解决 adb not responding. if you'd like to retry then please manually kill adb.exe and click 'restart'

最近Android Studio老是提示一个问题,adb not responding. if you'd like to retry then please manually kill adb.exe and click 'restart',restart没用,kill-server和start-server也没用,最后发现,某手机助手程序偷偷占用了adb运行的端口号5037...

知道原因之后那就简单了,查看那个程序占用5037端口  ->运行cmd,netstat -ano | findstr "5037",果不其然


解决 adb not responding. if you'd like to retry then please manually kill adb.exe and click 'restart'_第1张图片

然后,重新启动一下adb服务,或者直接重启Android Studio。搞定~~
