
Tapestry 5的新功能
[#HHH-2645] Synchronization bottleneck in EntityModeToTuplizerMapping - Hibernate JIRA
hibernate.org - Equals and HashCode
写了一个实用的图像放大缩小程序,但是动画GIF转换后不会显示了,只有第一帧 - 简单就是美! - CSDNBlog
Spring 2.5 Perfomance Improvements 200% 直逼 Guice - 简单就是美! - CSDNBlog
用ConcurrentHashMap代替Collections.synchronized(new HashMap()) 并发性能问题
RSS 2.0 Specification (RSS 2.0 at Harvard Law)
为什么说Lucene不好 - 开源 - JavaEye新闻
Manage RSS feeds with the Rome API - Java World
用Rome API管理RSS种子
Ten of the Biggest Mistakes Developers Make With Databases
The Importance of Model-View Separation
Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site
EclEmma - Java Code Coverage for Eclipse
如何从开发人员走向架构师 - Eric Li's Weblog - BlogJava
First EJB 3 Tutorial explaining Ant and showing how to create a session and entity beans with annotations and JBoss.
用Eclipse开发EJB3,如何用annotations和JBoss创建一个Session和Entity BEAN
Eclipse+lomboz+jboss 开发EJB实例(3)--Stevie Liu的博客
what is wrong with the project? - OutSource All - BlogJava
Apache和Subversion集成安装与配置 - 千里冰封 - BlogJava
