1.安装 jdk-8u45-linux-x64.tar.gz elasticsearch-1.7.2.tar.gz /etc/profile export JAVA_HOME=/data/program/jdk1.8 export JRE_HOME=/data/program/jdk1.8/jre export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH export CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/lib/dt.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar tar -xzvf elasticsearch-1.7.2.tar.gz cd elasticsearch-1.7.2/bin ./elasticsearch -d 内存设置 vim elasticsearch.in.sh if [ "x$ES_MIN_MEM" = "x" ]; then ES_MIN_MEM=256m fi if [ "x$ES_MAX_MEM" = "x" ]; then ES_MAX_MEM=512m fi 2.插件安装 ./plugin --install mobz/elasticsearch-head ./plugin --install lukas-vlcek/bigdesk/2.5.0 ./plugin --install elasticsearch/marvel/latest 网址访问 3.通过插件marvel去调用api接口进行增删改查 #GET _search #{ # "query": { # "match_all": {} # } #} PUT { "settings":{ "index":{ "number_of_shards":5, "number_of_replicas":1 } } } PUT { "settings":{ "index":{ "number_of_shards":5, "number_of_replicas":1 } } } GET /library/_settings GET /library,library2/_settings GET /_all/_settings PUT /library/books/1 { "title":"eddy books", "name":{ "first":"eddy", "last":"tom" }, "publish_date":"2016-01-09", "price":"59.99" } GET /library/books/1 GET /library/books/1?_source=title,price POST /library/books/1/_update { "doc":{ "price":69.99 } } DELETE /library/books/1 DELETE /library/books DELETE /library 4.批量获取mget # 同时获取多个文档信息 # 例子:获取index:bank, type:bank_account下面 # ID为1,2,3,4,15,6,28 的文档信息 GET /bank/bank_account/1 GET /bank/bank_account/2 GET /shakespeare/line/3 GET /bank/bank_account/4 GET /shakespeare/line/5 # 数组[] GET /_mget { "docs" : [ { "_index" : "bank", "_type" : "bank_account", "_id" : 1 }, { "_index" : "bank", "_type" : "bank_account", "_id" : 2 }, { "_index" : "shakespeare", "_type" : "line", "_id" : 3 }, { "_index" : "shakespeare", "_type" : "line", "_id" : 4 }, { "_index" : "shakespeare", "_type" : "line", "_id" : 15 }, { "_index" : "shakespeare", "_type" : "line", "_id" : 6 }, { "_index" : "shakespeare", "_type" : "line", "_id" : 28 } ] } # 也可以指定_source字段,获取你想要的 GET /_mget { "docs" : [ { "_index" : "shakespeare", "_type" : "line", "_id" : 6, "_source": "play_name" }, { "_index" : "shakespeare", "_type" : "line", "_id" : 28, "_source": "play_name" } ] } # 指定多个_source字段,数组的形式[] GET /_mget { "docs" : [ { "_index" : "shakespeare", "_type" : "line", "_id" : 6 }, { "_index" : "shakespeare", "_type" : "line", "_id" : 28, "_source": ["play_name","speaker","text_entry"] } ] } # 获取相同index相同type下不同ID的文档 GET /shakespeare/line/_mget { "docs" : [ { "_id" : 6 }, { "_type" : "line", "_id" : 28 } ] } # 可以这样简便的写 GET /shakespeare/line/_mget { "ids" : [ "6", "28" ] } GET /shakespeare/line/_mget { "ids" : [ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7" ] } 5.批量操作bulk 默认是以换行为一条数据解析的 所以不能用已下格式 {"delete": { "_index":"library", "_type":"books", "_id":"1" } } 只能是以下格式 {"delete":{"_index":"library","_type":"books","_id":"1"}} #多重模式 POST /library/books/_bulk { "index": { "_id": 1}} { "title":"Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide","price":5 } { "index": { "_id": 2}} { "title":"The Elasticsearch cookbook","price":15 } { "index": { "_id": 3}} { "title":"Elasticsearch Blueprints","price":9 } { "index": { "_id": 4}} { "title":"Thinking in Python","price":22 } { "index": { "_id": 5}} { "title":"Thinking in Java","price":7 } GET /library/ GET /library/books/_mget { "ids" : [ "1", "2" , "3", "4", "5"] } # 当然还可以有delete ,update等操作 # 注意delete下面没有具体的request body POST /library/books/_bulk { "delete": { "_index": "library", "_type": "books", "_id": "1" }} { "create": { "_index": "music", "_type": "classical", "_id": "1" }} { "title": "Ave Verum Corpus" } { "index": { "_index": "music", "_type": "classical" }} { "title": "Litaniac de Venerabili Altaris Sacromento" } { "update": { "_index": "library", "_type": "books", "_id": "2"} } { "doc" : {"price" : "18"} } GET /library/books/1 GET /library/books/_mget { "ids" : [ "1", "2" , "3", "4", "5"] } bulk处理文档大小的最佳值 加载每个节点的RAM中在实际应用中逐次提升文档数目 6.Version版本控制 # Version版本控制 # #内部版本控制 PUT /library/books/1 { "title": "Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide", "name" : { "first" : "Zachary", "last" : "Tong" }, "publish_date":"2015-02-06", "price":"59.99" } GET /library/books/1 POST /library/books/1/_update { "doc": { "price" : 10 } } POST /library/books/1/_update?version=3 { "doc": { "price" : 15 } } # 外部版本控制机制 #自己手动定义版本号 #但是版本号不能冲突 #版本号大于内部版本号即可 #版本号必须是整数 PUT /library/books/1?version=5&version_type=external { "title": "Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide", "name" : { "first" : "Zachary", "last" : "Tong" }, "publish_date":"2015-02-06", "price":"20" } PUT /library/books/1?version=6&version_type=external { "title": "Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide", "name" : { "first" : "Zachary", "last" : "Tong" }, "publish_date":"2015-02-06", "price":"25" } GET /library/books/1 7.映射 # 建立映射 POST /library { "settings": { "number_of_shards": 5, "number_of_replicas": 1 }, "mappings": { "books": { "properties": { "title": { "type": "string"}, "name": { "type": "string", "index": "not_analyzed"}, "publish_date": {"type": "date", "index": "not_analyzed"}, "price": {"type": "double"}, "number": {"type": "integer"} } } } } # 动态映射 PUT /library { "mappings": { "books": { "dynamic": "strict", "properties": { "title": { "type": "string" }, "name": { "type": "string", "index": "not_analyzed"}, "publish_date": {"type": "date", "index": "not_analyzed"}, "price": {"type": "double"}, "number": { "type": "object", "dynamic": true } } } } } GET /library/ # 获取某个索引的映射信息 GET /library/_mapping GET /bank/_mapping/ # 获取某个索引下某个type的映射信息 GET /library/_mapping/books # 获取这个集群内所有的映射信息 GET /_all/_mapping # 获取这个集群内某两个或多个type的映射信息 GET /_all/_mapping/books,bank_account # 更新修改Mapping映射 # 很遗憾,mapping一旦建立,就不能修改现有的字段映射 # 如果要推倒现有的映射,你得重新建立一个索引,然后重新定义映射 # 然后把之前索引里的数据导入到新建立的索引里 # ---------具体的方法---------- # 1. 给现有的索引定义一个别名,并且把现有的索引指向这个别名,运行步骤2 # 2. 运行 : PUT /现有索引/_alias/别名A # 3. 新创建一个索引,定义好最新的映射 # 4. 将别名指向新的索引,并且取消之前索引的指向,运行步骤5 # 5. 运行: POST /_aliases # { # "actions": [ # { "remove": { "index": "现有索引名", "alias": "别名A" }}, # { "add": { "index": "新建索引名", "alias": "别名A" }} # ] # } # # 注:通过这几个步骤就实现了索引的平滑过度,并且是零停机的 # #删除映射 DELETE /library/books DELETE /library/books/_mapping DELETE /library/_mapping/books,bank