function Fused=Dual_PCNN(Ahigh,Bhigh,Abeta,Bbeta)  SF_Ahigh =SF(abs(Ahigh)); SF_Bhigh = SF(abs(Bhigh)); [p1,q1]=size(Ahigh); [p2,q2]=size(Bhigh); if(p1~=p2||q1~=q2)     error('The size of image A and image B must be the same......'); end  %% set the parameter for dual channel pcnn alphaL = 0.01; alphaTheta = 0.1; Vl = 0.2; con=1;  %% Dual channel pcnn process L = zeros(p1,q1); U = zeros(p1,q1); Theta = zeros(p1,q1); Y = zeros(p1,q1); fuse=zeros(p1,q1); VTheta = 25; %beta=2.6; W=[0.707,1,0.707;1,0,1;0.707,1,0.707]; N1 = 200;%iteration times for num = 1:N1;     K = conv2(Y,W,'same');     L = exp(-alphaL)*L + Vl*K;     Theta = exp(-alphaTheta)*Theta + VTheta*Y;     U = max(SF_Ahigh.*(con+Abeta.*L),SF_Bhigh.*(con+Bbeta.*L));     Y = im2double(U>Theta);     %Y0 = Y0 +Y; end for i = 1:p1     for j = 1:q1         if(SF_Ahigh(i,j)*(con + Abeta(i,j)*L(i,j)) == U(i,j))             fuse(i,j) = Ahigh(i,j);         else             if(SF_Bhigh(i,j)*(con + Bbeta(i,j)*L(i,j)) == U(i,j))                 fuse(i,j) = Bhigh(i,j);             end         end     end end Fused=fuse; end

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