
Springd 中CollectionUtils 和Apache的Commons-Collections中部分方法一样,其功能和FileCopyUtils在Spring和Commons-Collection中一样的。


public class CollectionUtils {

  * The shared, singleton empty iterator instance.
 public static final Iterator EMPTY_ITERATOR = new EmptyIterator();

  * The shared, singleton empty attribute map instance.
 public static final AttributeMap EMPTY_ATTRIBUTE_MAP = new LocalAttributeMap(Collections.EMPTY_MAP);

  * Private constructor to avoid instantiation.
 private CollectionUtils() {

  * Factory method that adapts an enumeration to an iterator.
  * @param enumeration the enumeration
  * @return the iterator
 public static Iterator toIterator(Enumeration enumeration) {
  return new EnumerationIterator(enumeration);

  * Factory method that returns a unmodifiable attribute map with a single entry.
  * @param attributeName the attribute name
  * @param attributeValue the attribute value
  * @return the unmodifiable map with a single element
 public static AttributeMap singleEntryMap(String attributeName, Object attributeValue) {
  return new LocalAttributeMap(attributeName, attributeValue);

  * Add all given objects to given target list. No duplicates will be added. The contains() method of the given
  * target list will be used to determine whether or not an object is already in the list.
  * @param target the collection to which to objects will be added
  * @param objects the objects to add
  * @return whether or not the target collection changed
 public static boolean addAllNoDuplicates(List target, Object[] objects) {
  if (objects == null || objects.length == 0) {
   return false;
  } else {
   boolean changed = false;
   for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
    if (!target.contains(objects[i])) {
     changed = true;
   return changed;

  * Iterator iterating over no elements (hasNext() always returns false).
 private static class EmptyIterator implements Iterator, Serializable {

  private EmptyIterator() {

  public boolean hasNext() {
   return false;

  public Object next() {
   throw new UnsupportedOperationException("There are no elements");

  public void remove() {
   throw new UnsupportedOperationException("There are no elements");

  * Iterator wrapping an Enumeration.
 private static class EnumerationIterator implements Iterator {

  private Enumeration enumeration;

  public EnumerationIterator(Enumeration enumeration) {
   this.enumeration = enumeration;

  public boolean hasNext() {
   return enumeration.hasMoreElements();

  public Object next() {
   return enumeration.nextElement();

  public void remove() throws UnsupportedOperationException {
   throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported");
