LeetCode 37 Sudoku Solver(求解数独)(*)







LeetCode 37 Sudoku Solver(求解数独)(*)_第1张图片



class Solution {
    bool col[10][10],row[10][10],f[10][10];
    bool flag = false;
    void solveSudoku(vector<vector<char>>& board) {
         for(int i = 0; i < 9;i++){
             for(int j = 0; j < 9;j++){
                 if(board[i][j] == '.')   continue;
                 int temp = 3*(i/3)+j/3;
                 int num = board[i][j]-'0';
                 col[j][num] = row[i][num] = f[temp][num] = true;
    void dfs(vector<vector<char>>& board,int i,int j){
        if(flag == true)  return ;
        if(i >= 9){
            flag = true;
            return ;
        if(board[i][j] != '.'){
             if(j < 8)  dfs(board,i,j+1);
             else dfs(board,i+1,0);
             if(flag)  return;

            int temp = 3*(i/3)+j/3;
            for(int n = 1; n <= 9; n++){
                if(!col[j][n] && !row[i][n] && !f[temp][n]){
                    board[i][j] = n + '0';
                    col[j][n] = row[i][n] = f[temp][n] = true;
                    if(j < 8)  dfs(board,i,j+1);
                    else dfs(board,i+1,0);
                    col[j][n] = row[i][n] = f[temp][n] = false;
                    if(flag)  return;
            board[i][j] = '.';
class Solution {
    // Table which allows compute the value of the cell
    // from the unambiguous bit mask as maskToValue[(mask%11)-1] 
    // uses the fact that (1<<i)%11 is unique for i = [0..8] and never produces 0
    const char maskToValue[10] = {'1','2','9','3','5','6','8','4','7','6'};
    struct SudokuSolver {
        // Using mask for each cell which constraints values which can be in the cell
        // Yeap, it is more storage, comparing to rows/cols/sqrs approach
        // but it allows to do super-fast reactive constraint propagation
        array<array<uint16_t,9>,9> board;
            // Initializing the board with mask, which permits all numbers
            for (int i=0; i<9; i++)
                for (int j=0; j<9; j++)
                    board[i][j] = 0x1ff;

        // adds value v [1..9] to the board, return false if it violates constraints
        bool add(int i, int j, int v)
            return set(i, j, 1<<(v-1));

        // set a value mask to the cell (i,j) and reactively updates constraints
        bool set(int i, int j, uint16_t mask)
            int16_t prev = board[i][j];
            if (prev == mask) return true;
            if (!(prev&mask)) return false;
            board[i][j] = mask;
            return propagate(i,j,mask);

        // propagates constraints as a result of setting i,j to mask
        bool propagate(int i, int j, uint16_t mask)
            for (int k=0; k<9; k++) {
                if (k!=j && !addConstraint(i, k, mask)) return false;
                if (k!=i && !addConstraint(k, j, mask)) return false;
                int ii = (i/3)*3 + (k/3);
                int jj = (j/3)*3 + (k%3);
                if ((i != ii || j != jj) && !addConstraint(ii, jj, mask)) return false;
            return true;

        // prohibits putting value in mask to the cell (i,j)
        bool addConstraint(int i, int j, uint16_t mask)
            int16_t newMask = board[i][j] &~ mask;
            if (newMask != board[i][j]) {
                if (newMask == 0) return false;
                board[i][j] = newMask;
                if (((newMask-1)&newMask)==0) {
                    // good news - we have only one possibility for the cell (i,j)
                    return propagate(i, j, newMask);
            return true;

        // list of cell coordinates with >1 possibilities for values
        vector<pair<int,int>> v;
        void solve()
            // finding all ambiguous cells
            for (int i=0; i<9; i++) {
                for (int j=0; j<9; j++) {
                    uint16_t mask = board[i][j];
                    if (mask&(mask-1)) v.push_back(make_pair(i,j));
            // note: it is also a good idea to sort v by the hamming weight, but
            // without sorting it is still super-fast
            // running backtracking as is

        // backtracking 
        bool backtrack(int k) {
            if (k == v.size()) return true;
            int i = v[k].first;
            int j = v[k].second;
            uint16_t mask = board[i][j];
            if (mask&(mask-1)) {
                // the board state is so compact and backtracking depth is so shallow, so
                // it is cheaper to make a snapshot of the state vs. doing classical
                // undo at each move
                auto snapshot = board;
                for (uint16_t cand = 1; cand<=0x1ff; cand = cand <<1) {
                    if (set(i, j, cand) && backtrack(k+1)) return true;
                    board = snapshot;
                return false;
            else {
                return backtrack(k + 1);


    void solveSudoku(vector<vector<char>>& board) {
        SudokuSolver solver;
        for (int i=0; i<9; i++) {
            for (int j=0; j<9; j++) {
                char c = board[i][j];
                if (c != '.' && !solver.add(i,j,c-'0')) return;
        // At this point 9 of 10 sudokus published in magazines will be solved by constraint propagation
        // only 'hard' sudokus will require some (limited) backtracking 
        for (int i=0; i<9; i++)
            for (int j=0; j<9; j++)
                board[i][j] = maskToValue[(solver.board[i][j]%11)-1];

