关于"#define new DEBUG_NEW"


在Visual C++开发过程后,也许对下面一段代码并不陌生:

[cpp] view plaincopyprint?
#ifdef _DEBUG  
#define new DEBUG_NEW  
#undef THIS_FILE  
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;  


Assists in finding memory leaks. You can use DEBUG_NEW everywhere in your program that you would ordinarily use the new operator to allocate heap storage.

In debug mode (when the _DEBUG symbol is defined), DEBUG_NEW keeps track of the filename and line number for each object that it allocates. Then, when you use the CMemoryState::DumpAllObjectsSince member function, each object allocated with DEBUG_NEW is shown with the filename and line number where it was allocated.

To use DEBUG_NEW, insert the following directive into your source files:

#define new DEBUG_NEW

Once you insert this directive, the preprocessor will insert DEBUG_NEW wherever you use new, and MFC does the rest. When you compile a release version of your program, DEBUG_NEW resolves to a simple new operation, and the filename and line number information is not generated.

