
Data Format

The data is an array of data series:

[ series1, series2, ... ]

A series can either be raw data or an object with properties. The raw data format is an array of points:

[ [x1, y1], [x2, y2], ... ]


[ [1, 3], [2, 14.01], [3.5, 3.14] ]

Note that to simplify the internal logic in Flot both the x and y values must be numbers (even if specifying time series, see below for how to do this). This is a common problem because you might retrieve data from the database and serialize them directly to JSON without noticing the wrong type. If you're getting mysterious errors, double check that you're inputting numbers and not strings.

If a null is specified as a point or if one of the coordinates is null or couldn't be converted to a number, the point is ignored when drawing. As a special case, a null value for lines is interpreted as a line segment end, i.e. the points before and after the null value are not connected.

Lines and points take two coordinates. For filled lines and bars, you can specify a third coordinate which is the bottom of the filled area/bar (defaults to 0).

The format of a single series object is as follows:

    color: color or number
    data: rawdata
    label: string
    lines: specific lines options
    bars: specific bars options
    points: specific points options
    xaxis: number
    yaxis: number
    clickable: boolean
    hoverable: boolean
    shadowSize: number
    highlightColor: color or number

You don't have to specify any of them except the data, the rest are options that will get default values. Typically you'd only specify label and data, like this:

    label: "y = 3",
    data: [[0, 3], [10, 3]]

The label is used for the legend, if you don't specify one, the series will not show up in the legend.

If you don't specify color, the series will get a color from the auto-generated colors. The color is either a CSS color specification (like "rgb(255, 100, 123)") or an integer that specifies which of auto-generated colors to select, e.g. 0 will get color no. 0, etc.

The latter is mostly useful if you let the user add and remove series, in which case you can hard-code the color index to prevent the colors from jumping around between the series.

The "xaxis" and "yaxis" options specify which axis to use. The axes are numbered from 1 (default), so { yaxis: 2} means that the series should be plotted against the second y axis.

"clickable" and "hoverable" can be set to false to disable interactivity for specific series if interactivity is turned on in the plot, see below.

The rest of the options are all documented below as they are the same as the default options passed in via the options parameter in the plot command. When you specify them for a specific data series, they will override the default options for the plot for that data series.

Here's a complete example of a simple data specification:

[ { label: "Foo", data: [ [10, 1], [17, -14], [30, 5] ] },
  { label: "Bar", data: [ [11, 13], [19, 11], [30, -7] ] }



[ series1, series2, ... ]


[ [x1, y1], [x2, y2], ... ]


[ [1, 3], [2, 14.01], [3.5, 3.14] ]


如果一个点是null或者它的一个坐标是空或者不能被转换为数字,在画图时这个点会被忽略。作为一种特殊情况,在线段中的null值会被处理成线的端头,例如: 在这个null值的前面和后面的点不会联接起来。



    color: color or number
    data: rawdata
    label: string
    lines: specific lines options
    bars: specific bars options
    points: specific points options
    xaxis: number
    yaxis: number
    clickable: boolean
    hoverable: boolean
    shadowSize: number
    highlightColor: color or number


    label: "y = 3",
    data: [[0, 3], [10, 3]]


如果不定义color,该序列会从自生颜色中分配到一种颜色。颜色要么是css颜色定义(比如rgb(255, 100, 123) 或者是一个整数用来指明是自生颜色中的哪一个,比如声明0就会得到第0号颜色。






[ { label: "Foo", data: [ [10, 1], [17, -14], [30, 5] ] },
  { label: "Bar", data: [ [11, 13], [19, 11], [30, -7] ] }
