SecurityError: Error #2070....cannot access Stage owned by...

i am loading swfs into my main swf. the swfs being loaded in will be made by me, but also a lot made by other people.

i noticed that, if a swf being loaded in uses just about ANY components, that i get this error...

SecurityError: Error #2070: Security sandbox violation: caller loadMeIn.swf cannot access Stage owned by main.swf.

this is a major issue for me. i want these swfs to be able to use components, but i DO NOT want to use Security.allowDomain('*') because then the loaded in swfs have access to everything. i am purposely giving these swfs no access to main.swf

there's got to be a way around this...

i understand that when components are added into a swf they are trying to add listeners to the stage, so i don't know how to fix this problem 
