select * from student where sex = '女'
select courseno, cname, credit
from course
select studentno , sname, phone
FROM student
WHERE point > 780
select studentno, sname, phone, classname
FROM student as 学生, class as 班级
WHERE point > 780 and 班级.classno = 学生.classno
select studentno, courseno, usually, final
FROM score
WHERE (courseno = 'c05109' OR courseno = 'c06108') AND final >= 85
update test01.dbo.奖学金
SET 奖学金 = null
WHERE 奖学金 = null
SELECT 学号, 班级编号, 综合评测, 班级名词
FROM 奖学金
SELECt studentno, sname, point, Email
FROM student
WHERE YEAR(birthday) > 1989
select sname, phone, Email
FROM student
WHERE phone not LIKE '131%'
select studentno as '学号', sname as '姓名', phone aS '手机号', YEAR(GETDATE() - YEAR(birthday)) as '年龄'
FROM student
WHERE year(birthday) > 1989
select studentno, sname, point as '入学成绩'
FROM student
ORDER BY point desc
select DISTINCT studentno, sname
FROM teach_class
WHERE final > 85
ORDER BY sname
--TOP n输出
select TOP 5 studentno, sname, point, phone
FROM student
order by point desc
select TOP 35 percent studentno studentno, sname, point, phone
FROM student
order BY point desc
--group by && having
select studentno, sum(usually * 0.3 + final * 0.7) as '总分'
FROM score
where final > 75
GROUP BY studentno
having COUNT(*) >= 3
order by sum(usually * 0.3 + final *0.7) desc
select studentno, birthday, phone
FROM student
WHERE point > 788
order by birthday
compute MAX(birthday)