% 此文件是liuchengtu.tex 因为在TikzEdt中可以实时看到结果。但不支持中文, % 所以分两文件写,主文件用来编辑中文。 \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing,backgrounds,positioning,fit,petri} \begin{tikzpicture}[ %定义格式 %箭头的模式是latex 默认模式 >=latex, %两个结点距离 node distance=5mm, % hv path 表示一个结点到另一个结点是先水平再垂直。vh 相反。skip loop 表示 %垂直-水平-垂直 vskip loop 表示水平-垂直-水平 hv path/.style={to path={-| (\tikztotarget)}}, vh path/.style={to path={|- (\tikztotarget)}}, skip loop/.style={to path={-- ++(0,#1) -| (\tikztotarget)}}, vskip loop/.style={to path={-- ++(#1,0) |- (\tikztotarget)}}, %开始结束框模式 startend/.style={ draw, rectangle, rounded corners=2mm, minimum size = 6mm, thick }, %输入输出模式 ioput/.style = { draw, trapezium, trapezium left angle=60, trapezium right angle=120, inner sep = 5pt }, %处理框模式 chuli/.style={ draw, rectangle, minimum size=6mm, thick, font=\itshape }, %判断模式 panduan/.style={ draw, diamond, minimum size=6mm, shape aspect=3, inner sep = 0.1pt, thick, font=\itshape } ] %----------------------------------模板---------------------------------------- %设置点及位置 % %\node (a) [startend] {start}; %\node (b) [ioput,below = of a] {input integer l,m,n}; %\node (c) [panduan,below = of b,font=\small] {$l^2+m^2+n^2=0$}; %\node (d) [chuli,below = of c,yshift = 5pt,font=\small] {$y=70l+21m+15n$}; %\node (e) [panduan,below = of d,yshift=-10mm,font=\small] {$y>105$}; %\node (f) [ioput,below = of e] {output y}; %\node (g) [startend,below = of f] {end}; % %\node (h) [chuli,below left = of d] {$y=105$}; %\node (i) [chuli,below right = of d,yshift=-5pt] {$y=y-105$}; %%画线 %\path (a) edge[->] (b) % (b) edge[->] (c) % (c) edge[->] (d) % (d) edge[->] (e) % (e) edge[->] (f) % (f) edge[->] (g); % %\path (h) edge [<-,vh path] (c); %\path (h) edge [->,vh path] ($(e.south)!0.5!(f.north)$); %\path (i) edge [->,vh path] ($(d.south)+(0,-2mm)$); %\path (i) edge [<-,vh path] (e); % %%写标签 %\node at (-2.1,-2.3) {是}; %\node at (0.45,-6.5) {否}; %-------------------------------------------------模板------------------------------------------- \node (a) [startend] {开始}; \node (b) [chuli,below = of a] {$M=0,N=0,i=1$}; \node (c) [chuli,below = of b] {产生$0\sim1$之间的两个随机数分别赋给$x_i,y_i$}; \node (d) [panduan,below = of c ] {$x^2+y^2 \leq 1$}; \node (e) [chuli,below = of d] {$M=M+1$}; \node (f) [chuli,below = of e] {$i=i+1$}; \node (g) [panduan,below = of f ] {$i>1000$}; \node (h) [chuli,below = of g,minimum width = 2cm] {}; \node (i) [ioput,below = of h ]{输出P}; \node (j) [ioput,below = of i ]{结束}; \node (k)[chuli,right = of e] {$N = N+1$}; \path (a) edge[->] (b) (b) edge[->] (c) (c) edge[->] (d) (d) edge[->] (e) (e) edge[->] (f) (f) edge[->] (g) (g) edge[->] (h) (h) edge[->] (i) (i) edge[->] (j); \path (g.west) edge [->,vskip loop=-3cm] ($(b.south)!.5!(c.north)$); \path (d) edge [->,hv path] (k); \path (k) edge [->,vh path] ($(e)!.5!(f)$); \node at (2,-3.35) {否}; \node at (0.35,-4.3) {是}; \node at (-1.55,-6.9) {否}; \end{tikzpicture}
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