安装配置 IBM FileNet 所遇问题记录系列 之四 检查AE,PE, CE 状态是否正常

安装配置 IBM FileNet 所遇问题记录系列 之四 检查AE,PE, CE 状态是否正常

在Install & Config 完 IBM FileNet之后,一个重要的事情就是check所安装的AE,PE,CE是否安装正确、能够正常启动。 这里,简要列出一些check方法。

1. 启动 CE DB .
    与CE有关的一般有两个 DB。 一个 是 FNGCDDB用于记录 CE Domain的一些配置信息。 主要有以FNGCD为 prefix 的四个表(FNGCD, FNGCD_ADDON, FNGCD_CESERVERS, FNGCD_OSCBROWNERS)。 当你有需要想重新建立CE Domain的时候,最好将这四个表删掉,然后重新建。
     再一个DB就是 Object Store所在的DB,比如FNOS1DB. 在这个DB中,在建完Domain之后共有179张表。
      值得注意的是,CE App Server是通过 DataSource来连接CE的DB的。所以,如果,有任何CE DB的改变,也同时需要更改DataSource。 显而易见,因为有两个 CE DB,所以也有两套CE DataSource, 一个是用于连接 FNGCDDB(还有个以XA结尾的,这个在运行时经常被用到),一个是用于连接FNOSDB,即Object Store DB。CE 就是靠这两个Source来取得CE 信息的。

      Check CE 状态的方法:

2.  启动 AE。
由于 AE是一个 WebApp 程序,所以只需要启动 AE所在的 Server即可。
      Check AE 状态的方法:

3. 启动 PE
PE 核心是一个 C++程序。在运行时, AE会尝试连接 PE,CE,而PE和CE之间也有连接关系。

Windows based 的PE server需要注意有两个系统 Service(通过 Service.msc)是需要起来的。 一个 叫 PE Service Manager,一个是Img ControlService;需要检查;

再有一个 重要的命令是 initfnsw,可以通过这个命令来起停 PE server。

① initfnsw start     //-启动PE
② initfnsw stop      //-停止PE
     killfnsw -y          //-停止PE
③ initfnsw status    //-查看PE状态
④ initfnsw restart   //-重启PE

另外, 检查 PE的状态,可以用这个URL 来 check,


另外,有关 PE 和 CE间连接性的检查方法:

在 PE所在 Server上,用如下URL check,


A "good" sample response from the PEDirectoryServer looks something like this:
此外,quick test are (on PE  server):

If you’re having trouble with the PE to CE communications, there may be something wrong with the java environment. Try the following tests in a command prompt window on the PE Server (Substituting appropriate host names, ports, user names, group names, and passwords as appropriate for your configuration):

On your PE Server:

cd \fnsw\bin

Try a basic "little pipe" ping:
\fnsw\java\jre\bin\java -classpath pe.jar;pe3pt.jar filenet.pe.ceorb.test.PEDirectoryClientTest /port=32776 /rpc=ping

Set the little pipe’s CE connection configuration:
\fnsw\java\jre\bin\java -classpath pe.jar;pe3pt.jar filenet.pe.ceorb.test.PEDirectoryClientTest /port=32776 /rpc=setConfig /uri=http://hqbpm34:7001/wsi/FNCEWS40DIME/ /user=PEAdmin /password=secret

Get a list of all realm names:
\fnsw\java\jre\bin\java -classpath pe.jar;pe3pt.jar filenet.pe.ceorb.test.PEDirectoryClientTest /port=32776 /rpc=getRealmNames

Get info about a user named PEAdmin:
\fnsw\java\jre\bin\java -classpath pe.jar;pe3pt.jar filenet.pe.ceorb.test.PEDirectoryClientTest /port=32776 /rpc=getUserInfo /user=PEAdmin

Get info about a user named PEAdmin in a specific realm:
\fnsw\java\jre\bin\java -classpath pe.jar;pe3pt.jar filenet.pe.ceorb.test.PEDirectoryClientTest /port=32776 /rpc=getUserInfo /user=PEAdmin /realm= dc=epbdc,dc=eng,dc=filenet,dc=com

Get info about a group named PEAdministrators:
\fnsw\java\jre\bin\java -classpath pe.jar;pe3pt.jar filenet.pe.ceorb.test.PEDirectoryClientTest /port=32776 /rpc=getUserInfo /user=PEAdministrators

Get “group expansion info” for a group named PEAdministrators:
\fnsw\java\jre\bin\java -classpath pe.jar;pe3pt.jar filenet.pe.ceorb.test.PEDirectoryClientTest /port=32776 /rpc=expandGroup /group=PEAdministrators

The above runs should produce output of some sort that might shed light on a CE configuration or connection problem…

取得 PE run 的 LOG:
Get some detailed information about the PE to CE communications

If the PE still can not get connected to the CE, we need to enable some of the java tracing to see what’s happening when the PEDirectoryServer communicates with the CE.

For PE 4.0.2 and newer, including PE 4.5

To enable the tracing, we need an fnlog4j.properties file in the \fnsw\java\jre\lib directory on the PE Server. The fnlog4j.properties file needs to include a line something like this:

log4j.logger.filenet.pe.ceorb.server=DEBUG, TXT

The easiest way to do this is to copy the \fnsw_loc\sd\fnlog4j.properties.sample file as \fnsw\jre\lib\fnlog4j.properties (without the “.sample”). Then, using a simple text editor (e.g., notepad), add the “, TXT” to the above line of text in the fnlog4j.properties file.

The PEDirectoryServer will see the fnlog4j.properties file and that will trigger additional tracing and logging to occur. After putting the fnlog4j.properties file in the \fnsw\java\jre\lib directory, click the Apply button in the Process Task Manager’s Security tab again.

After it fails, check the java trace file. The location of the java trace file is defined in the fnlog4j.properties file itself. By default, it's c:\PE.txt.

3. 检查 connection to PE from AE.

在登录到 AE 之后,可以点击 AE Site Preference中 Task Pages页面,看是否能打开。以及PCC, Process Designer是否都能够打开以及 Transfer Workflow.

你可能感兴趣的:(安装配置 IBM FileNet 所遇问题记录系列 之四 检查AE,PE, CE 状态是否正常)