mvn depoly上传包到远程仓库



一 配置settings.xml










如果进行deploy时返回Return code is: 401错误,则需要进行用户验证或者你已经验证的信息有误。


二 cmd输入命令


mvn deploy:deploy-file -DartifactId=ojdbc14 -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=E:\ojdbc14.jar -Durl=http://localhost:9090/nexus-2.2-01/content/repositories/thirdparty/ -DrepositoryId=thirdparty




Durl 私服上仓库的位置,打开nexus——>repositories菜单,可以看到该路径。


DrepositoryId 对应maven配置文件setting.xml中server标签的id




比如Manifest-Version: 1.0可以知道该包的版本了。


上传成功后,在nexus界面点击3rd party仓库可以看到这包。


三、mvn deploy命令参数说明

mvn deploy:help -Ddetail=true

[INFO] Scanning for projects...


[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

[INFO] Building Maven Stub Project (No POM) 1

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


[INFO] --- maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:help (default-cli) @ standalone-pom ---

[INFO] org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7


Maven Deploy Plugin

  Uploads the project artifacts to the internal remote repository.


This plugin has 3 goals:



  Deploys an artifact to remote repository.


  Available parameters:



      Specifies an alternative repository to which the project artifacts should

      be deployed ( other than those specified in <distributionManagement> ).

      Format: id::layout::url

      Expression: ${altDeploymentRepository}


    retryFailedDeploymentCount (Default: 1)

      Parameter used to control how many times a failed deployment will be

      retried before giving up and failing. If a value outside the range 1-10 is

      specified it will be pulled to the nearest value within the range 1-10.

      Expression: ${retryFailedDeploymentCount}


    skip (Default: false)

      Set this to 'true' to bypass artifact deploy

      Expression: ${maven.deploy.skip}


    updateReleaseInfo (Default: false)

      Parameter used to update the metadata to make the artifact as release.

      Expression: ${updateReleaseInfo}



  Installs the artifact in the remote repository.


  Available parameters:



      ArtifactId of the artifact to be deployed. Retrieved from POM file if


      Expression: ${artifactId}



      Add classifier to the artifact

      Expression: ${classifier}



      A comma separated list of classifiers for each of the extra side artifacts

      to deploy. If there is a mis-match in the number of entries in files or

      types, then an error will be raised.

      Expression: ${classifiers}



      Description passed to a generated POM file (in case of generatePom=true)

      Expression: ${generatePom.description}



      File to be deployed.

      Required: Yes

      Expression: ${file}



      A comma separated list of files for each of the extra side artifacts to

      deploy. If there is a mis-match in the number of entries in types or

      classifiers, then an error will be raised.

      Expression: ${files}


    generatePom (Default: true)

      Upload a POM for this artifact. Will generate a default POM if none is

      supplied with the pomFile argument.

      Expression: ${generatePom}



      GroupId of the artifact to be deployed. Retrieved from POM file if


      Expression: ${groupId}



      The bundled API docs for the artifact.

      Expression: ${javadoc}



      Type of the artifact to be deployed. Retrieved from the <packaging>

      element of the POM file if a POM file specified. Defaults to the file

      extension if it is not specified via command line or POM.

      Maven uses two terms to refer to this datum: the <packaging> element for

      the entire POM, and the <type> element in a dependency specification.

      Expression: ${packaging}



      Location of an existing POM file to be deployed alongside the main

      artifact, given by the ${file} parameter.

      Expression: ${pomFile}


    repositoryId (Default: remote-repository)

      Server Id to map on the <id> under <server> section of settings.xml In

      most cases, this parameter will be required for authentication.

      Required: Yes

      Expression: ${repositoryId}


    repositoryLayout (Default: default)

      The type of remote repository layout to deploy to. Try legacy for a Maven

      1.x-style repository layout.

      Expression: ${repositoryLayout}


    retryFailedDeploymentCount (Default: 1)

      Parameter used to control how many times a failed deployment will be

      retried before giving up and failing. If a value outside the range 1-10 is

      specified it will be pulled to the nearest value within the range 1-10.

      Expression: ${retryFailedDeploymentCount}



      The bundled sources for the artifact.

      Expression: ${sources}



      A comma separated list of types for each of the extra side artifacts to

      deploy. If there is a mis-match in the number of entries in files or

      classifiers, then an error will be raised.

      Expression: ${types}


    uniqueVersion (Default: true)

      Whether to deploy snapshots with a unique version or not.

      Expression: ${uniqueVersion}


    updateReleaseInfo (Default: false)

      Parameter used to update the metadata to make the artifact as release.

      Expression: ${updateReleaseInfo}



      URL where the artifact will be deployed.

      ie ( file:///C:/m2-repo or scp:// )

      Required: Yes

      Expression: ${url}



      Version of the artifact to be deployed. Retrieved from POM file if


      Expression: ${version}



  Display help information on maven-deploy-plugin.


    mvn deploy:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name>

  to display parameter details.


  Available parameters:


    detail (Default: false)

      If true, display all settable properties for each goal.

      Expression: ${detail}



      The name of the goal for which to show help. If unspecified, all goals

      will be displayed.

      Expression: ${goal}


    indentSize (Default: 2)

      The number of spaces per indentation level, should be positive.

      Expression: ${indentSize}


    lineLength (Default: 80)

      The maximum length of a display line, should be positive.

      Expression: ${lineLength}

