word list 3

1.    anthology   n. 选集   (a collection of poems, stories or songs)
2.    anthoropologist  n. 人类学家 (experts who deal with the origin, nature and destiny of human beings)
3.    antibiotic  n. 抗生素  (substance that can destroy or prevent growth of bacteria);  
                adj. 抗菌的
4. antibody  n. 抗体
5. antic  adj. 古怪的  (fanastic and queer)
6. anticipate v. 预期,期待 (to look forward to; expect)
7. antidote  n. 解毒药 (a remedy to counteract a poison)
8. antihistamine  n. 治疗过敏的抗组胺剂 (any of various compounds that counteract histamine in the body and that are used for treating allegic reactions and cold symptoms)
9. antipathy n. 反感,厌恶 (strong dislike)
10. antique  adj. 古时的,古老的 (existing since or belonging to earlier times)
             n. 古物,古董 (a relic or object of ancient times)
11. antiseptic  n. 杀菌剂  (any substance that inhibit the action of microorganisms)
                adj. 防腐的 (preventing infection or decay)
12. antithesis  n. 对立,相对 (a contrast or opposition)
13. anvil  n. 铁砧 (a steel block)
14. aorta n. 主动脉 (the main artery of the body)
15. apex n. 顶点,最高点 (the highest point; peak; vertext)
16. aphorism n. 格言 (maxim, adage)
17. aplomb n. 沉静,镇静 (complete and confident composure)
18. apocalyptic adj. 预示世界末日的,启示的 (prophetic)
19. apocrypha n. 伪经,伪书 (writings or statements of dubious authenticity)
20. apocryphal adj. 虚假的, 假冒的 (of doubtful authenticity)
21. apogee n. 远地点  
22. apologize v.道歉 (to say one is sorry) ; 辩解 (to make a formal defence)
23. apoplectic adj. 中风的 (of, relating to, or causing stroke); 愤怒的 (furious)
24. apostasy n. 背教,脱党,变节 (an abandoning of what one has believed in)
25. apostate n. 背教者; 变节者 (a person guilty of apostasy; renegade)
26. apostrophe  n. 撇号 (')
27. apothecary n. 药剂师 (one who prepares and sells drugs)
28. appall v. 使惊骇, 使恐怖 (to fill with horror or dismay; shock)
29. apparatus n. 仪器,设备 (set of instruments in scientific expetriments)
30. apparel n. 衣服 (clothing; garments; attire)
