
Here should be some issues to pay more attention:

1. There is new RoR IDE RubyMine. if I have spare time, I would like to try. url:http://www.jetbrains.com/ruby/index.html and also maybe write an instruction.(just like 3rd RubyMine is not a free version, so I think I will not try more or select this one as our develop IDE. or try more detail)

2. Besides cruise_controller,

They are talk about more BDD instead of TDD, we need to think about whether we need to improve our test environment.

Here is wiki.rubyonrails.org. They have talked more test and fixture.

3. Git and plugin install

There is GitHub RubyGems to help insall and using git better. Perhaps I need give this some more time. url:http://gems.github.com/. But It seems we can't get more help under Win OS from it.
