Felx4 Custom ToolTips




1·创建两个监听函数去监听 toolTipCreate 和 toolTipShow


在 toolTipCreate  把Flex原来创建好的ToolTips丢掉,换成你自己New出来的新ToolTips




其实这种做法是很2的行为(见Forums),不过我研究了一下Flex4目前的代码结构,发现除了这样 没有别的方法了。



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx= "http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
               xmlns:s= "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"
               xmlns:mx= "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/halo"
               minWidth= "1024"
               minHeight= "768"
               width= "344"
               height= "346"
               backgroundColor= "#1EBFE2" >
            import gametips.AnimationGameToolTips;

            import mx.core.UIComponent;
            import mx.events.ToolTipEvent;

            protected function button1_toolTipCreateHandler( event : ToolTipEvent) : void
                var gameNormalToolTips : AnimationGameToolTips = new AnimationGameToolTips();
                event . toolTip = gameNormalToolTips;

            protected function button1_toolTipShowHandler( event : ToolTipEvent) : void
                ( event . toolTip as AnimationGameToolTips ). setToolTipsPosition( event . target as UIComponent);
        <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
    <s:Button x= "133"
              y= "325"
              label= "TestButton"
              toolTip= "{inPutText.text}"
              toolTipCreate= "button1_toolTipCreateHandler(event)"
              toolTipShow= "button1_toolTipShowHandler(event)" />
    <s:Label x= "0"
             y= "4"
             text= "Put The Tips Value in TestArae"
             width= "208"
             height= "15" />
    <s:TextArea id= "inPutText"
                x= "-1"
                y= "20"
                text= "Power by Tunied&#xd;Any Issue please Leave Message at&#xd;http://tunied.cz.cc&#xd;"
                editable= "true"
                enabled= "true"
                contentBackgroundColor= "#9679EB"
                height= "101"
                width= "226" />



ActionScript 3语言:
package gametips
    import flash.geom.Point;
    import flash.text.TextField;

    import mx.core.IToolTip;
    import mx.core.UIComponent;

    public class AnimationGameToolTips extends UIComponent implements IToolTip
        private var animation : GameToolTipsAnimation;

        public function AnimationGameToolTips()
            animation = new GameToolTipsAnimation();
            this . addChild( animation);

        public function get text() : String
            return animation . mc . textMc . text;

        public function set text( value : String) : void
                Fist Need to set the animation to the last frame ,beacuse in current demo
                only the last frames have the normal width/height.
            animation . gotoAndStop( animation . totalFrames);
            var textMc : TextField = animation . mc . textMc;
            textMc . text = value;
            textMc . width = textMc . textWidth + 10;
            textMc . height = textMc . textHeight + 10;

            animation . mc . panel . width = textMc . width + 10;
            animation . mc . panel . height = textMc . height + 30;
                in the demo res, the arrow pos have been locate to the (0,0) but the textFiled start position
                will be change after the class change the width/height .
            var arrowPosition : Point = animation . mc . panel . localToGlobal( new Point( animation . mc . panel . arrowPos . x , animation . mc . panel . arrowPos . y));
            textMc . x = arrowPosition . x;
            textMc . y = arrowPosition . y;
            animation . mc . panel . arrowPos . visible = false;
            animation . gotoAndPlay( 1);

        public function setToolTipsPosition( _target : UIComponent) : void
            this . x = _target . x + ( _target . width >> 1);
            this . y = _target . y - 5;
         * The ToolManager will use this function to move the current tooltips
         * to the the target position , but the cusstom tooltips can't move by ToolManger
         * so not need to implement this function do the extra work
        override public function move( x : Number , y : Number) : void











