Insufficient system resources

Error messages:
A problem is preventing Windows accurately checking the license from computer; error code is 0x80070002”
“"Windows cannot load the user's profile but has logged you with default profile for the system. Detail - insufficient system resources exist to complete the request tool service." After than its comes back to CTRL+ALT+DEL default Windows log on page. No ID is allowed to logon.”
*** STOP:0X0000008E(0XC0000005,0XBF08578B,0XA9E03BEC,0X00000000)
     Beginning dump of physical memory Physical memory dump complete. Contact your system administrator or techical support group for further assistance.
Cannot log in PC as it is shown as blue screen, but mouse can be used.
There are lots of similar cases these days; all solutions are Symantec update to new version. Any problems with Symantec? Isnt it push us to update to their version?
