Author: Matt Song
Date: 11/27/2010
This artical mainly show you how to install VM tools for Linux platform in VMware workstation.
Linux version: 2.6.18-128.el5, CentOS release 5.3 (Final)
1. Create virtual machine with Linux installed;
2. Start the VM, go to ‘VM’ tab, click ‘Install VMware Tools…’;
3. Now a installation disk has been insterted to the VM’s cdrom, run those utility below:
#mount the cdrom to /tmp/cdrom
[root@Matt-CentOS ~]# mkdir /tmp/cdrom
[root@Matt-CentOS ~]# mkdir /tmp/vmtools
[root@Matt-CentOS ~]# mount /dev/cdrom /tmp/cdrom/
#unzip the installation file
[root@Matt-CentOS ~]# cd /tmp/cdrom/
[root@Matt-CentOS cdrom]# cp VMwareTools-8.1.3-203739.tar.gz /tmp/vmtools/
[root@Matt-CentOS cdrom]# cd ../vmtools/
[root@Matt-CentOS vmtools]# tar -zxvf VMwareTools-8.1.3-203739.tar.gz
#run the install script
[root@Matt-CentOS vmtools]# cd vmware-tools-distrib/
[root@Matt-CentOS vmware-tools-distrib]# ./
(Keep press 'Enter' when you are prompt to input parameter.)
#reboot the system
[root@Matt-CentOS vmware-tools-distrib]# reboot
After the system rebooted, now you can drop your mouse out of the VMware Workstation console, you can copy the text out from the VM, you can changed the display resolution, you can…….Just have fun