Some links of Portal porducts

Some links of Portal porducts

Open source products
   jPortlet is a Portlet Container build in java. jPortlet is an open-sourced implementation of the WebSphere Portlet API.

   Jetspeed is an Open Source implementation of an Enterprise Information Portal, using Java and XML. A portal makes network resources (applications, databases and so forth) available to end-users. The user can access the portal via a web browser, WAP-phone, pager or any other device. Jetspeed acts as the central hub where information from multiple sources are made available in an easy to use manner.

   Liferay Portal is a Java/J2EE portal system that provides personalization (like Yahoo!), web email (like Hotmail), blogs (like Xanga), document library, CMS, message boards (like Jive), shopping (e-commerce), Wiki and many other web tools all available.
   Last build at 2005-01-31

   One way to say the goal is: “Use Struts, Tomcat and SQL to replace Apache for content”. BasicPortal CMS (Content Management System) is dynamic and stored in SQL and just as fast as hard to manage HTML.

   An integrated content management and corporate portal server; 100% Java based; Available under a collaborative source license (contribute or pay paradigm); Installed in minutes; Easy to use and to administer; Full Multilanguage and I18N support; Staging environement (Draft & Preview mode); Content Workflow; Content Versioning; Document Management (WebDAV Support); Built-in Portlet-based interface; Built-in support for standardized java web applications and web services (default servlets supported as portlets); Full web-based administration; Integrated with the Apache Lucene Search Engine; LDAP support; JSP and JSTL support for easy templates development; Integrated HTML reverse cache proxy; Load balancing support; dynamic XML export module and much more...

   jPorta is a fully functional portal engine built on top of the Jeenius Framework . It works with any 2.3 compilant servlet engine and comes with a number of useful gadgets.
   Last build at 2002-10-01.

   Pluto is the Reference Implementation of the Java Portlet Specfication. The current version of this specification is JSR 168.
   Eclipse Plugins for Pluto
      The purpose of this project is to provide you with a set of Eclipse plug-ins that facilitates the writing and deployment of JSR-168 compliant portlets on the Pluto Reference Implementation.

   PHP Nuke is the most popular Web Portal Software. Developed by Francisco Burzi. The complete solution for any webmaster who would like to developed his own portal. With the world's biggest support community for a PHP project.
   Last buid at 2005-06-02.

   OpenPortal is a web portal framework that allows its users to personalise their web page on the site running this software. The users constructs his/her page by selecting between a set of portlets made available. A portlet can be a servlet or a JSP page.

   DotNetNuke ® is a free, Open Source, extensible content management system ideal for creating and maintaining professional websites. DotNetNuke is built on a Microsoft ASP.NET (VB.NET) platform.  The most recently released version is 3.1.

Starlight Portal
   Startlight Portal是我一位上大学时实验室的师兄 Zhibo Liu 最近做的一个Open Source的C# Portal Framwork。也放在这里做做广告吧。 _dancers__by_darkmoon3636.gif
   Starlight Portal is a project written in C#, it contains two licensing options: Open Source License and Commercial License .
   Starlight Portal is aimed at small-medium class enterprises, to provide them a good content management, knowledge management and collaboration platform.

Commercial products
BEA WebLogic Portal
IBM Websphere Portal
Oracle Portal Developer Kit
Microsoft SharePoint
   Sharepoint Utilities
      Utilities for Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server 2001/2003 ans Windows SharePoint Services.
SAP Portal
   Vignette portal solutions allow you to quickly configure and deploy robust portals and applications for your organization. Based on industry leading portal technology, Vignette portal solutions set the bar for technical excellence in the market, and are the perfect complement to our advanced content management solutions. 

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