UVALive 4260 Fortune Card Game (Regionals 2008 Asia Taipei +DP)

【题目链接】:click here~~


A popular card game called ``fortune" is getting popular in country X. Fig. 1 shows one of the cards. In each card, a positive integer number (20 in the figure) is listed as the address of the card. A symbol is drawn beside the address. There are five kinds of symbols, which are listed below the card. For convenience, let each symbol be represented by an English letter from `A'-`E'. The bottom of a card contains another number called ``next fortune number."

Figure 1: A sample fortune card and symbols.

In a set of fortune cards, many cards can have same address; that is, address 20 is not limited to appear only in one card. However, there will be no cards that are identical, i.e., no two cards with same address, symbol, and next fortune number.

The fortune card game is played as follows. A player starts with cards that have address 1. The goal of the game is trying to complete a ``spell" that is composed by the symbols. For example, let a spell be ``BADDAD". In the first move, the player will look for cards that have address 1 with a star symbol (which matches `B' in the spell). The next fortune numbers of these cards are the new addresses for the next move. The player can select one card to advance to a new address x. The selected card is then put back to the cards for next move but the fortune number is written down.

Let the example be continued. In the next move, the player needs to look for the cards that have new address x with the cross symbol (which matches the second `A' in the spell). Again, the player selects one card to advance to another new address. This procedure continues until the spell ``BADDAD" is completed. Once the player completes a spell, he wins a score by adding all the next fortune numbers of the selected card, which have been written down.

Given a spell and a set of fortune cards, please output the maximum score that can be played in this card game.

Technical Specification

  1. N - the number of test cases, N10 .
  2. C - the number of cards, C800 .
  3. L - the length of a spell, L150 .


Test data begins with an integer N which is the number of test cases. Each test case begins with an integer C, which is the number of cards. Following the number C is C lines of card information. Each card is represented by (Address Symbol NextF ortuneNumber). The address and next fortune number are between 1 and 800. The symbols are capital letters from `A' to `E'. The last line of a test case is a spell. The spell is a string composed by capital letters from `A' to `E'. The length of the spell (L ) is less than 150.


For each test case, please output the maximum score that can be collected for each test case.

Sample Input 

1 A 2 
1 A 3 
2 A 3 
2 B 4 
2 B 5 
3 A 3 
3 B 4 
1 A 2 
1 B 2 
1 A 3 
1 B 3 
2 A 3 
2 B 3 

Sample Output 

【题目大意】:玩家控制一个卡牌游戏,n张卡片,每张有三个属性,ai:地址,s:卡牌字母,bi:卡牌价值,给你一个固定spell拼音字母序列,求集成所有拼音字母序列得到的最大价值,规则,若选择一张卡牌,则该张卡牌的价值属性是变成下一次寻找的卡牌的地址属性 。


The next fortune numbers of these cards are the new addresses for the next move


* Problem: UVALive 4260
* Running time: 46MS
* Complier: G++
* Author: javaherongwei
* Create Time: 20:16 2015/10/14 星期三
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int maxn=1e3+10;
const int inf=0x3f3f3f3f;
inline int max(int a,int b){return a>b?a:b;}
inline int min(int a,int b){return a<b?a:b;}
struct node
    int ai,bi;
    char s;
} st[maxn];
string str;
int dp[maxn][maxn];
int main()
    int t;cin>>t;
        int n;cin>>n;
        for(int i=1; i<=n; ++i){
        int len=str.size();
        for(int i=1; i<=len; ++i){///枚举结果字母序列
            for(int j=1; j<=n; ++j){///枚举第j个卡片
                if(st[j].s!=str[i-1]) continue;///如果当前枚举的卡片不对应spell里的卡片,continue
               // cout<<"dp[i][j]= "<<dp[i][j]<<endl;
        int ans=0;
        for(int i=1; i<=n; ++i)
    return 0;
