CVS - Version Control for Source Code

CVS - Version Control for Source Code



CVS is a tool which allows development teams to safely coordinate and track software source code changes.


Connection Information

A list of supported CVS clients and configuration information is provided in Recommended User Software Configuration.

As a reminder, only Open Source licensed software may be hosted on provided services, including CVS.

The following configuration settings are used to access a CVS repository:

  • Hostname: (PROJECTNAME is the project's UNIX name)
  • Port: 2401 (anonymous :pserver: authentication) or 22 (developer :ext: authentication via SSH)
  • Protocol: :pserver: for anonymous CVS, or :ext: for developers (with SSH for external authentication; export CVS_RSH=ssh)
  • Repository Path: /cvsroot/PROJECTNAME (PROJECTNAME is the project's UNIX name)
  • Username: 'anonymous' for anonymous CVS access or your username for developer CVS access.
  • Password: There is no password for anonymous CVS access (just hit the enter key when prompted for one). You must generate a SSH key for developer authentication.


CVS Documentation

CVS is a complex tool.

The document you are reading now is meant to be an introduction to CVS as applied to Full reference materials exist, with extensive detail on how to use CVS.

We recommend that all users new to CVS read one of the following:

  • The CVS Manual (the Cederqvist)
  • Open Source Development with CVS (The CVS Book)


Using CVS

To quickly begin using CVS:

  1. Refer to the "A Day With CVS" section of Open Source Development with CVS. It covers most commands in a step-wise manner that is very helpful.
  2. Read this document.
  3. If you are a developer, generate and post a SSH key for CVS usage.
  4. Install and configure an appropriate CVS client for your platform.
  5. If you are creating a new repository, ask for an import of your existing CVS or RCS repository, or create a module.
  6. Checkout a working copy of the repository.

   by Karl Fogel and Moshe Bar

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