
Magic CSS3 Animations

Magic CSS3 Animations是一个CSS3动画包,拥有一些特效可以你的Web项目中免费使用。拥有像金光闪闪,角度,旋转,炸 弹等特殊效果。使用简单,大部分的动画是跨浏览器兼容。


Animate.css是一个现成的CSS3的动画特效库。这个库拥有60个不同的动画效果。Once animate.min.css is included into your <head> document, you just need to add the animated class plus the name of the needed animation. Example with the Flash animation, the element class would be: class="animated flash".




  • fadeIn
  • zoomIn
  • zoomOut
  • slideTop
  • slideDown
  • pageTop
  • pageRight
  • ...




Read the 9 goals of Effeckt.css and watch the project’s 22-second video on YouTube to get a glimpse of Effeckt.css’s might bring int the future.



该工具用于创建CSS3动画,创建的动画可以在任何平台或设备(包括Android、BlackBerry、iOS 和WebOS等)中的现代浏览器中运行。即便你不熟悉CSS,该工具也能帮助你创建多场景的CSS3动画。

Fancy Input

Fancy Input 这款 jQuery  插件不只是关注外观,同时在交互方面通过 CSS3 特性让文本输入域变得更有趣,更有吸引力。



Morf.js 提供了一组 JavaScript 方法用于加速 CSS3 的各种转换效果,支持的方法都在上图中,无需编写 CSS3 代码。


Easing Functions

Easing functions is something different from the reset. It's a generator to create different easing transition. You can specifies the speed of animation progresses to make it more realistic. You will get a CSS version too if it's possible to make it with CSS, otherwise, you will get a javascript version.


Hover.css 是一个利用CSS3创建动画鼠标悬停效果的集合。适用于任何Html元素,如按钮,图像等。

CSS3 Animations Plugin

CSS3 Animations plugin uses the great new features in CSS3 especially Animations. This plugin can animate your site with minimal effort. Just choose the animation effect what you like /you can choosey 35 different animations / and use it in your element in CSS. Animation may take place during a hover on an element of the mouse to display or hide elements but can run as from the beginning. It is up to you when the animation makes.
There are two different versions - Development (72kb in size) and a Minified (45kb in size) version.
