* Monitor checks for leases that have expired, * and disposes of them.
那么租约管理器的完整功能又是什么呢。这个还是从他的java doc入手(hadoop里的注释写的非常好,结合注释和代码看的比较快)
/** * LeaseManager does the lease housekeeping for writing on files. * This class also provides useful static methods for lease recovery. * * Lease Recovery Algorithm * 1) Namenode retrieves lease information * 2) For each file f in the lease, consider the last block b of f * 2.1) Get the datanodes which contains b * 2.2) Assign one of the datanodes as the primary datanode p * 2.3) p obtains a new generation stamp form the namenode * 2.4) p get the block info from each datanode * 2.5) p computes the minimum block length * 2.6) p updates the datanodes, which have a valid generation stamp, * with the new generation stamp and the minimum block length * 2.7) p acknowledges the namenode the update results * 2.8) Namenode updates the BlockInfo * 2.9) Namenode removes f from the lease * and removes the lease once all files have been removed * 2.10) Namenode commit changes to edit log */
/** * Adds (or re-adds) the lease for the specified file. */ synchronized void addLease(String holder, String src) /** * Remove the lease for the specified holder and src */ synchronized void removeLease(String holder, String src)
// // Used for handling lock-leases // Mapping: leaseHolder -> Lease // private SortedMap<String, Lease> leases // Set of: Lease private SortedSet<Lease> sortedLeases // // Map path names to leases. It is protected by the sortedLeases lock. // The map stores pathnames in lexicographical order. // private SortedMap<String, Lease> sortedLeasesByPath
其中第一个SortedMap主要是存放who拥有which lease,例如A客户端当前A1请求拥有L这个租约,至于L这个租约的具体表现形式就要看租约lease这个类的描述了,租约类主要有以下几个字段来描述
private final String holder; //租约的持有者 private long lastUpdate; //上次租约签订的时间 private final Collection<String> paths = new TreeSet<String>(); //租约所管辖的对像,这里是hdfs文件
{ "key" : "client_A_request_A1" "value" : { "holder":"client_A_request_A1", "lastUpdate":"now()" "paths":["test_temp1_file"] } }
第二个SortedSet主要是存放每个lease对象,这个SortedSet的目的是用于在租约过期检测里能够尽量检测那些租约快到期的数据,租约对象自身实现了Comparable接口,然后利用租约的更新时间和租约的持有者来做比较,例如有2个租约,A的上次更新时间为111111 B的上次更新时间为111112,那么B的状态就比A新1个时间单位,故A相比B更接近租约到期时间,所以AB同时存放在SortedSet中时,A在B的上面(TreeSet基于红黑树的TreeMap来实现)。
1:loadFSEditLog 2:loadFSImage 3:appendFile 4:startFile(createFile)
1:判断这个租约管辖的hdfs文件上是否还有其他数据块请求(例如租约期间的其他排队请求) 2:如果还有针对这个文件的请求,则这个租约就续约然后执行后续的块处理 3:如果没有其他请求则删除租约,关闭这个hdfs文件,同时持久化文件块映射关系