Linux Administration Handbook 1.1

We set out to write a book that could be a system administrator’s trusty companion, affording the practical advice and basic system administration theory that you can’t get from reading manual pages. As a result, this book is designed to complement―not replace―the existing body of Linux documentation.
我们计划写本书,是系统管理员可信赖的指南,给予经过实践的建议和基本系统管理理论,这些都是阅读手册获得不了的。因此,这本书计划作为补充,而不是替代现有的 Linux 文档。
This book helps you in five ways:
这本书从 5 方面帮助你:
It reviews the major administrative systems, identifying the different pieces of each and explaining how they work together.
It introduces general administrative techniques that we have found, through experience, to be efficient and beneficial.
It helps you choose solutions that continue to work well as your site grows in size and complexity.
It helps you sort good ideas from bad and educates you about assorted atrocities of taste committed by distributors.
It summarizes common procedures so that you don’t have to dig through the excessive detail of the manuals to accomplish simple tasks.
It’s impossible to perform these functions with perfect objectivity, but we think we’ve made our biases fairly clear throughout the text. One of the interesting things about system administration is that reasonable people can have dramatically different notions of what constitute the most appropriate policies and procedures. We offer our subjective opinions to you as raw data. You’ll have to decide for yourself how much to accept and to what extent our comments apply to your environment.

We assume in this book that you have a certain amount of Linux or UNIX experience. In particular, you should have a general concept of how Linux looks and feels from the user’s perspective before jumping into administration. Several good books can get you up to speed; see the reading list on page 19.
我们书中假设你已经具有一定的 Linux UNIX 经验。特别是,你应有大概概念, Linux 从用户的角度看来是什么样的,在进入管理之前。一些书可使你达到正常水平,看 19 页的阅读列表。
You perform most administrative tasks by editing configuration files and writing scripts, so you must be familiar with a text editor. To the dismay of many, using Microsoft Word as one’s only text editor is a significant impediment to effective system administration.
你实现多数管理任务通过编辑配置文件及写脚本,所以你必须熟悉文本编辑器。令人沮丧的是,使用微软的 word 作为唯一的编辑器对于有效的系统管理是有深远的妨碍。
We strongly recommend that you learn vi (which is seen most commonly on Linux systems in its rewritten form, vim). It is standard on all UNIX and Linux systems, and though it may appear a bit pallid when compared with glitzier offerings such as emacs, it is powerful and complete. We also like pico, which is a simple and low-impact “starter editor” that’s good for new sysadmins. It’s included in many distributions. Be wary of nonstandard editors; if you become addicted to one, you may soon tire of dragging it along with you to install on every new system.
我们强烈推荐你学习 vi (多数 Linux 系统常见的其重写版本, vim )。它在所有 UNIX Linux 上都是标准的,通过它会呈现出一点苍白的当与更好的版本相比较,如 Emacs ,它完善而强大。我们也喜欢 Pico ,是个简单而低效的初级编辑器,适合新的管理员。它包含在很多发布版里。警惕非标准的编辑器,当你习惯于一种,你会疲于带着它在每个新系统上安装。
One of the mainstays of administration (and a theme that runs throughout this book) is the use of scripts to automate administrative tasks. To be an effective administrator, you must be able to read and modify Perl and sh scripts (which in the Linux world are really bash scripts). Scripts that you write from scratch can be written in the shell or scripting language of your choice.
管理的一个中流砥柱是脚本的使用实现自动化管理任务。作为有效的管理员,你必须可以读修改 Perl sh 脚本( Linux 中实际是 Bash 脚本)。你从暂存区写得脚本可在 shell 里写,或自选语言写。
For new scripting projects, we recommend Perl or Python. As a programming language, Perl is a little strange (OK, more than a little). However, it does include many features that are indispensable for administrators. The O’Reilly book Programming Perl by Larry Wall et al. is the standard text; it’s also a model of good technical writing. A full citation is given on page 20.
新的脚本工程,我们推荐 Perl Python 。作为一种程序语言, Perl 有点陌生(好的,不止有点)。但是,它具有很多管理员必须的特征。 O’Reilly 出版, Larry Wall et al. 写得 Perl 程序,是标准书,也是很好的技术写作模板。 20 页有完整的引用。
See for a complete selection of useful Perl software. 有完整的 Perl 软件使用精选。
Many administrators prefer Python to Perl, and we know of sites that are making a concerted effort to convert from Perl to Python. Python is a more elegant language than Perl, and Python scripts are generally more readable and easier to maintain. A useful set of links that compare Python to other scripting languages (including Perl) can be found at
许多管理员喜欢 python 多与 Perl ,而且我们知道站点也在从 Perl Python 一致转变。 Python 是比 Perl 更优秀的语言,而且 Python 的脚本通常可读性更好,且易于维护。 Python 与其他脚本语言(包括 Perl )的比较在下链接中。
We also recommend that you learn expect, which is not a programming language so much as a front end for driving interactive programs. You will most likely pick up expect quite rapidly.
