职场英语--二十四 说明


To V/For N,...


介词to是in order to 的省略语,有表“目的”的意思。在提供建议或说明做法时,可先用于带出主题以吸引对话


To get more information,please log on our web site.

For more information,please log on our web site.

To fill in the online form,please click the icon on the right.

For access to the online form,please click the icon on the right.


As soon as...,...



As soon as we find a solution,I'll let you know.

As soon as the meeting is over,I'll give you a call.


by V-ing



How can I upgrade my membership?会员资格

You can upgrade by filling in our online form.


The first + N...,...Secondly,...,Finally,...


First,I'd like to thank you all for being here today.

Second/Secondly,I'm glad to have this chance to share my experience with you.

Finally,I'd like to wish you all the best and look forward to seeing you again soon.


A:We mainly import quality furniture from designers in northern Europe.

B:No wonder it is quite delicate and expensive.

delicate (adj.)别致的,典雅的

A:Our services include designing,setting up and maintaining web sites.

B:I see.I suppose I can get more information from you offical web site.

A:To apply for the job,please fill in this form first.

B:I've filled in the form on line and printed it out.May I use that instead?

A:In this section,please use capital letters to fill in the information.

B:OK,I will.

For this part

As for this section

block letters 正体

standardized form of Chinese characters正体中文


A:To make an outside call,you need to dial 0 first.

B:Oh,I see.Thanks.

an extension number拨打分机号码

a phone call on a cell phone拨打手机号码


A:As soon as you get through,you can skip the recording by directly dialing the extension number.

B:Wow,that's convenient.Thanks.


A:Hi,I need to make several copies of this document.

B:Let me show you.Here's the key to select the size,and there's the one to adjust the darkness

of your copies.


A:I think this fax machine is broken.It's not working.

B:Let me see.Oh,it's just our of paper.


A:This meeting will go through the issues according to the agenda.If there're other issues you

wish to bring up,please wait until the end of the meeting.Thank you.



A:I'd like to begin the presentation by briefing you on the topic for today.The first

session will be an introduction of the present market.Secondly,we'll be discussing how

the new product can fit in the market.Finally,we will give you some insights into our marketing strategy.


