1 namespace DesignPattern 2 { 3 public class SimpleFactory 4 { 5 public static Operation GetOperation(op op, double a, double b) 6 { 7 switch (op) 8 { 9 case op.add: return new Add(a, b); 10 case op.sub: return new Sub(a, b); 11 case op.mul: return new Mul(a, b); 12 case op.div: return new Div(a, b); 13 default: return new undef(a, b); 14 } 15 } 16 } 17 18 public enum op 19 { 20 add = '+', 21 sub = '-', 22 mul = '*', 23 div = '/' 24 } 25 26 public abstract class Operation 27 { 28 public double a, b; 29 public Operation(double a, double b) 30 { 31 this.a = a; 32 this.b = b; 33 } 34 public abstract double GetResult(); 35 } 36 37 public class Add : Operation 38 { 39 public Add(double a, double b) : base(a, b) { } 40 41 public override double GetResult() 42 { 43 return a + b; 44 } 45 } 46 47 public class Sub : Operation 48 { 49 public Sub(double a, double b) : base(a, b) { } 50 51 public override double GetResult() 52 { 53 return a - b; 54 } 55 } 56 57 public class Mul : Operation 58 { 59 public Mul(double a, double b) : base(a, b) { } 60 61 public override double GetResult() 62 { 63 return a * b; 64 } 65 } 66 67 public class Div : Operation 68 { 69 public Div(double a, double b) : base(a, b) { } 70 71 public override double GetResult() 72 { 73 try 74 { 75 return a / b; 76 } 77 catch (DivideByZeroException e) 78 { 79 throw e; 80 } 81 } 82 } 83 84 public class undef : Operation 85 { 86 public undef(double a, double b) : base(a, b) { } 87 88 public override double GetResult() 89 { 90 throw new NotImplementedException(); 91 } 92 93 } 94 }
1 namespace DesignPattern 2 { 3 public interface ILogger 4 { 5 void write(string log); 6 } 7 public class EventLogger : ILogger 8 { 9 public void write(string log) 10 { 11 Console.WriteLine("EventLog:" + log); 12 } 13 } 14 public class FileLogger : ILogger 15 { 16 public void write(string log) 17 { 18 Console.WriteLine("FileLog:" + log); 19 } 20 } 21 22 public interface ILoggerFactory 23 { 24 ILogger CreateLogger(); 25 } 26 public class EventLoggerFactory : ILoggerFactory 27 { 28 public ILogger CreateLogger() 29 { 30 return new EventLogger(); 31 } 32 } 33 public class FileLoggerFactory : ILoggerFactory 34 { 35 public ILogger CreateLogger() 36 { 37 return new FileLogger(); 38 } 39 } 40 }
1 namespace DesignPattern 2 { 3 //抽象实体 4 public abstract class absSalary 5 { 6 protected double salary; 7 protected double bonus; 8 protected double tax; 9 public absSalary(double sal, double bns, double t) 10 { 11 this.salary = sal; 12 this.bonus = bns; 13 this.tax = t; 14 } 15 public abstract double CalculateTax(); 16 } 17 public class ChineseSalary : absSalary 18 { 19 public ChineseSalary(double sal, double bns, double t) 20 : base(sal, bns, t) 21 { 22 } 23 public override double CalculateTax() 24 { 25 return (base.salary + base.bonus - 3500) * base.tax; 26 } 27 } 28 public class ForeignerSalary : absSalary 29 { 30 public ForeignerSalary(double sal, double bonus, double tax) 31 : base(sal, bonus, tax) 32 { 33 } 34 public override double CalculateTax() 35 { 36 return (base.salary + base.bonus - 4000) * base.tax; 37 } 38 } 39 40 public abstract class absSocialSecurity 41 { 42 protected double SocialSecurity; 43 44 public absSocialSecurity() 45 { 46 this.SocialSecurity = 0; 47 } 48 public virtual double GetSocialSecurity() 49 { 50 return this.SocialSecurity; 51 } 52 } 53 public class ChineseSocialSecurity : absSocialSecurity 54 { 55 public ChineseSocialSecurity(double socialsecurity) 56 : base() 57 { 58 base.SocialSecurity = socialsecurity < 1000 ? 1000 : socialsecurity; 59 } 60 } 61 public class ForeignerSocialSecurity : absSocialSecurity 62 { 63 public ForeignerSocialSecurity(double socialsecurity) 64 : base() 65 { 66 base.SocialSecurity = socialsecurity < 1500 ? 1500 : socialsecurity; 67 } 68 } 69 70 //抽象工厂,生产一系列产品(多个Create方法,分别对应不同产品) 71 public interface AbstractFactory 72 { 73 absSalary CreateSalary(double sal, double bonus, double tax); 74 absSocialSecurity CreateSocialSecurity(double socialsecurity); 75 } 76 public class ChineseFactory : AbstractFactory 77 { 78 public absSalary CreateSalary(double sal, double bonus, double tax) 79 { 80 return new ChineseSalary(sal, bonus, tax); 81 } 82 public absSocialSecurity CreateSocialSecurity(double socialsecurity) 83 { 84 return new ChineseSocialSecurity(socialsecurity); 85 } 86 } 87 public class ForeignerFactory : AbstractFactory 88 { 89 public absSalary CreateSalary(double sal, double bonus, double tax) 90 { 91 return new ForeignerSalary(sal, bonus, tax); 92 } 93 public absSocialSecurity CreateSocialSecurity(double socialsecurity) 94 { 95 return new ForeignerSocialSecurity(socialsecurity); 96 } 97 } 98 }
和工厂方法很像,创造者是一个builder内每个方法分别创建产品零部件,而工厂方法是每个factory生产一个产品。如果把builder的零部件当做一个完整产品呢?是不是就像 builder又再一次封装了factory~
1 public abstract class PersonBulider 2 { 3 public Graphics g; 4 public Pen p; 5 6 public PersonBulider(Graphics g, Pen p) 7 { 8 this.g = g; 9 this.p = p; 10 } 11 12 public abstract void BuliderHead(); 13 public abstract void BuliderBody(); 14 public abstract void BuliderArmLeft(); 15 public abstract void BuliderArmRight(); 16 public abstract void BuliderLegLeft(); 17 public abstract void BuliderLegRight(); 18 } 19 20 public class BuliderTirn : PersonBulider 21 { 22 public BuliderTirn(Graphics g, Pen p) 23 : base(g, p) { } 24 public override void BuliderHead() { g.DrawEllipse(p, 50, 20, 30, 30); } 25 public override void BuliderBody() { g.DrawRectangle(p, 60, 50, 10, 50); } 26 public override void BuliderArmLeft() { g.DrawLine(p, 60, 50, 40, 100); } 27 public override void BuliderArmRight() { g.DrawLine(p, 70, 50, 90, 100); } 28 public override void BuliderLegLeft() { g.DrawLine(p, 60, 100, 45, 150); } 29 public override void BuliderLegRight() { g.DrawLine(p, 70, 100, 85, 150); } 30 } 31 32 public class PersonBuliderDirector 33 { 34 public PersonBulider person; 35 public PersonBuliderDirector(PersonBulider person) 36 { 37 this.person = person; 38 } 39 40 public void CreatPerson() 41 { 42 person.BuliderHead(); 43 person.BuliderBody(); 44 person.BuliderArmLeft(); 45 person.BuliderArmRight(); 46 person.BuliderLegLeft(); 47 person.BuliderLegRight(); 48 } 49 }
1 public abstract class ProtoType 2 { 3 public ProtoType(string Id) 4 { 5 this.Id = Id; 6 } 7 private string id; 8 9 public string Id 10 { 11 get { return id; } 12 set { id = value; } 13 } 14 15 public abstract ProtoType Clone(); 16 } 17 18 public class ConCreatProtoType : ProtoType 19 { 20 public ConCreatProtoType(string Id) 21 : base(Id){} 22 23 public override ProtoType Clone() 24 { 25 return (ProtoType)this.MemberwiseClone(); 26 } 27 }
1 public sealed class Singleton 2 { 3 private static readonly Singleton instance = new Singleton(); 4 private Singleton() { } 5 public static Singleton GetSing() 6 { 7 return instance; 8 } 9 }
适配器提供给客户需要的接口,适配器的实现就是将客户的请求转换成对适配者的相应的接口的引用。也就是说,当客户调用适配器的方法时,适配器方法内部将调用 适配者的方法,客户并不是直接访问适配者的,而是通过调用适配器方法访问适配者。因为适配器可以使互不兼容的类能够“合作愉快”。
namespace DesignPattern { public interface IAdaptor { void writelog(string log); } public class LogAdaptor : IAdaptor { ILogger logger; public LogAdaptor(ILogger logger) { this.logger = logger; } public void writelog(string log) { this.logger.write(log); } } }
namespace DesignPattern { public abstract class Color { public string name { get; set; } } public abstract class Shape { private Color color; public string name { get; set; } public void SetColor(Color c) { color = c; } public void Draw() { Console.WriteLine("draw shape {0} with color {1}", this.name, this.color.name); } } public class White : Color { public White() { this.name = "white"; } } public class Blue : Color { public Blue() { this.name = "blue"; } } public class Squre : Shape { public Squre() { this.name = "squre"; } } public class Circle : Shape { public Circle() { this.name = "circle"; } } }
namespace DesignPattern { public abstract class Car { public string color { get; set; } public int compartment { get; set; } public void run() { Console.WriteLine(color + " " + compartment + " compartment " + this.GetType().Name + " is running!"); } } public class Benz:Car { public Benz() { base.color = "black"; base.compartment = 1; } } public class QQ:Car { public QQ() { base.color = "black"; base.compartment = 1; } } public abstract class Decorator : Car { public Car car; public Decorator(Car car) { this.car = car; } } public class ColorDecorator:Decorator { //一般在构造函数内完成属性的修改(装饰),这里单独加了一个decorate方法 public ColorDecorator(Car car):base(car) { } public Car decorate(string color) { base.car.color = color; return base.car; } } public class CompartmentDecorator : Decorator { public CompartmentDecorator(Car car) : base(car) { } public Car decorate(int compartment) { base.car.compartment = compartment; return base.car; } } }
组合模式对单个对象(叶子对象)和组合对象(组合对象)具有一致性,它将对象组织到树结构中,可以用来描述整体与部分的关系。同时它也模糊了简单元素(叶 子对象)和复杂元素(容器对象)的概念,使得客户能够像处理简单元素一样来处理复杂元素,从而使客户程序能够与复杂元素的内部结构解耦。
namespace DesignPattern { public abstract class File { protected string name; public File(string name) { this.name = name; } public abstract void Display(); } public class Folder : File { IList<File> list; public Folder(string name) : base(name) { list = new List<File>(); } public void AddFile(File file) { list.Add(file); } public void RemoveFile(File file) { list.Remove(file); } public override void Display() { Console.WriteLine("folder:" + this.name); foreach (File f in list) { f.Display(); } } } public class ImageFile : File { public ImageFile(string name) : base(name) { } public override void Display() { Console.WriteLine("ImageFile:" + this.name); } } }
namespace DesignPattern { public class Facade { Light _light = new Light(); TV _tv = new TV(); public void off() { _light.on(); _tv.off(); } public void on() { _tv.on(); _light.off(); } } class Light { public void on() { Console.WriteLine("light on!"); } public void off() { Console.WriteLine("light off!"); } } class TV { public void on() { Console.WriteLine("tv on!"); } public void off() { Console.WriteLine("tv off!"); } } }
namespace DesignPattern { public class FlyweightFactory { static Dictionary<string, IFlyweight> pendic = new Dictionary<string, IFlyweight>(); public IFlyweight getPen(string color) { if (pendic.ContainsKey(color)) { return pendic[color]; } else { IFlyweight pen = new ConcreteFlyweight(color); pendic.Add(color, pen); return pen; } } public void Display() { foreach (KeyValuePair<string,IFlyweight> pair in pendic) { Console.WriteLine(pair.Value.GetType().FullName + ":" + pair.Key); } } } public interface IFlyweight { string GetColor(); }; public class ConcreteFlyweight : IFlyweight { string color; public ConcreteFlyweight(string color) { this.color = color; } public string GetColor() { return this.color; } } }
namespace DesignPattern { public class Girl { public string name { get; set; } public Girl(string name) { this.name = name; } } public class Boy { private Girl girl; public string name { get; set; } public Boy(string name, Girl girl) { this.name = name; this.girl = girl; } public void GiveFlower() { Console.WriteLine("boy {0} give flower to girl {1}", this.name, this.girl.name); } } public class Proxy { private Boy boy; public Proxy(Boy boy) { this.boy = boy; } public void GiveFlower() { this.boy.GiveFlower(); } } }
namespace DesignPattern { public class Persons : IEnumerable { string[] m_Names; public Persons(params string[] Names) { m_Names = new string[Names.Length]; Names.CopyTo(m_Names, 0); } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { foreach (string s in m_Names) { yield return s; } } public int Length { get { return m_Names.Length; } } public string this[int i] { get { return m_Names[i]; } set { m_Names[i] = value; } } } }
namespace DesignPattern { public class Context { private string msg; public Context(string msg) { this.msg = msg; } public string GetMsg() { return this.msg; } } public interface Interpreter { string Interprete(Context context); } public class UpperInterpreter : Interpreter { public string Interprete(Context context) { string msg = context.GetMsg(); return msg.ToUpperInvariant(); } } public class LowerInterpreter : Interpreter { public string Interprete(Context context) { string msg = context.GetMsg(); return msg.ToLowerInvariant(); } } }
namespace DesignPattern { //接受命令的对象 public class CDMachine { public void on() { Console.WriteLine("CD Machine turns on!"); } public void off() { Console.WriteLine("CD Machine turns off!"); } } //定义命令 public abstract class Command { public abstract void Execute(CDMachine cdMachine); } public class TurnonCommand : Command { public override void Execute(CDMachine cdMachine) { cdMachine.on(); } } public class TurnoffCommand : Command { public override void Execute(CDMachine cdMachine) { cdMachine.off(); } } //发送命令的对象 public class Controller { //遥控的功能 --- 可发送的命令 private TurnonCommand turnonCommand; private TurnoffCommand turnoffCommand; public Controller(TurnonCommand turnonCommand, TurnoffCommand turnoffCommand) { this.turnonCommand = turnonCommand; this.turnoffCommand = turnoffCommand; } public void turnOn(CDMachine cdMachine) { this.turnonCommand.Execute(cdMachine); } public void turnOff(CDMachine cdMachine) { this.turnoffCommand.Execute(cdMachine); } } }
namespace DesignPattern { public abstract class Person { public string name; public Mediator mediator; public Person(string name, Mediator mediator) { this.name = name; this.mediator = mediator; } public void Contact(string msg) { //参数 this 代表 消息来自我 this.mediator.SendMsg(msg, this); } internal void GetMsg(string msg) { Console.WriteLine(this.name + " 收到消息:" + msg); } } public class HouseOwner : Person { public HouseOwner(string name, Mediator mediator) : base(name, mediator) { } } public class Tenant : Person { public Tenant(string name, Mediator mediator) : base(name, mediator) { } } public interface Mediator { void SendMsg(string msg, Person p); } public class ConcreteMediator : Mediator { HouseOwner houseOwner; Tenant tenant; public ConcreteMediator() { } public void SetHouseOwner(HouseOwner houseOwner) { this.houseOwner = houseOwner; } public void SetTenant(Tenant tenant) { this.tenant = tenant; } public void SendMsg(string msg, Person p) { if (p.GetType() == houseOwner.GetType()) { tenant.GetMsg(msg); } else { houseOwner.GetMsg(msg); } } } }
namespace DesignPattern { public class Memonto { public int blood { get; set; } public int magic { get; set; } } public class Caretaker { private Memonto memonto; public void SetMemonto(Memonto memonto) { this.memonto = memonto; } public Memonto getMemonto() { return this.memonto; } } public class Original { public int blood { get; set; } public int magic { get; set; } public Memonto SaveMemonto() { return new Memonto() { blood = this.blood, magic = this.magic }; } public void RestoreMemonto(Memonto memonto) { this.blood = memonto.blood; this.magic = memonto.magic; } public void display() { Console.WriteLine("blood:" + this.blood + "\tmagic:" + this.magic); } } }
public interface Observer { void Update(Subject subject); } public abstract class Subject { List<Observer> obsList = new List<Observer>(); public void AddObserver(Observer observer) { obsList.Add(observer); } public void RemoveObserver(Observer observer) { obsList.Remove(observer); } public void notity() { foreach (Observer o in obsList) { o.Update(this); } } private string _state; public void SetState(string state) { this._state = state; } public string GetState() { return this._state; } } public class ConcreteSubject : Subject { } public class ConcreteObserver1 : Observer { public void Update(Subject subject) { Console.WriteLine("ConcreteObserver1 get notice:" + subject.GetState()); } } public class ConcreteObserver2 : Observer { public void Update(Subject subject) { Console.WriteLine("ConcreteObserver2 get notice:" + subject.GetState()); } }
//事件委托的方式 public delegate void updateDelegate(Subject subject); public class EventSubjet : Subject { public event updateDelegate UpdateHandler; public void EventNotify() { OnUpdate(); } private void OnUpdate() { if (UpdateHandler != null) { UpdateHandler(this); } } }
namespace DesignPattern { public interface IState { void display(); } public class WorkState:IState { public void display() { Console.WriteLine("Working State"); } } public class RestState:IState { public void display() { Console.WriteLine("Rest State"); } } public class Programmer { IState _state; public void Doing(DateTime dt) { if(dt.Hour<7 || dt.Hour > 22) { _state = new RestState(); } else { _state = new WorkState(); } _state.display(); } } }
namespace DesignPattern { public abstract class Template { protected void boilWater() { Console.WriteLine("boil water"); } protected virtual void brew() { Console.WriteLine("brew"); } protected void pourInCup() { Console.WriteLine("pour into cup"); } protected virtual void addOther() { Console.WriteLine("add other"); } public void makeBeverage() { boilWater(); brew(); pourInCup(); addOther(); } } public class Tea : Template { protected override void brew() { Console.WriteLine("tea"); } protected override void addOther() { Console.WriteLine("add lemon"); } } public class Coffee : Template { protected override void brew() { Console.WriteLine("coffee"); } protected override void addOther() { Console.WriteLine("add sugar"); } } }
namespace DesignPattern { public abstract class OrderStrategy { public List<int> orderList; public abstract void Order(); public void display() { foreach (int i in orderList) { Console.Write(i + "\t"); } Console.WriteLine(); } } public class BubbleStrategy : OrderStrategy { public override void Order() { for (int i = 0; i < orderList.Count; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < orderList.Count; j++) { if (orderList[i] < orderList[j])//冒泡降序 小的冒上去 { int temp = orderList[i]; orderList[i] = orderList[j]; orderList[j] = temp; } } } } } public class SelectionStrategy : OrderStrategy { public override void Order() { for (int i = 0; i < orderList.Count; i++) { int smallvalue = orderList[i]; int smallposition = i; for (int j = i + 1; j < orderList.Count; j++) { if (orderList[j] < smallvalue) { smallposition = j; smallvalue = orderList[j]; } } //将最小值放到当前要排序的位置 orderList[smallposition] = orderList[i]; orderList[i] = smallvalue; } } } public class InsertionStrategy : OrderStrategy { public override void Order() { for (int i = 1; i < orderList.Count; i++) { int temp = orderList[i];//当前要插入的值,相当于位置I是个空白位置,供对比进行后移 int j = i; //j之前的序列已经排序好,选一个位置把当前值插入 while (j > 0) { //i从1开始,是因为这里j要比较前一个值 if (temp < orderList[j - 1]) //插入过程中,每次比较的值大于当前值则向后移动 { orderList[j] = orderList[j-1]; j--; } else { break; } } //找到位置(break)或者循环正常结束(说明当前值最小)则赋值。 orderList[j] = temp; } } } public class StrategyManager { OrderStrategy strategy; public void SetStrategy(OrderStrategy strategy) { this.strategy =strategy; } public void Sort(List<int> list) { this.strategy.orderList = list; this.strategy.Order(); this.strategy.display(); } } }
namespace DesignPattern { public interface Element { void accept(Visitor visitor); } public class ConcreteElementA : Element { string name; public void SetName(string name) { this.name = name; } public string GetName() { return this.name; } public void accept(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitElementA(this); } } public class ConcreteElementB : Element { int ID; public void SetID(int id) { this.ID = id; } public int GetID() { return this.ID; } public void accept(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitElementB(this); } } public interface Visitor { void visitElementA(ConcreteElementA ea); void visitElementB(ConcreteElementB eb); } public class ConcreteVisitorA : Visitor { public void visitElementA(ConcreteElementA ea) { Console.WriteLine("ConcreteVisitorA visit ElemantA:" + ea.GetName()); } public void visitElementB(ConcreteElementB eb) { Console.WriteLine("ConcreteVisitorA visit ElemantB:" + eb.GetID()); } } public class ConcreteVisitorB : Visitor { public void visitElementA(ConcreteElementA ea) { Console.WriteLine("ConcreteVisitorB visit ElemantA:" + ea.GetName()); } public void visitElementB(ConcreteElementB eb) { Console.WriteLine("ConcreteVisitorB visit ElemantB:" + eb.GetID()); } } public class objectStructure { List<Element> elementlist = new List<Element>(); public void Attach(Element e) { elementlist.Add(e); } public void Dettach(Element e) { elementlist.Remove(e); } public void Accept(Visitor visit) { foreach(Element e in elementlist) { e.accept(visit); } } } }
namespace DesignPattern { public class Request { int days; string name; public Request(int days, string name) { this.days = days; this.name = name; } public int GetDays() { return days; } public string GetName() { return name; } } public abstract class Responsibility { protected Responsibility responsibility; public Responsibility(Responsibility responsibility) { this.responsibility = responsibility; } public abstract void HandleRequest(Request request); } public class Leader : Responsibility { public Leader(Responsibility responsibility) : base(responsibility) { } public override void HandleRequest(Request request) { if (request.GetDays() < 3) { Console.WriteLine("Leader passed {0}'s {1} days request", request.GetName(), request.GetDays()); } else { this.responsibility.HandleRequest(request); } } } public class Department : Responsibility { public Department(Responsibility responsibility) : base(responsibility) { } public override void HandleRequest(Request request) { if (request.GetDays() < 8) { Console.WriteLine("Department passed {0}'s {1} days request", request.GetName(), request.GetDays()); } else { this.responsibility.HandleRequest(request); } } } //责任链终端必须处理 public class Boss : Responsibility { public Boss() : base(null) { } public override void HandleRequest(Request request) { if (request.GetDays() < 15) { Console.WriteLine("Boss passed {0}'s {1} days request", request.GetName(), request.GetDays()); } else { Console.WriteLine("Boss refused {0}'s {1} days request", request.GetName(), request.GetDays()); } } } }