Java (java.util.regex)

1.4 Java (java.util.regex)

Java 1.4 supports regular expressions with Sun's java.util.regex package. Although there are competing packages available for previous versions of Java, Sun is poised to become the standard. Sun's package uses a Traditional NFA match engine. For an explanation of the rules behind a Traditional NFA engine, see Section 1.2 .

1.4.1 Supported Metacharacters

java.util.regex supports the metacharacters and metasequences listed in Table 1-10 through Table 1-14 . For expanded definitions of each metacharacter, see Section 1.2.1 .

Table 1-10. Character representations




Alert (bell).


Backspace, x08 , supported only in character class.


ESC character, x1B .


Newline, x0A .


Carriage return, x0D .


Form feed, x0C .


Horizontal tab, x09 .

\0 octal

Character specified by a one-, two-, or three-digit octal code.

\x hex

Character specified by a two-digit hexadecimal code.

\u hex

Unicode character specified by a four-digit hexadecimal code.

\c char

Named control character.

Table 1-11. Character classes and class-like constructs




A single character listed or contained in a listed range.


A single character not listed and not contained within a listed range.


Any character, except a line terminator (unless DOTALL mode).


Word character, [a-zA-Z0-9_] .


Non-word character, [^a-zA-Z0-9_] .


Digit, [0-9] .


Non-digit, [^0-9] .


Whitespace character, [ \t\n\f\r\x0B] .


Non-whitespace character, [^ \t\n\f\r\x0B] .

\p{ prop }

Character contained by given POSIX character class, Unicode property, or Unicode block.

\P{ prop }

Character not contained by given POSIX character class, Unicode property, or Unicode block.

Table 1-12. Anchors and other zero-width tests




Start of string, or after any newline if in MULTILINE mode.


Beginning of string, in any match mode.


End of string, or before any newline if in MULTILINE mode.


End of string but before any final line terminator, in any match mode.


End of string, in any match mode.


Word boundary.




Beginning of current search.

(?= ... )

Positive lookahead.

(?! ... )

Negative lookahead.

(?<= ... )

Positive lookbehind.

(?<! ... )

Negative lookbehind.

Table 1-13. Comments and mode modifiers


Mode character




Treat \n as the only line terminator.



Dot (.) matches any character, including a line terminator.



^ and $ match next to embedded line terminators.



Ignore whitespace and allow embedded comments starting with # .



Case-insensitive match for ASCII characters.



Case-insensitive match for Unicode characters.



Unicode "canonical equivalence" mode where characters or sequences of a base character and combining characters with identical visual representations are treated as equals.

(? mode )


Turn listed modes (idmsux ) on for the rest of the subexpression.

(?- mode )


Turn listed modes (idmsux ) off for the rest of the subexpression.

(? mode :...)


Turn listed modes (idmsux ) on within parentheses.

(?- mode :...)


Turn listed modes (idmsux ) off within parentheses.

#.. .


Treat rest of line as a comment in /x mode.

Table 1-14. Grouping, capturing, conditional, and control




Group subpattern and capture submatch into \1 ,\2 ,... and $1 , $2 ,....

\ n

Contains text matched by the n th capture group.

$ n

In a replacement string, contains text matched by the n th capture group.


Groups subpattern, but does not capture submatch.

(?> ... )

Disallow backtracking for text matched by subpattern.

... |...

Try subpatterns in alternation.


Match 0 or more times.


Match 1 or more times.


Match 1 or 0 times.

{ n }

Match exactly n times.

{ n ,}

Match at least n times.

{ x ,y }

Match at least x times, but no more than y times.


Match 0 or more times, but as few times as possible.


Match 1 or more times, but as few times as possible.


Match 0 or 1 times, but as few times as possible.

{ n ,}?

Match at least n times, but as few times as possible.

{ x ,y }?

Match at least x times, no more than y times, and as few times as possible.


Match 0 or more times, and never backtrack.


Match 1 or more times, and never backtrack.


Match 0 or 1 times, and never backtrack.

{ n }+

Match at least n times, and never backtrack.

{ n ,}+

Match at least n times, and never backtrack.

{ x ,y }+

Match at least x times, no more than y times, and never backtrack.

1.4.2 Regular Expression Classes and Interfaces

Java 1.4 introduces two main classes, java.util.regex.Pattern and java.util.regex.Matcher ; an exception, java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException ; and a new interface, CharSequence . Additionally, Sun upgraded the String class to implement the CharSequence interface and to provide basic pattern-matching methods. Pattern objects are compiled regular expressions that can be applied to many strings. A Matcher object is a match of one Pattern applied to one string (or any object implementing CharSequence ).

Backslashes in regular expression String literals need to be escaped. So \n (newline) becomes \\n when used in a Java String literal that is to be used as a regular expression.



New methods for pattern matching.


boolean matches (String regex )

Return true if regex matches the entire String .

String[ ] split (String regex )

Return an array of the substrings surrounding matches of regex .

String [ ] split (String regex , int limit )

Return an array of the substrings surrounding the first limit -1 matches of regex .

String replaceFirst (String regex , String replacement )

Replace the substring matched by regex with replacement .

String replaceAll (String regex , String replacement )

Replace all substrings matched by regex with replacement .


extends Object and implements Serializable


Models a regular expression pattern.


static Pattern compile(String regex )

Construct a Pattern object from regex .

static Pattern compile(String regex , int flags )

Construct a new Pattern object out of regex and the OR'd mode-modifier constants flags .

int flags( )

Return the Pattern 's mode modifiers.

Matcher matcher(CharSequence input )

Construct a Matcher object that will match this Pattern against input .

static boolean matches(String regex , CharSequence input )

Return true if regex matches the entire string input .

String pattern( )

Return the regular expression used to create this Pattern .

String[ ] split(CharSequence input )

Return an array of the substrings surrounding matches of this Pattern in input .

String[ ] split(CharSequence input , int limit )

Return an array of the substrings surrounding the first limit matches of this pattern in regex .


extends Object


Models a regular expression pattern matcher and pattern matching results.


Matcher appendReplacement(StringBuffer sb , String replacement )

Append substring preceding match and replacement to sb .

StringBuffer appendTail(StringBuffer sb )

Appends substring following end of match to sb .

int end( )

Index of the first character after the end of the match.

int end(int group )

Index of the first character after the text captured by group .

boolean find( )

Find the next match in the input string.

boolean find(int start )

Find the next match after character position, start .

String group( )

Text matched by this Pattern .

String group(int group )

Text captured by capture group, group .

int groupCount( )

Number of capturing groups in Pattern .

boolean lookingAt( )

True if match is at beginning of input.

boolean matches( )

Return true if Pattern matches entire input string.

Pattern pattern( )

Return Pattern object used by this Matcher .

String replaceAll(String replacement )

Replace every match with replacement .

String replaceFirst(String replacement )

Replace first match with replacement .

Matcher reset( )

Reset this matcher so that the next match starts at the beginning of the input string.

Matcher reset(CharSequence input )

Reset this matcher with new input .

int start( )

Index of first character matched.

int start(int group )

Index of first character matched in captured substring, group .


implements Serializable


Thrown to indicate a syntax error in a regular expression pattern.


PatternSyntaxException(String desc , String regex , int index )

Construct an instance of this class.

String getDescription( )

Return error description.

int getIndex( )

Return error index.

String getMessage( )

Return a multiline error message containing error description, index, regular expression pattern, and indication of the position of the error within the pattern.

String getPattern( )

Return the regular expression pattern that threw the exception.


implemented by CharBuffer, String, StringBuffer


Defines an interface for read-only access so that regular expression patterns may be applied to a sequence of characters.


char charAt(int index )

Return the character at the zero-based position, index .

int length( )

Return the number of characters in the sequence.

CharSequence subSequence(int start , int end )

Return a subsequence including the start index and excluding the end index.

String toString( )

Return a String representation of the sequence.

1.4.3 Unicode Support

This package supports Unicode 3.0, although \w , \W , \d , \D , \s , and \S support only ASCII. You can use the equivalent Unicode properties \p{L} , \P{L} , \p{Nd} , \P{Nd} , \p{Z} , and \P{Z} . The word boundary sequences, \b and \B , do understand Unicode.

For supported Unicode properties and blocks, see Table 1-2 . This package supports only the short property names, such as \p{Lu} , and not \p{Lowercase_Letter} . Block names require the In prefix and support only the name form without spaces or underscores; for example, \p{InGreekExtended} , not \p{In_Greek_Extended} or \p{In Greek Extended} .

1.4.4 Examples

Example 1-5. Simple match
//Match Spider-Man, Spiderman, SPIDER-MAN, etc.
public class StringRegexTest {
  public static void main(String[  ] args) throws Exception {
    String dailybugle = "Spider-Man Menaces City!";

    //regex must match entire string
    String regex = "(?i).*spider[- ]?man.*";
    if (dailybugle.matches(regex)) {
      //do something

Example 1-6. Match and capture group
//Match dates formatted like MM/DD/YYYY, MM-DD-YY,...
import java.util.regex.*;

public class MatchTest {
  public static void main(String[  ] args) throws Exception {
    String date = "12/30/1969";
    Pattern p = 

    Matcher m = p.matcher(date);

    if (m.find(  )) {
      String month =;
      String day   =;
      String year  =;

Example 1-7. Simple substitution
//Convert <br> to <br /> for XHTML compliance
import java.util.regex.*;

public class SimpleSubstitutionTest {
  public static void main(String[  ] args) {
    String text = "Hello world. <br>";
    try {
      Pattern p = Pattern.compile("<br>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
      Matcher m = p.matcher(text);

      String result = m.replaceAll("<br />");
    catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
      System.out.println(e.getMessage(  ));
    catch (Exception e) { System.exit(  ); }



Example 1-8. Harder substitution
//urlify - turn URL's into HTML links
import java.util.regex.*;

public class Urlify {
  public static void main (String[  ] args) throws Exception {
   String text = "Check the website,";
   String regex =                                                
        "\\b                         # start at word\n" 
     +  "                            # boundary\n"
     +  "(                           # capture to $1\n"
     +  "(https?|telnet|gopher|file|wais|ftp) : \n"
     +  "                            # resource and colon\n"
     +  "[\\w/\\#~:.?+=&%@!\\-] +?   # one or more valid\n"
     +  "                            # characters\n"
     +  "                            # but take as little\n" 
     +  "                            # as possible\n"
      +  ")\n"                                                               
     +  "(?=                         # lookahead\n"
     +  "[.:?\\-] *                  # for possible punc\n"
     +  "(?: [^\\w/\\#~:.?+=&%@!\\-] # invalid character\n"
     +  "| $ )                       # or end of string\n"  
     +  ")";

    Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex,  
        Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE + Pattern.COMMENTS);
    Matcher m = p.matcher(text);
    String result = m.replaceAll("<a href=\"$1\">$1</a>");

1.4.5 Other Resources
