一起talk C栗子吧(第六十四回:C语言实例--DIY字符串复制函数)

各位看官们,大家好,上一回中咱们说的是字符串查找的例子,这一回咱们说的例子是:DIY字符串复制函数。闲话休提,言归正转。让我们一起talk C栗子吧!

我们在前面的章回中介绍过字符串复制函数,时间不长,但是有些看官已经忘记了,为了加深看官们对字符串复制函数的印象,我们准备DIY字符串复制函数。just do it by yourself!


DIY strcpy函数:

char *diy_strcpy(char *s1,const char *s2)

  • 1.在s2所指的字符串中,从第一个字符开始,把s2中的字符,赋值给s1指向的字符;
  • 2.判断是不是s2的小尾巴,如果是小尾巴,那么停止复制操作;如果不是,进入下一步;
  • 3.重复步骤1和2,直到从步骤2中停止为止。


char *diy_strcpy(char *s1,const char *s2)
    char *pStr = NULL;

    if(NULL == s1 || NULL == s2)
        return NULL;

    pStr = s1;
    while((*pStr++ = *s2++) != '\0') // 核心代码

    return s1;


/** * strcpy - Copy a %NUL terminated string * @dest: Where to copy the string to * @src: Where to copy the string from */
char *strcpy(char *dest, const char *src)
        char *tmp = dest;

        while ((*dest++ = *src++) != '\0')
                /* nothing */;
        return tmp;


DIY strncpy函数:

char *diy_strncpy(char *s1,const char *s2,int n)

  • 1.在s2所指的字符串中,从第一个字符开始,把s2中的字符,赋值给s1指向的字符;
  • 2.判断下面两个条件,只有满足了其中的任何一个条件 ,那么停止复制操作;如果两个条件都不满足,那么进入第三步:
    • 条件一:赋值的字符是不是s2的小尾巴;
    • 条件二:赋值的次数是不是超过了n次;
  • 3.重复步骤1和2,直到从步骤2中停止为止;
  • 4.判断步骤2中复制字符的数量,如果数量小于n,那么把空字符赋值给s1,赋值的次数为剩下的数量。


char *diy_strncpy(char *s1,const char *s2,int n)
    char *pStr = NULL;

    if(NULL == s1 || NULL == s2)
        return NULL;

    pStr = s1;
    while(*s2!='\0' && n-->0) // \0 is not copyed to s1
        *pStr++ = *s2++;

    while(n-- > 0) // if the size of s2 is less then n, copy \0 to s1.
        *pStr++ = '\0';

    return s1;

大家想想 ,我们在给字符赋值过程中,能不能使用像strcpy中的语句进行赋值操作:

while ((*dest++ = *src++) != '\0')


 * strncpy - Copy a length-limited, C-string
 * @dest: Where to copy the string to
 * @src: Where to copy the string from
 * @count: The maximum number of bytes to copy
 * The result is not %NUL-terminated if the source exceeds
 * @count bytes.
 * In the case where the length of @src is less than  that  of
 * count, the remainder of @dest will be padded with %NUL.
char *strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t count)
        char *tmp = dest;

        while (count) {
                if ((*tmp = *src) != 0) src++; tmp++; count--; } return dest; }


 if ((*tmp = *src) != 0)


DIY memcpy函数:

void *diy_memcpy(void *s1,const void *s2,int n)

  • 1.在s2所指的字符串中,从第一个字符开始,把s2中的字符,赋值给s1指向的字符;
  • 2.判断赋值的次数是不是超过了n次。如果是,那么停止复制操作;否则进入第三步:
  • 3.重复步骤1和2,直到从步骤2中停止为止;


void *diy_memcpy(void *s1,const void *s2,int n)
    char *pStr = NULL;
    const char *pCStr = NULL;

    if(NULL == s1 || NULL == s2)
        return NULL;

    pStr = (char*)s1; // change the void * to char *
    pCStr = (char*)s2;
    while(n-- > 0) // \0 is not copyed to s1
        *pStr++ = *pCStr++;

    return s1;


/** * memcpy - Copy one area of memory to another * @dest: Where to copy to * @src: Where to copy from * @count: The size of the area. * * You should not use this function to access IO space, use memcpy_toio() * or memcpy_fromio() instead. */
void *memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t count)
        char *tmp = dest;
        const char *s = src;

        while (count--)
                *tmp++ = *s++;
        return dest;


DIY memmove函数:

void *diy_memmove(void *s1,const void *s2,int n)

  • 1.在s2所指的字符串中,从第一个字符开始,把s2中的字符,赋值给s1指向的字符;
  • 2.判断s1和s2的在内存空间中的位置,如果s1在s2后面或者说s1的内存地址比s2的大,并且s1和s2指 向的内存空间有重叠,那么从s1和s2指向的字符串n个字符后面开始复制操作,复制时从后向前进行复制操作;否则从前向后进行复制操作;当然了,这里的复制操作和memcpy的复制操作完全一致。


void *diy_memmove(void *s1,const void *s2,int n)
    char *pStr = NULL;
    const char *pCStr = NULL;

    if(NULL == s1 || NULL == s2)
        return NULL;

    pStr = (char*)s1; // change the void * to char *
    pCStr = (char*)s2;

    if((pStr > pCStr) && (pStr < pCStr+n)) // if s1 and s2 have some same memory
        pStr += n;
        pCStr +=n;

            *--pStr = *--pCStr;// \0 is not copyed to s1
        while(n-->0) // \0 is not copyed to s1
            *pStr++ = *pCStr++;

    return s1;


/** * memmove - Copy one area of memory to another * @dest: Where to copy to * @src: Where to copy from * @count: The size of the area. * * Unlike memcpy(), memmove() copes with overlapping areas. */
void *memmove(void *dest, const void *src, size_t count)
        char *tmp;
        const char *s;

        if (dest <= src) {
                tmp = dest;
                s = src;
                while (count--)
                        *tmp++ = *s++;
        } else {
                tmp = dest;
                tmp += count;
                s = src;
                s += count;
                while (count--)
                        *--tmp = *--s;
        return dest;

通过对比,我们可以发现标准库中的函数在判断内存空间重叠时比我们DIY的函数要简洁一些。除此之外, 它和我们DIY的函数是相同的。



addr: 0xbf980b79 | s0 : string 
addr: 0xbf980b81 | s1 : str-1 
addr: 0xbf980b91 | s2 : str-2and123 
addr: 0xbf980b89 | s3 : AB 
addr: 0xbf980b77 | s4 : ABstring 
----- after running strcpy(s1,s3) ----- 
addr: 0xbf980b79 | s0 : string 
addr: 0xbf980b81 | s1 : AB 
addr: 0xbf980b91 | s2 : str-2and123 
addr: 0xbf980b89 | s3 : AB 
addr: 0xbf980b77 | s4 : ABstring 
----- after running strcpy(s1,s2) ----- 
addr: 0xbf980b79 | s0 : string 
addr: 0xbf980b81 | s1 : str-2and123 
addr: 0xbf980b91 | s2 : str-2and123 
addr: 0xbf980b89 | s3 : 123 
addr: 0xbf980b77 | s4 : ABstring 
addr: 0xbf980b79 | s0 : string 
addr: 0xbf980b81 | s1 : str-1 
addr: 0xbf980b91 | s2 : str-2and123 
addr: 0xbf980b89 | s3 : AB 
addr: 0xbf980b77 | s4 : ABstring 
----- after running strncpy(s1,s3,SIZE) ----- 
addr: 0xbf980b79 | s0 : string 
addr: 0xbf980b81 | s1 : AB 
addr: 0xbf980b91 | s2 : str-2and123 
addr: 0xbf980b89 | s3 : AB 
addr: 0xbf980b77 | s4 : ABstring 
----- after running strncpy(s1,s2,SIZE) ----- 
addr: 0xbf980b79 | s0 : string 
addr: 0xbf980b81 | s1 : str-2andAB 
addr: 0xbf980b91 | s2 : str-2and123 
addr: 0xbf980b89 | s3 : AB 
addr: 0xbf980b77 | s4 : ABstring 
----- after running strncpy(s1,s2,SIZE-1) ----- 
addr: 0xbf980b79 | s0 : string 
addr: 0xbf980b81 | s1 : str-2an 
addr: 0xbf980b91 | s2 : str-2and123 
addr: 0xbf980b89 | s3 : AB 
addr: 0xbf980b77 | s4 : ABstring 
----- after running strncpy(s1,s2,SIZE+3) ----- 
addr: 0xbf980b79 | s0 : string 
addr: 0xbf980b81 | s1 : str-2and123 
addr: 0xbf980b91 | s2 : str-2and123 
addr: 0xbf980b89 | s3 : 123 
addr: 0xbf980b77 | s4 : ABstring 
addr: 0xbf980b79 | s0 : string 
addr: 0xbf980b81 | s1 : str-1 
addr: 0xbf980b91 | s2 : str-2and123 
addr: 0xbf980b89 | s3 : AB 
addr: 0xbf980b77 | s4 : ABstring 
----- after running memcpy(s1,s3,SIZE) ----- 
addr: 0xbf980b79 | s0 : string 
addr: 0xbf980b81 | s1 : AB 
addr: 0xbf980b91 | s2 : str-2and123 
addr: 0xbf980b89 | s3 : AB 
addr: 0xbf980b77 | s4 : ABstring 
----- after running memcpy(s1,s2,SIZE) ----- 
addr: 0xbf980b79 | s0 : string 
addr: 0xbf980b81 | s1 : str-2andAB 
addr: 0xbf980b91 | s2 : str-2and123 
addr: 0xbf980b89 | s3 : AB 
addr: 0xbf980b77 | s4 : ABstring 
----- after running memcpy(s1,s2,SIZE-1) ----- 
addr: 0xbf980b79 | s0 : string 
addr: 0xbf980b81 | s1 : str-2an 
addr: 0xbf980b91 | s2 : str-2and123 
addr: 0xbf980b89 | s3 : AB 
addr: 0xbf980b77 | s4 : ABstring 
----- after running memcpy(s1,s2,SIZE+3) ----- 
addr: 0xbf980b79 | s0 : string 
addr: 0xbf980b81 | s1 : str-2and123 
addr: 0xbf980b91 | s2 : str-2and123 
addr: 0xbf980b89 | s3 : 123 
addr: 0xbf980b77 | s4 : ABstring 
addr: 0xbf980b79 | s0 : string 
addr: 0xbf980b81 | s1 : str-1 
addr: 0xbf980b91 | s2 : str-2and123 
addr: 0xbf980b89 | s3 : AB 
addr: 0xbf980b77 | s4 : ABstring 
----- after running memmove(s1,s3,SIZE) ----- 
addr: 0xbf980b79 | s0 : string 
addr: 0xbf980b81 | s1 : AB 
addr: 0xbf980b91 | s2 : str-2and123 
addr: 0xbf980b89 | s3 : AB 
addr: 0xbf980b77 | s4 : ABstring 
----- after running strcpy(s2,s2+1) ----- 
addr: 0xbf980b91 | s2 : tr-2and123 
----- after running strncpy(s2,s2+1,SIZE) ----- 
addr: 0xbf980b91 | s2 : tr-2and1123 
----- after running memcpy(s2,s2+1,SIZE) ----- 
addr: 0xbf980b91 | s2 : tr-2and1123 
----- after running memmove(s2,s2+1,SIZE) ----- 
addr: 0xbf980b91 | s2 : tr-2and1123 

