本章我们要讲解的是S.O.L.I.D五大原则JavaScript语言实现的第2篇,开闭原则OCP(The Open/Closed Principle )。
Software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be open for extension but closed for modification. 软件实体(类,模块,方法等等)应当对扩展开放,对修改关闭,即软件实体应当在不修改的前提下扩展。
open for extension(对扩展开放)的意思是说当新需求出现的时候,可以通过扩展现有模型达到目的。而Close for modification(对修改关闭)的意思是说不允许对该实体做任何修改,说白了,就是这些需要执行多样行为的实体应该设计成不需要修改就可以实现各种的变化,坚持开闭原则有利于用最少的代码进行项目维护。
// 问题类型 var AnswerType = { Choice: 0, Input: 1 }; // 问题实体 function question(label, answerType, choices) { return { label: label, answerType: answerType, choices: choices // 这里的choices是可选参数 }; } var view = (function () { // render一个问题 function renderQuestion(target, question) { var questionWrapper = document.createElement('div'); questionWrapper.className = 'question'; var questionLabel = document.createElement('div'); questionLabel.className = 'question-label'; var label = document.createTextNode(question.label); questionLabel.appendChild(label); var answer = document.createElement('div'); answer.className = 'question-input'; // 根据不同的类型展示不同的代码:分别是下拉菜单和输入框两种 if (question.answerType === AnswerType.Choice) { var input = document.createElement('select'); var len = question.choices.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var option = document.createElement('option'); option.text = question.choices[i]; option.value = question.choices[i]; input.appendChild(option); } } else if (question.answerType === AnswerType.Input) { var input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'text'; } answer.appendChild(input); questionWrapper.appendChild(questionLabel); questionWrapper.appendChild(answer); target.appendChild(questionWrapper); } return { // 遍历所有的问题列表进行展示 render: function (target, questions) { for (var i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) { renderQuestion(target, questions[i]); }; } }; })(); var questions = [ question('Have you used tobacco products within the last 30 days?', AnswerType.Choice, ['Yes', 'No']), question('What medications are you currently using?', AnswerType.Input) ]; var questionRegion = document.getElementById('questions'); view.render(questionRegion, questions);
function questionCreator(spec, my) { var that = {}; my = my || {}; my.label = spec.label; my.renderInput = function () { throw "not implemented"; // 这里renderInput没有实现,主要目的是让各自问题类型的实现代码去覆盖整个方法 }; that.render = function (target) { var questionWrapper = document.createElement('div'); questionWrapper.className = 'question'; var questionLabel = document.createElement('div'); questionLabel.className = 'question-label'; var label = document.createTextNode(spec.label); questionLabel.appendChild(label); var answer = my.renderInput(); // 该render方法是同样的粗合理代码 // 唯一的不同就是上面的一句my.renderInput() // 因为不同的问题类型有不同的实现 questionWrapper.appendChild(questionLabel); questionWrapper.appendChild(answer); return questionWrapper; }; return that; }
function choiceQuestionCreator(spec) { var my = {}, that = questionCreator(spec, my); // choice类型的renderInput实现 my.renderInput = function () { var input = document.createElement('select'); var len = spec.choices.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var option = document.createElement('option'); option.text = spec.choices[i]; option.value = spec.choices[i]; input.appendChild(option); } return input; }; return that; } function inputQuestionCreator(spec) { var my = {}, that = questionCreator(spec, my); // input类型的renderInput实现 my.renderInput = function () { var input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'text'; return input; }; return that; }
choiceQuestionCreator函数和inputQuestionCreator函数分别对应下拉菜单和input输入框的renderInput实现,通过内部调用统一的questionCreator(spec, my)然后返回that对象(同一类型哦)。
var view = { render: function(target, questions) { for (var i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) { target.appendChild(questions[i].render()); } } };
var questions = [ choiceQuestionCreator({ label: 'Have you used tobacco products within the last 30 days?', choices: ['Yes', 'No'] }), inputQuestionCreator({ label: 'What medications are you currently using?' }) ];
var questionRegion = document.getElementById('questions');
view.render(questionRegion, questions);
function questionCreator(spec, my) { var that = {}; my = my || {}; my.label = spec.label; my.renderInput = function() { throw "not implemented"; }; that.render = function(target) { var questionWrapper = document.createElement('div'); questionWrapper.className = 'question'; var questionLabel = document.createElement('div'); questionLabel.className = 'question-label'; var label = document.createTextNode(spec.label); questionLabel.appendChild(label); var answer = my.renderInput(); questionWrapper.appendChild(questionLabel); questionWrapper.appendChild(answer); return questionWrapper; }; return that; } function choiceQuestionCreator(spec) { var my = {}, that = questionCreator(spec, my); my.renderInput = function() { var input = document.createElement('select'); var len = spec.choices.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var option = document.createElement('option'); option.text = spec.choices[i]; option.value = spec.choices[i]; input.appendChild(option); } return input; }; return that; } function inputQuestionCreator(spec) { var my = {}, that = questionCreator(spec, my); my.renderInput = function() { var input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'text'; return input; }; return that; } var view = { render: function(target, questions) { for (var i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) { target.appendChild(questions[i].render()); } } }; var questions = [ choiceQuestionCreator({ label: 'Have you used tobacco products within the last 30 days?', choices: ['Yes', 'No'] }), inputQuestionCreator({ label: 'What medications are you currently using?' }) ]; var questionRegion = document.getElementById('questions'); view.render(questionRegion, questions);