1.ks文件 ok
2.DHCP服务器 ok
3.TFTP服务器 ok 文件
4.HTTP服务器(NFS、FTP) ok
5.网卡启动 ok
6.YUM仓库安装源 ok
[root@linux-node1 ~]# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
[root@linux-node1 ~]# yum install -y httpd createrepo
[root@linux-node1 ~]# mkdir /var/www/html/CentOS-7.1-x86_64
[root@linux-node1 ~]# cp -a /mnt/* /var/www/html/CentOS-7.1-x86_64/
[root@linux-node1 ~]# createrepo -pdo /var/www/html/CentOS-7.1-x86_64/ /var/www/html/CentOS-7.1-x86_64/
[root@linux-node1 ~]# createrepo -g `ls /var/www/html/CentOS-7.1-x86_64/repodata/*-comps.xml` /var/www/html/CentOS-7.1-x86_64/
[root@linux-node1 ~]# yum install -y tftp-server dhcp xinetd
[root@linux-node1 ~]# vim /etc/xinetd.d/tftp
disable = no
[root@linux-node1 ~]# cd /usr/share/doc/dhcp-4.1.1/
[root@linux-node1 dhcp-4.1.1]# cp dhcpd.conf.sample /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
subnet netmask {
range dynamic-bootp;
option subnet-mask;
filename "pxelinux.0";
[root@linux-node1 dhcp-4.1.1]# /etc/init.d/dhcpd start
正在启动 dhcpd: [确定]
[root@linux-node1 dhcp-4.1.1]# /etc/init.d/httpd start
正在启动 httpd:
[root@linux-node1 dhcp-4.1.1]# /etc/init.d/xinetd start
[root@linux-node1 ~]# curl --head
[root@linux-node1 ~]# yum install -y syslinux
[root@linux-node1 ~]# cp /usr/share/syslinux/pxelinux.0 /var/lib/tftpboot/
[root@linux-node1 ~]# cp /mnt/isolinux/* /var/lib/tftpboot/
[root@linux-node1 ~]# mkdir /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg
[root@linux-node1 CentOS-7.1-x86_64]# vim CentOS-7.1-x86_64.cfg
18 url --url=
[root@linux-node1 ~]# cd /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/
[root@linux-node1 pxelinux.cfg]# cp /mnt/isolinux/isolinux.cfg default
[root@linux-node1 pxelinux.cfg]# cat default
default vesamenu.c32
timeout 600
display boot.msg
# Clear the screen when exiting the menu, instead of leaving the menu displayed.
# For vesamenu, this means the graphical background is still displayed without
# the menu itself for as long as the screen remains in graphics mode.
menu clear
menu background splash.png
menu title CentOS 7
menu vshift 8
menu rows 18
menu margin 8
#menu hidden
menu helpmsgrow 15
menu tabmsgrow 13
# Border Area
menu color border * #00000000 #00000000 none
# Selected item
menu color sel 0 #ffffffff #00000000 none
# Title bar
menu color title 0 #ff7ba3d0 #00000000 none
# Press [Tab] message
menu color tabmsg 0 #ff3a6496 #00000000 none
# Unselected menu item
menu color unsel 0 #84b8ffff #00000000 none
# Selected hotkey
menu color hotsel 0 #84b8ffff #00000000 none
# Unselected hotkey
menu color hotkey 0 #ffffffff #00000000 none
# Help text
menu color help 0 #ffffffff #00000000 none
# A scrollbar of some type? Not sure.
menu color scrollbar 0 #ffffffff #ff355594 none
# Timeout msg
menu color timeout 0 #ffffffff #00000000 none
menu color timeout_msg 0 #ffffffff #00000000 none
# Command prompt text
menu color cmdmark 0 #84b8ffff #00000000 none
menu color cmdline 0 #ffffffff #00000000 none
# Do not display the actual menu unless the user presses a key. All that is displayed is a timeout message.
menu tabmsg Press Tab for full configuration options on menu items.
menu separator # insert an empty line
menu separator # insert an empty line
label ks
menu label ^AUTO Install CentOS 7
kernel vmlinuz
append initrd=initrd.img ks=
label linux
menu label ^Install CentOS 7
kernel vmlinuz
append initrd=initrd.img inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=CentOS\x207\x20x86_64 quiet
label check
menu label Test this ^media & install CentOS 7
menu default
kernel vmlinuz
append initrd=initrd.img inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=CentOS\x207\x20x86_64 rd.live.check quiet
menu separator # insert an empty line
# utilities submenu
menu begin ^Troubleshooting
menu title Troubleshooting
label vesa
menu indent count 5
menu label Install CentOS 7 in ^basic graphics mode
text help
Try this option out if you're having trouble installing
CentOS 7.
kernel vmlinuz
append initrd=initrd.img inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=CentOS\x207\x20x86_64 xdriver=vesa nomodeset quiet
label rescue
menu indent count 5
menu label ^Rescue a CentOS system
text help
If the system will not boot, this lets you access files
and edit config files to try to get it booting again.
kernel vmlinuz
append initrd=initrd.img inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=CentOS\x207\x20x86_64 rescue quiet
label memtest
menu label Run a ^memory test
text help
If your system is having issues, a problem with your
system's memory may be the cause. Use this utility to
see if the memory is working correctly.
kernel memtest
menu separator # insert an empty line
label local
menu label Boot from ^local drive
localboot 0xffff
menu separator # insert an empty line
menu separator # insert an empty line
label returntomain
menu label Return to ^main menu
menu exit
menu end
root unixhot