#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 import sys from os import path import os import MySQLdb DIRNAME = path.dirname(__file__) OPSTOOLS_DIR = path.abspath(path.join(DIRNAME, '..')) sys.path.append(OPSTOOLS_DIR) from library.mysql import MySQLDConfig, getMyVariables from optparse import OptionParser from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import time import re MYSQL_DATA_DIR = "/var/mysqlmanager/data" MYSQL_CONF_DIR = "/var/mysqlmanager/cnfs" MYSQL_BACK_DIR = "/var/mysqlmanager/backup" REPLICATION_PASS = "123qwe" REPLICATION_USER = "repl" def opts(): parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog options") parser.add_option("-c", "--cmd", dest="cmd", action="store", default="check",) parser.add_option("-n", "--name", dest="name", action="store", default="mysqlinstance",) parser.add_option("-p", "--port", dest="port", action="store", default="3306",) return parser.parse_args() def readConfs(): import glob confs = glob.glob(path.join(MYSQL_CONF_DIR,'*.cnf')) return [MySQLDConfig(c) for c in confs] def checkPort(d, p): for m in d: if p == m.mysqld_vars['port']: return True return False def _genDict(name, port): return { "pid-file": path.join(MYSQL_DATA_DIR, name,"%s.pid" % name ), "socket": "/tmp/%s.sock" % name, "port": port, "datadir": path.join(MYSQL_DATA_DIR, name), "log-error": path.join(MYSQL_DATA_DIR,name,"%s.log" % name), } def mysql_install_db(cnf): p = Popen("mysql_install_db --defaults-file=%s"%cnf, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() return p.returncode def run_mysql(cnf): cmd = "mysqld_safe --defaults-file=%s &" % cnf p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) #stdout, stderr = p.communicate() time.sleep(5) return p.returncode def setOwner(p, user): os.system("chown -R mysql:mysql %s" % p) def getCNF(name): return path.join(MYSQL_CONF_DIR, "%s.cnf" % name) def setReplMaster(cur): sql = "GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO %s@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '%s'" % (REPLICATION_USER, REPLICATION_PASS) cur.execute(sql) def createInstance(name, port, dbtype="master", **kw): cnf = path.join(MYSQL_CONF_DIR, "%s.cnf" % name) datadir = path.join(MYSQL_DATA_DIR, name) exists_cnfs = readConfs() if checkPort(exists_cnfs, port): print >> sys.stderr, "Port exist" sys.exit(-1) if not path.exists(cnf): c = _genDict(name, port) c.update(kw) mc = MySQLDConfig(cnf, **c) mc.save() else: mc = MySQLDConfig(cnf) if not path.exists(datadir): mysql_install_db(cnf) setOwner(datadir, mc.mysqld_vars['user']) run_mysql(cnf) cur = connMySQLd(mc) setReplMaster(cur) def connMySQLd(mc): host = '' user = 'root' port = int(mc.mysqld_vars['port']) conn = MySQLdb.connect(host, port=port, user=user) cur = conn.cursor() return cur def diffVariables(instance_name): cnf = getCNF(instance_name) if path.exists(cnf): mc = MySQLDConfig(cnf) cur = connMySQLd(mc) vars = getMyVariables(cur) for k,v in mc.mysqld_vars.items(): k = k.replace('-','_') if k in vars and vars[k] != v: print k, v, vars[k] def setVariable(instance_name, variable, value): cnf = getCNF(instance_name) if path.exists(cnf): mc = MySQLDConfig(cnf) cur = connMySQLd(mc) cur.execute("set global %s = %s" % (variable, value)) mc.set_var(variable, value) mc.save() def findLogPos(s): """ >>> findLogPos("CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_LOG_FILE='mysql-bin.000006', MASTER_LOG_POS=106;") ('mysql-bin.000006', 106) """ rlog = re.compile(r"MASTER_LOG_FILE='(\S+)',",re.IGNORECASE) rpos = re.compile(r"MASTER_LOG_POS=(\d+),?",re.IGNORECASE) log = rlog.search(s) pos = rpos.search(s) if log and pos: return log.group(1), int(pos.group(1)) else: return (None, None) def getBinlogPOS(f): with open(f) as fd: for l in fd: f,p = findLogPos(l) if f and p: return f,p def runMySQLdump(cmd): p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() return p.returncode def backupMySQL(instance_name): cnf = getCNF(instance_name) if path.exists(cnf): mc = MySQLDConfig(cnf) import datetime now = datetime.datetime.now() timestamp = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S') backup_file = path.join(MYSQL_BACK_DIR, instance_name, timestamp+'.sql') _dir = path.dirname(backup_file) if not path.exists(_dir): os.makedirs(_dir) cmd = "mysqldump -A -x -F --master-data=1 --host= --user=root --port=%s > %s" % (mc.mysqld_vars['port'], backup_file) runMySQLdump(cmd) def changeMaster( cur, host, port, user, mpass, mf, p): sql = """ CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='%s', MASTER_PORT=%s, MASTER_USER='%s', MASTER_PASSWORD='%s', MASTER_LOG_FILE='%s', MASTER_LOG_POS=%s;""" % ( host, port, user, mpass, mf, p) cur.execute(sql) def restoreMySQL(instance_name, instance_port, sqlfile, **kw): createInstance(instance_name, instance_port, **kw) cnf = getCNF(instance_name) if path.exists(cnf): mc = MySQLDConfig(cnf) cur = connMySQLd(mc) cmd = "mysql -h -P %s -u root < %s" % ( mc.mysqld_vars['port'], sqlfile ) f, p = getBinlogPOS(sqlfile) runMySQLdump(cmd) changeMaster(cur, host=kw['master-host'], port=kw['master-port'], user=REPLICATION_USER, mpass=REPLICATION_PASS, mf=f, p = p ) def _init(): if not path.exists(MYSQL_DATA_DIR): os.makedirs(MYSQL_DATA_DIR) if not path.exists(MYSQL_CONF_DIR): os.makedirs(MYSQL_CONF_DIR) if not path.exists(MYSQL_BACK_DIR): os.makedirs(MYSQL_BACK_DIR) def main(): _init() opt, args = opts() instance_name = opt.name instance_port = opt.port command = opt.cmd if command == "create": if not args: createInstance(instance_name, instance_port) else: dbtype = args[0] serverid = args[1] mysqld_options = {'server-id':serverid} if dbtype == 'master': mysqld_options['log-bin']='mysql-bin' elif dbtype == 'slave': master_host = args[2] master_port = args[3] mysqld_options['master-host'] =master_host mysqld_options['master-port'] = master_port mysqld_options['master-user'] = REPLICATION_USER mysqld_options['master-password'] = REPLICATION_PASS mysqld_options['skip-slave-start'] = None mysqld_options['replicate-ignore-db'] = 'mysql' mysqld_options['read-only'] = None createInstance( instance_name, instance_port, dbtype=dbtype, **mysqld_options ) elif command == "check": diffVariables(instance_name) elif command == "adjust": variable = args[0] value = args[1] setVariable(instance_name, variable, value) elif command == "backup": backupMySQL(instance_name) elif command == "restore": serverid = args[0] mhost = args[1] mport = args[2] sqlfile = args[3] mysqld_options = { "master-host":mhost, "master-port":mport, "server-id":serverid, "skip-slave-start":None, } restoreMySQL(instance_name, instance_port, sqlfile,**mysqld_options) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
本文出自 “muzinan的技术博客” 博客,谢绝转载!