[BCMSN]试验5 Catalyst 1900的口令恢复

断电 按住mode键不放 通电后 松开mode键
Cisco Systems Diagnostic Console
Copyright(c) Cisco Systems, Inc. 1997
All rights reserved.
Ethernet Address: 00-90-86-78-BE-80
Press enter to continue.
     Diagnostic Console  �C Systems Engineering
         Operation firmware version:  9.00.06   Status: valid
         Boot firmware version:  3.03
     [C] Continue with standard system start up
     [U] Upgrade operation firmware (XMODEM)
     [S] System debug interface

Enter Selection:  S

     Diagnostic Console  �C System debug interface
     [G] Generic I/O                 
     [M] Memory (CPU) I/O            
     [F] Return system to factory defaults
     [R] Reset main console RS232 interface to 9600,8,1,N
     [V] View management console password
     [P] POST diagnostic console
     [X] Exit to Previous Menu

Enter Selection:  V

No password has been set.
Press any key to continue.
     Diagnostic Console  �C System debug interface
     [G] Generic I/O                 
     [M] Memory (CPU) I/O            
     [F] Return system to factory defaults
     [R] Reset main console RS232 interface to 9600,8,1,N
     [V] View management console password
     [P] POST diagnostic console
     [X] Exit to Previous Menu

Enter Selection:  X

     Diagnostic Console  �C Systems Engineering
         Operation firmware version:  9.00.06   Status: valid
         Boot firmware version:  3.03
     [C] Continue with standard system start up
     [U] Upgrade operation firmware (XMODEM)
     [S] System debug interface

Enter Selection:  C

The system will take a minute to perform self test…
Catalyst 1900 Management Console
Copyright (c) Cisco Systems, Inc.  1993-1999
All rights reserved.
Enterprise Edition Software
Ethernet Address:      00-90-86-78-BE-80
PCA Number:            73-2240-06
PCA Serial Number:     FAA02329GI4
Model Number:          WS-C1912-EN
System Serial Number:  FAA0232S0MX
1 user(s) now active on Management Console.
        User Interface Menu
     [M] Menus
     [K] Command Line
     [I] IP Configuration
     [P] Console Password

Enter Selection:   P

The Management Console password can help prevent unauthorized accesses.
When specifying a password, use a minimum of 4 characters and
maximum of 8 characters.  The password is case insensitive and
can contain any character with a legal keyboard representation.
For the user’s protection, the password must be entered the same
way twice before it will be accepted.

            Enter new password:  输入新的console密码
