case dojox.gfx.defaultRect.type: return this.createRect(shape);
case dojox.gfx.defaultCircle.type: return this.createCircle(shape);
case dojox.gfx.defaultEllipse.type: return this.createEllipse(shape);
case dojox.gfx.defaultLine.type: return this.createLine(shape);
case dojox.gfx.defaultPolyline.type: return this.createPolyline(shape);
case dojox.gfx.defaultImage.type: return this.createImage(shape);
case dojox.gfx.defaultText.type: return this.createText(shape);
case dojox.gfx.defaultTextPath.type: return this.createTextPath(shape);
可以create的 方法
DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//ZH-CN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"
< html >
< head >
< meta http-equiv ="Content-Type" content ="text/html" />
< script type ="text/javascript" src =""
djConfig ="parseOnLoad: true" ></ script >
< style type ="text/css" >
@import "";
@import "";
</ style >
< script type ="text/javascript" >
dojo.require( " dojox.gfx " );
dojo.addOnLoad( function (){
container = dojo.byId( " gfx_holder " );
var surface = dojox.gfx.createSurface(container, 385 , 385 ); // 创建图范围
surface.createImage({width: 30 , height: 40 , src: " " }); // create
surface.createCircle({cx: 100 , cy: 100 , r: 20 }) .setFill('blue');
surface.createLine({x1: 0 , y1: 350 , x2: 700 , y2: 250 }).setStroke( " green " );
surface.createRect({x: 70 , y: 70 , width: 20 , height: 20 }).setFill( " red " );
var hour_hand_points = [{x: 50 , y: 82 }, {x: 100 , y: 15 },{x: 200 , y: 20 }];
var m = dojox.gfx.matrix;
var initial_matrix = m.translate( 250 , 250 );
g = surface.createGroup().setTransform(initial_matrix);
var f, s = {color: " black " , width: 1 };
f = " #ffffff " ; s = {color: " #000000 " , width: 0.172 };
g.createPath( " M-122.304 84.285C-122.304 2000.285 -122.203 86.179 -123.027 86.16C-123.851 700.141 -140.305 38.066 -160.833 40.309C-160.833 40.309 -143.05 32.956 -122.304 84.285z " ).setFill(f).setStroke(s);
//画画 不过天知道画的是什么
</ script >
< div id ="gfx_holder" style ="width: 385px; height: 385px;" ></ div >
</ html >
case dojox.gfx.defaultPath.type: return this.createPath(shape);
< html >
< head >
< meta http-equiv ="Content-Type" content ="text/html" />
< script type ="text/javascript" src =""
djConfig ="parseOnLoad: true" ></ script >
< style type ="text/css" >
@import "";
@import "";
</ style >
< script type ="text/javascript" >
dojo.require( " dojox.gfx " );
dojo.addOnLoad( function (){
container = dojo.byId( " gfx_holder " );
var surface = dojox.gfx.createSurface(container, 385 , 385 ); // 创建图范围
surface.createImage({width: 30 , height: 40 , src: " " }); // create
surface.createCircle({cx: 100 , cy: 100 , r: 20 }) .setFill('blue');
surface.createLine({x1: 0 , y1: 350 , x2: 700 , y2: 250 }).setStroke( " green " );
surface.createRect({x: 70 , y: 70 , width: 20 , height: 20 }).setFill( " red " );
var hour_hand_points = [{x: 50 , y: 82 }, {x: 100 , y: 15 },{x: 200 , y: 20 }];
var m = dojox.gfx.matrix;
var initial_matrix = m.translate( 250 , 250 );
g = surface.createGroup().setTransform(initial_matrix);
var f, s = {color: " black " , width: 1 };
f = " #ffffff " ; s = {color: " #000000 " , width: 0.172 };
g.createPath( " M-122.304 84.285C-122.304 2000.285 -122.203 86.179 -123.027 86.16C-123.851 700.141 -140.305 38.066 -160.833 40.309C-160.833 40.309 -143.05 32.956 -122.304 84.285z " ).setFill(f).setStroke(s);
//画画 不过天知道画的是什么
</ script >
< div id ="gfx_holder" style ="width: 385px; height: 385px;" ></ div >
</ html >
case dojox.gfx.defaultRect.type: return this.createRect(shape);
case dojox.gfx.defaultCircle.type: return this.createCircle(shape);
case dojox.gfx.defaultEllipse.type: return this.createEllipse(shape);
case dojox.gfx.defaultLine.type: return this.createLine(shape);
case dojox.gfx.defaultPolyline.type: return this.createPolyline(shape);
case dojox.gfx.defaultImage.type: return this.createImage(shape);
case dojox.gfx.defaultText.type: return this.createText(shape);
case dojox.gfx.defaultTextPath.type: return this.createTextPath(shape);
可以create的 方法
DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//ZH-CN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"
< html >
< head >
< meta http-equiv ="Content-Type" content ="text/html" />
< script type ="text/javascript" src =""
djConfig ="parseOnLoad: true" ></ script >
< style type ="text/css" >
@import "";
@import "";
</ style >
< script type ="text/javascript" >
dojo.require( " dojox.gfx " );
var container = null ;
var container_position = null ;
var surface = null ;
var surface_size = null ;
var gShapes = {}
var gShapeCounter = 0 ;
function makeCircleGrid(aShape)
var id = " shape_ " + (gShapeCounter ++ );
aShape.getEventSource().setAttribute('shapeid', id);
dojox.gfx._addClass(aShape.getEventSource(), " movable " );
gShapes[id] = aShape;
var current_shape = null ;
var current_shape_window = null ;
var last_position = null ;
function getShape(event)
var id = event.target.getAttribute('shapeid');
var s = id ? gShapes[id] : null ;
return s;
function handleMouseDown(event)
var shape = getShape(event);
if (shape) {
current_shape = shape;
last_position = {
x: event.clientX - container_position.x,
y: event.clientY - container_position.y
var params = shape.getShape();
//正方形的是 params [x ,y width,height]
var center = dojox.gfx.matrix.multiplyPoint(shape.getTransform(), params.x, params.y);
var dx = last_position.x - center.x;
var dy = last_position.y - center.y;
current_shape_window = {
x1: params.width + dx,
y1: params.height + dy,
x2: surface_size.width + dx,
y2: surface_size.height + dy
function handleMouseMove(event)
if ( ! current_shape) return ;
var x = Math.min(Math.max(event.clientX - container_position.x, current_shape_window.x1), current_shape_window.x2);
var y = Math.min(Math.max(event.clientY - container_position.y, current_shape_window.y1), current_shape_window.y2);
current_shape.applyTransform({dx: x - last_position.x, dy: y - last_position.y});
last_position = {x: x, y: y};
function handleMouseUp(event)
current_shape = null ;
function initGfx() {
container = dojo.byId( " gfx_holder " );
container_position = dojo.coords(container, true );
surface = dojox.gfx.createSurface(container, 500 , 500 );
surface_size = surface.getDimensions();
surface_size.width = parseInt(surface_size.width);
surface_size.height = parseInt(surface_size.height);
var aShape = surface.createRect({x: 70 , y: 70 , width: 20 , height: 20 }).setFill( " red " );
dojo.connect(container, 'onmousedown', handleMouseDown);
dojo.connect(container, 'onmousemove', handleMouseMove);
dojo.connect(container, 'onmouseup', handleMouseUp);
// cancel text selection and text dragging
dojo.connect(container, " ondragstart " , dojo, " stopEvent " );
dojo.connect(container, " onselectstart " , dojo, " stopEvent " );
</ script >
< style type ="text/css" >
.movable { cursor : pointer ; }
</ style >
</ head >
< body >
< h1 > dojox.gfx: 100 draggable circles </ h1 >
< div id ="gfx_holder" style ="width: 500px; height: 500px;" ></ div >
</ body >
</ html >
< html >
< head >
< meta http-equiv ="Content-Type" content ="text/html" />
< script type ="text/javascript" src =""
djConfig ="parseOnLoad: true" ></ script >
< style type ="text/css" >
@import "";
@import "";
</ style >
< script type ="text/javascript" >
dojo.require( " dojox.gfx " );
var container = null ;
var container_position = null ;
var surface = null ;
var surface_size = null ;
var gShapes = {}
var gShapeCounter = 0 ;
function makeCircleGrid(aShape)
var id = " shape_ " + (gShapeCounter ++ );
aShape.getEventSource().setAttribute('shapeid', id);
dojox.gfx._addClass(aShape.getEventSource(), " movable " );
gShapes[id] = aShape;
var current_shape = null ;
var current_shape_window = null ;
var last_position = null ;
function getShape(event)
var id = event.target.getAttribute('shapeid');
var s = id ? gShapes[id] : null ;
return s;
function handleMouseDown(event)
var shape = getShape(event);
if (shape) {
current_shape = shape;
last_position = {
x: event.clientX - container_position.x,
y: event.clientY - container_position.y
var params = shape.getShape();
//正方形的是 params [x ,y width,height]
var center = dojox.gfx.matrix.multiplyPoint(shape.getTransform(), params.x, params.y);
var dx = last_position.x - center.x;
var dy = last_position.y - center.y;
current_shape_window = {
x1: params.width + dx,
y1: params.height + dy,
x2: surface_size.width + dx,
y2: surface_size.height + dy
function handleMouseMove(event)
if ( ! current_shape) return ;
var x = Math.min(Math.max(event.clientX - container_position.x, current_shape_window.x1), current_shape_window.x2);
var y = Math.min(Math.max(event.clientY - container_position.y, current_shape_window.y1), current_shape_window.y2);
current_shape.applyTransform({dx: x - last_position.x, dy: y - last_position.y});
last_position = {x: x, y: y};
function handleMouseUp(event)
current_shape = null ;
function initGfx() {
container = dojo.byId( " gfx_holder " );
container_position = dojo.coords(container, true );
surface = dojox.gfx.createSurface(container, 500 , 500 );
surface_size = surface.getDimensions();
surface_size.width = parseInt(surface_size.width);
surface_size.height = parseInt(surface_size.height);
var aShape = surface.createRect({x: 70 , y: 70 , width: 20 , height: 20 }).setFill( " red " );
dojo.connect(container, 'onmousedown', handleMouseDown);
dojo.connect(container, 'onmousemove', handleMouseMove);
dojo.connect(container, 'onmouseup', handleMouseUp);
// cancel text selection and text dragging
dojo.connect(container, " ondragstart " , dojo, " stopEvent " );
dojo.connect(container, " onselectstart " , dojo, " stopEvent " );
</ script >
< style type ="text/css" >
.movable { cursor : pointer ; }
</ style >
</ head >
< body >
< h1 > dojox.gfx: 100 draggable circles </ h1 >
< div id ="gfx_holder" style ="width: 500px; height: 500px;" ></ div >
</ body >
</ html >
var shape = getShape(event);
if (shape) {
current_shape = shape;
last_position = {
x: event.clientX - container_position.x,
y: event.clientY - container_position.y
var params = shape.getShape();
// 形状的不同 就是 params 的取值不同 params [cx,xy,r]
var center = dojox.gfx.matrix.multiplyPoint(shape.getTransform(), params.cx, params.cy);
var dx = last_position.x - center.x;
var dy = last_position.y - center.y;
var r = params.r;
current_shape_window = {
x1: r + dx,
y1: r + dy,
x2: surface_size.width - r + dx,
y2: surface_size.height - r + dy
var shape = getShape(event);
if (shape) {
current_shape = shape;
last_position = {
x: event.clientX - container_position.x,
y: event.clientY - container_position.y
var params = shape.getShape();
// 形状的不同 就是 params 的取值不同 params [cx,xy,r]
var center = dojox.gfx.matrix.multiplyPoint(shape.getTransform(), params.cx, params.cy);
var dx = last_position.x - center.x;
var dy = last_position.y - center.y;
var r = params.r;
current_shape_window = {
x1: r + dx,
y1: r + dy,
x2: surface_size.width - r + dx,
y2: surface_size.height - r + dy