello world \!" hello world \!
[root@SERVER-Test testperl]# echo "$SHELL" /bin/bash [root@SERVER-Test testperl]# echo "/etc/*.conf" /etc/*.conf [root@SERVER-Test testperl]# echo "Today is $(date)" Today is 2014年 03月 27日 星期四 21:02:09 CST
[root@SERVER-Test testperl]# echo hello;hello hello -bash: hello: commandnot found [root@SERVER-Test testperl]# echo 'hello;hello' hello;hello [root@SERVER-Test testperl]# echo "hello;hello" hello;hello
3)带单引号的echo,不会对变量(如$var)求值。意味着echo '$var'直接返回$var,而echo $var将会根据$var返回$var的值。
[root@SERVER-Test testperl]# echo '$var' $var [root@SERVER-Test testperl]# echo $var [root@SERVER-Test testperl]#
[root@SERVER-Test testperl]# echo '$SHELL' $SHELL [root@SERVER-Test testperl]# echo '/etc/*.conf' /etc/*.conf [root@SERVER-Test testperl]# echo "today is $(date)" today is 2014年 03月 27日 星期四 21:05:59 CST
[root@SERVER-Test testperl]# echo "Path is \$PATH" Path is $PATH [root@SERVER-Test testperl]# echo "Path is $PATH" Path is /opt/svn/bin:/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/mysql/bin:/usr/local/zabbix/bin:/usr/local/zabbix/sbin:/usr/local/svn/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/home/linqingtao/bin:/home/comake [root@SERVER-Test testperl]#
[root@SERVER-Test testperl]# cat test.sh #!/bin/bash echo "A found by an old martial \ arts One day Goku meets a \ girl named retrieve the seven" [root@SERVER-Test testperl]# sh test.sh A found by an old martial arts One day Goku meets a girl named retrieve the seven [root@SERVER-Test testperl]#
[root@SERVER-Test testperl]# printf "hello world" hello world[root@SERVER-Test testperl]#
默认printf不会想echo自动添加换行符,我们可以手动添加 \n
[root@SERVER-Test testperl]# printf "hello world\n" hello world
printf 使用引用文本或空格分隔的参数,外面可以在printf中使用格式化字符串,还可以制定字符串的宽度、左右对齐方式等。
[root@SERVER-Test testperl]# cat printf.sh #!/bin/bash ######## printf"%-10s %-8s %-4s\n"姓名 性别 体重kg printf"%-10s %-8s %-4.2f\n"郭靖 男 66.1234 printf"%-10s %-8s %-4.2f\n"杨过 男 48.6543 printf"%-10s %-8s %-4.2f\n"郭芙 女 47.9876输出结果为虾米
[root@SERVER-Test testperl]# sh printf.sh 姓名 性别 体重kg 郭靖 男 66.12 杨过 男 48.65 郭芙 女 47.99
%s %c %d %f都是格式替代符
%-10s 指一个宽度为10个字符(-表示左对齐,没有则表示右对齐),任何字符都会被显示在10个字符宽的字符内,如果不足则自动以空格填充,超过也会将内容全部显示出来。
%-4.2f 指格式化为小数,其中.2指保留2位小数。
[root@SERVER-Test testperl]# cat history.sh #!bin/bash #列出最常用的10条历史命令 printf "%-32s %-10s\n" 命令 次数 cat ~/.bash_history | awk '{ list [$1] ++; } \ END { for (i in list ) { printf ("%-30s %-10s\n",i,list [i]); } }'| sort -nrk 2 | head
[root@SERVER-Test ~]# var=123 [root@SERVER-Test ~]# echo "$var" 123 [root@SERVER-Test ~]# echo "${var}" 123 [root@SERVER-Test ~]# printf "${var}" 123[root@SERVER-Test ~]# printf "$var" 123[root@SERVER-Test ~]# printf "$var \n" 123 [root@SERVER-Test ~]# printf "%s\n" $var 123 [root@SERVER-Test ~]# printf "%s\n" ${var} 123 [root@SERVER-Test ~]#
[root@SERVER-Test testperl]# echo "1\t2\t3" 1\t2\t3 [root@SERVER-Test testperl]# echo -e "1\t2\t3" 1 2 3 [root@SERVER-Test testperl]# echo -e "1\nt2\nt3" 1 t2 t3 [root@SERVER-Test testperl]# echo -n "1\t2\t3" 1\t2\t3[root@SERVER-Test testperl]# [root@SERVER-Test testperl]# printf "1\t2\t3" 1 2 3[root@SERVER-Test testperl]#
echo -e "$j\c" ,我们知道每次echo后系统会自动的换行,但加上了\c 后,不会在自动换行了,实例运行如下:
[root@SERVER-Test testperl]# echo -e "today is";date today is 2014年 03月 27日 星期四 17:14:07 CST [root@SERVER-Test testperl]# echo -e "today is \c";date today is 2014年 03月 27日 星期四 17:15:37 CST
[root@SERVER-Test testperl]# echo -e "number of user login:";who number of user login: root pts/0 2014-03-24 15:59 ( root pts/1 2014-03-26 09:55 ( root pts/2 2014-03-27 11:11 ( root pts/3 2014-03-25 11:28 ( root pts/4 2014-03-18 10:40 ( root pts/6 2014-03-18 10:40 ( root pts/7 2014-03-25 12:02 ( root pts/8 2014-03-27 11:25 ( root pts/11 2014-03-18 11:47 ( root pts/12 2014-03-27 14:40 ( root pts/14 2014-03-25 19:48 ( [root@SERVER-Test testperl]# echo -e "number of user login:";who | wc -l number of user login: 11 [root@SERVER-Test testperl]# echo -e "number of user login: \c";who | wc -l number of user login: 11
[root@SERVER-Test testperl]# cat test10.sh #!/bin/bash #### clear echo "hello $USER" echo -e "today is \c";date echo -e "number of users login: \c";who | wc -l cal exit [root@SERVER-Test testperl]# sh test10.sh hello root today is 2014年 03月 27日 星期四 17:25:52 CST number of users login: 11 三月 2014 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 [root@SERVER-Test testperl]#
[root@SERVER-Test testperl]# cat test.sh #!/bin/bash echo ${arg:=Foo} bank=HSBC echo ${bank:=Citi} echo ${bank:=Citi} [root@SERVER-Test testperl]# sh test.sh Foo HSBC HSBC [root@SERVER-Test testperl]# cat test.sh #!/bin/bash echo ${arg:=Foo} bank=HSBC echo ${bank:=Citi} unset bank echo ${bank:=Citi} [root@SERVER-Test testperl]# sh test.sh Foo HSBC Citi
[root@SERVER-Test testperl]# cat test.sh #!/bin/bash vech= vech="" vech="123" echo $vech [root@SERVER-Test testperl]# sh test.sh 123 [root@SERVER-Test testperl]# cat test.sh #!/bin/bash vech= vech="" echo $vech [root@SERVER-Test testperl]# sh test.sh [root@SERVER-Test testperl]#
[root@SERVER-Test testperl]# cat test.sh #!/bin/bash echo "******backup sgell script******" echo echo "**** run time: $(date) @ $(hostname)" echo backup="/root/testperl" now=$(date +"%d-%m-%Y") echo "****dumping mysql database to $backup/$now******" sleep 3 echo echo "**** backup write to $backup/$now/latest.tar.gz******" [root@SERVER-Test testperl]# sh test.sh ******backup sgell script****** **** run time: 2014年 03月 27日 星期四 20:42:37 CST @ SERVER-Test ****dumping mysql database to /root/testperl/27-03-2014****** **** backup write to /root/testperl/27-03-2014/latest.tar.gz****** [root@SERVER-Test testperl]#