Two very little tools for git

Two very little tools for git
Fist one, I call it git2svn. We know 'git diff' has the format like this:
diff  -- git a / hello.git b / hello.git
index 808c280..3e60fff 
---  a / hello.git
+++  b / hello.git
- 1 , 2   + 1 , 3  @@
+ 111

It's different with svn diff output format which we are familiar with, although patch can work with this format, but it would be strange if we applied a patch with git format to a open source project which use SVN as source repository. That's why i wrote git2svn, which convert git diff format to svn diff format. It's very very simple, only one line:
# !   / bin / sh

# convert git diff output to svn format:
# git diff like:
# diff 
-- git a / hello.git b / hello.git
# index 90d2950..808c280 
---  a / hello.git
+++  b / hello.git
# after converting, it
' s our familiar svn diff format
# Index: hello.git
---  hello.git
+++  hello.git
# It
' s useful to apply patch to project using svn as their repository and
# you use git  for  your local work

- ' /^[iI]ndex/s/^index.*/=====================================================================/ '   - ' /^diff/s/^diff --g\
it a\ // Index: /' -e '/^Index:/s/ b\/.* // ' -e '/^--- a\ // s/--- a\ // --- /' -e '/^+++ b\ // s/+++ b\ // +++ /' $*

Another, can't call it as 'tool' exactly, I think, just a convenient way or shortcut to query which files are changed in one or between two commits and their status, like 'svn diff --summarize':
# !   / bin / sh

#summary changed files which status, in one commit or between two commits

- diff - tree  - -- name - status  -- pretty = format: " %Cgreen%s    %CblueSHA1: %H%Creset "  $ *

You can also do it like this:
alias git - diff - tree  - -- name - status  -- pretty = format: " %Cgreen%s    %CblueSHA1: %H%Creset " git-changed-files
and add this line to your $HOME/.bashrc

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