在上一篇讨论里我们简单的介绍了一下Cake Pattern和Reader Monad是如何实现依赖注入的。主要还是从方法上示范了如何用Cake Pattern和Reader在编程过程中解析依赖和注入依赖。考虑到依赖注入模式在编程中的重要性和普遍性,觉着还需要再讨论的深入一些,使依赖注入模式在FP领域里能从理论走向实际。既然我们正在scalaz的介绍系列里,所以这篇我们就着重示范Reader Monad的依赖注入方法。
再说明一下依赖注入:我们说过在团队协作开发里能够实现软件模块的各自独立开发,原理首先是实现软件模块之间的松散耦合(decoupling)。对依赖注入的学术定义如下:Dependency Inversion Principle
1 trait OnOffDevice { 2 def on: Unit 3 def off: Unit 4 } 5 trait SensorDevice { 6 def isCoffeePresent: Boolean 7 }
我们现在就可以不用理会以上功能是否已经实现,立即进入上层模块的功能组合了。我们只需要申明依赖项目,先从最简单的开始,假如我现在只需要引用OnOffDevice一项依赖的话,可以在伴生对象(companion object)这样申明操作Reader(primitive reader):
1 object OnOffDevice { 2 def on: Reader[OnOffDevice, String] = Reader(_.on) 3 def off: Reader[OnOffDevice, String] = Reader(_.off) 4 }
由于只有一个依赖,我们可以直接申明功能Reader,把on,off两个函数变成Primitive Reader。假如我们需要函数运算结果的话,只要注入OnOffDevice实例。由于Reader是个Monad,我们可以用map这样写:
1 object OnOffDevice { 2 def onOffDevice: Reader[OnOffDevice,OnOffDevice] = Reader(identity) 3 def on: Reader[OnOffDevice,String] = onOffDevice map { _.on } 4 def off: Reader[OnOffDevice,String] = onOffDevice map { _.off } 5 }
1 object OnOffService { 2 def on = for { 3 ison <- OnOffDevice.on 4 } yield ison 5 def off = for { 6 isoff <- OnOffDevice.off 7 } yield isoff 8 }
1 ef trigger = OnOffService.on //> trigger: => scalaz.Kleisli[scalaz.Id.Id,OnOffDevice,String]
1 class OnOffDeviceImpl extends OnOffDevice { 2 def on = "MockDevice.On"
3 def off = "MockDevice.Off"
4 }
1 object MockOnOffDevice extends OnOffDeviceImpl 2 def trigger = OnOffService.on //> trigger: => scalaz.Kleisli[scalaz.Id.Id,Exercises.reader1.OnOffDevice,String 3 //| ]
4 val result = trigger(MockOnOffDevice) //> result : scalaz.Id.Id[String] = SomeDevice.On
5 result === "SomeDevice.On" //> res0: Boolean = true
1 trait OnOffDevice { 2 def on: String 3 def off: String 4 } 5 trait SensorDevice { 6 def isCoffeePresent: Boolean 7 }
1 rait Device { //高层组合依赖
2 def onOffDevice: OnOffDevice //具体依赖
3 def sensorDevice: SensorDevice //具体依赖
4 } 5 object Device { 6 val device = Reader[Device,Device](identity) 7 val onOffDevice = device map {_.onOffDevice} 8 val sensorDevice = device map {_.sensorDevice} 9 }
1 object OnOffDevice { 2 import Device.onOffDevice 3 def on: Reader[Device,String] = onOffDevice map { _.on } 4 def off: Reader[Device,String] = onOffDevice map { _.off } 5 } 6 object SensorDevice { 7 import Device.sensorDevice 8 def isCoffeePresent: Reader[Device,Boolean] = sensorDevice map { _.isCoffeePresent } 9 }
1 class OnOffDeviceImpl extends OnOffDevice { 2 def on = "SomeDevice.On"
3 def off = "SomeDevice.Off"
4 } 5 class SensorDeviceImpl extends SensorDevice { 6 def isCoffeePresent = true
7 }
1 object MockOnOffDevice extends OnOffDeviceImpl 2 object MockSensorDevice extends SensorDeviceImpl 3 trait DeviceImpl extends Device { 4 def onOffDevice = new OnOffDevice { 5 def on = MockOnOffDevice.on 6 def off = MockOnOffDevice.off 7 } 8 def sensorDevice = new SensorDevice { 9 def isCoffeePresent = MockSensorDevice.isCoffeePresent 10 } 11 }
1 object MockDevice extends Device with DeviceImpl 2 def trigger = OnOffService.on //> trigger: => scalaz.Kleisli[scalaz.Id.Id,Exercises.reader2.Device,String]
3 val result = trigger(MockDevice) //> result : scalaz.Id.Id[String] = SomeDevice.On
1 trait OnOffComponent { 2 def onOffDevice: OnOffDevice 3 } 4 trait SensorComponent { 5 def sensorDevice: SensorDevice 6 } 7 trait Device extends OnOffComponent with SensorComponent
1 object MockOnOffDevice extends OnOffDeviceImpl 2 object MockSensorDevice extends SensorDeviceImpl 3 trait OnOffFunctions extends OnOffComponent { 4 def onOffDevice = MockOnOffDevice 5 } 6 trait SensorFunctions extends SensorComponent { 7 def sensorDevice = MockSensorDevice 8 }
1 object MockDevice extends Device with OnOffFunctions with SensorFunctions 2 def trigger =
3 if (SensorService.isCoffeePresent(MockDevice)) 4 OnOffService.on(MockDevice) 5 else
6 OnOffService.off(MockDevice) //> trigger: => scalaz.Id.Id[String]
7 trigger //> res0: scalaz.Id.Id[String] = SomeDevice.On
1 class SensorDeviceImpl extends SensorDevice { 2 def isCoffeePresent = false
3 }
1 object MockDevice extends Device with OnOffFunctions with SensorFunctions 2 def trigger =
3 if (SensorService.isCoffeePresent(MockDevice)) 4 OnOffService.on(MockDevice) 5 else
6 OnOffService.off(MockDevice) //> trigger: => scalaz.Id.Id[String]
7 trigger //> res0: scalaz.Id.Id[String] = SomeDevice.Off
1 trait OnOffDevice { 2 def on: String 3 def off: String 4 } 5 trait SensorDevice { 6 def isCoffeePresent: Boolean 7 } 8 trait PowerConfig { 9 def getPowerVolts(country: String): Int 10 def isUSStandard(volt: Int): Boolean 11 }
1 trait Device extends OnOffComponent with SensorComponent 2 trait DeviceComponent { 3 def onOffDevice: OnOffDevice 4 def sensorDevice: SensorDevice 5 } 6 trait PowerComponent { 7 def powerConfig: PowerConfig 8 } 9 trait Appliance extends DeviceComponent with PowerComponent 10 object Appliance { 11 val appliance = Reader[Appliance,Appliance](identity) 12 val onOffDevice = appliance map {_.onOffDevice} 13 val sensorDevice = appliance map {_.sensorDevice} 14 val powerConfig = appliance map {_.powerConfig} 15 }
1 object OnOffDevice { 2 import Appliance.onOffDevice 3 def on: Reader[Appliance,String] = onOffDevice map { _.on } 4 def off: Reader[Appliance,String] = onOffDevice map { _.off } 5 } 6 object SensorDevice { 7 import Appliance.sensorDevice 8 def isCoffeePresent: Reader[Appliance,Boolean] = sensorDevice map { _.isCoffeePresent } 9 } 10 object PowerConfig { 11 import Appliance.powerConfig 12 def getPowerVolts(country: String) = powerConfig map {_.getPowerVolts(country)} 13 def isUSStandard(volts: Int) = powerConfig map {_.isUSStandard(volts)} 14 }
1 object OnOffService { 2 def on = for { 3 ison <- OnOffDevice.on 4 } yield ison 5 def off = for { 6 isoff <- OnOffDevice.off 7 } yield isoff 8 } 9 object SensorService { 10 def isCoffeePresent = for { 11 hasCoffee <- SensorDevice.isCoffeePresent 12 } yield hasCoffee 13 } 14 object PowerService { 15 def isUSStandard(country: String) = for { 16 is110v <- PowerConfig.getPowerVolts(country) 17 isUSS <- PowerConfig.isUSStandard(is110v) 18 } yield isUSS 19 }
1 class OnOffDeviceImpl extends OnOffDevice { 2 def on = "SomeDevice.On"
3 def off = "SomeDevice.Off"
4 } 5 class SensorDeviceImpl extends SensorDevice { 6 def isCoffeePresent = true
7 } 8 class PowerConfigImpl extends PowerConfig { 9 def getPowerVolts(country: String) = country match { 10 case "USA" => 110
11 case "UK" => 220
12 case "HK" => 220
13 case "CHN" => 110
14 case _ => 0
15 } 16 def isUSStandard(volts: Int) = volts === 110
17 }
1 object MockOnOffDevice extends OnOffDeviceImpl 2 object MockSensorDevice extends SensorDeviceImpl 3 object MockPowerConfig extends PowerConfigImpl 4 trait OnOffFunctions extends OnOffComponent { 5 def onOffDevice = MockOnOffDevice 6 } 7 trait SensorFunctions extends SensorComponent { 8 def sensorDevice = MockSensorDevice 9 } 10 trait DeviceFunctions extends DeviceComponent { 11 def onOffDevice = MockOnOffDevice 12 def sensorDevice = MockSensorDevice 13 } 14 trait PowerFunctions extends PowerComponent { 15 def powerConfig = MockPowerConfig 16 }
1 object MockAppliance extends Appliance with DeviceFunctions with PowerFunctions
1 def trigger =
2 if ((PowerService.isUSStandard("CHN")(MockAppliance)) 3 && (SensorService.isCoffeePresent(MockAppliance))) 4 OnOffService.on(MockAppliance) 5 else
6 OnOffService.off(MockAppliance) //> trigger: => scalaz.Id.Id[String]
7 trigger //> res0: scalaz.Id.Id[String] = SomeDevice.On
1 package Exercises 2 import scalaz._ 3 import Scalaz._ 4 object reader3 { 5 trait OnOffDevice { 6 def on: String 7 def off: String 8 } 9 trait SensorDevice { 10 def isCoffeePresent: Boolean 11 } 12 trait PowerConfig { 13 def getPowerVolts(country: String): Int 14 def isUSStandard(volt: Int): Boolean 15 } 16
17 trait OnOffComponent { 18 def onOffDevice: OnOffDevice 19 } 20 trait SensorComponent { 21 def sensorDevice: SensorDevice 22 } 23 trait Device extends OnOffComponent with SensorComponent 24 trait DeviceComponent { 25 def onOffDevice: OnOffDevice 26 def sensorDevice: SensorDevice 27 } 28 trait PowerComponent { 29 def powerConfig: PowerConfig 30 } 31 trait Appliance extends DeviceComponent with PowerComponent 32 object Appliance { 33 val appliance = Reader[Appliance,Appliance](identity) 34 val onOffDevice = appliance map {_.onOffDevice} 35 val sensorDevice = appliance map {_.sensorDevice} 36 val powerConfig = appliance map {_.powerConfig} 37 } 38 object OnOffDevice { 39 import Appliance.onOffDevice 40 def on: Reader[Appliance,String] = onOffDevice map { _.on } 41 def off: Reader[Appliance,String] = onOffDevice map { _.off } 42 } 43 object SensorDevice { 44 import Appliance.sensorDevice 45 def isCoffeePresent: Reader[Appliance,Boolean] = sensorDevice map { _.isCoffeePresent } 46 } 47 object PowerConfig { 48 import Appliance.powerConfig 49 def getPowerVolts(country: String) = powerConfig map {_.getPowerVolts(country)} 50 def isUSStandard(volts: Int) = powerConfig map {_.isUSStandard(volts)} 51 } 52 object OnOffService { 53 def on = for { 54 ison <- OnOffDevice.on 55 } yield ison 56 def off = for { 57 isoff <- OnOffDevice.off 58 } yield isoff 59 } 60 object SensorService { 61 def isCoffeePresent = for { 62 hasCoffee <- SensorDevice.isCoffeePresent 63 } yield hasCoffee 64 } 65 object PowerService { 66 def isUSStandard(country: String) = for { 67 is110v <- PowerConfig.getPowerVolts(country) 68 isUSS <- PowerConfig.isUSStandard(is110v) 69 } yield isUSS 70 } 71 class OnOffDeviceImpl extends OnOffDevice { 72 def on = "SomeDevice.On"
73 def off = "SomeDevice.Off"
74 } 75 class SensorDeviceImpl extends SensorDevice { 76 def isCoffeePresent = true
77 } 78 class PowerConfigImpl extends PowerConfig { 79 def getPowerVolts(country: String) = country match { 80 case "USA" => 110
81 case "UK" => 220
82 case "HK" => 220
83 case "CHN" => 110
84 case _ => 0
85 } 86 def isUSStandard(volts: Int) = volts === 110
87 } 88 object MockOnOffDevice extends OnOffDeviceImpl 89 object MockSensorDevice extends SensorDeviceImpl 90 object MockPowerConfig extends PowerConfigImpl 91 trait OnOffFunctions extends OnOffComponent { 92 def onOffDevice = MockOnOffDevice 93 } 94 trait SensorFunctions extends SensorComponent { 95 def sensorDevice = MockSensorDevice 96 } 97 trait DeviceFunctions extends DeviceComponent { 98 def onOffDevice = MockOnOffDevice 99 def sensorDevice = MockSensorDevice 100 } 101 trait PowerFunctions extends PowerComponent { 102 def powerConfig = MockPowerConfig 103 } 104 object MockAppliance extends Appliance with DeviceFunctions with PowerFunctions 105 def trigger =
106 if ((PowerService.isUSStandard("CHN")(MockAppliance)) 107 && (SensorService.isCoffeePresent(MockAppliance))) 108 OnOffService.on(MockAppliance) 109 else
110 OnOffService.off(MockAppliance) //> trigger: => scalaz.Id.Id[String]
111 trigger //> res0: scalaz.Id.Id[String] = SomeDevice.On
112 }